#298 posted by Kinn on 2008/09/04 20:43:17
wins trhead
request close plz
Making Lyrics That Rhymes To A Companies Name Must Be The Nerdiest
#299 posted by megaman on 2008/09/04 21:16:10
thing evar.
I Was Just Proud To Use The Word
#300 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/09/04 21:20:30
FLID, thats F - L - I - D ! !!
No, Don't Close It,
#301 posted by HeadThump on 2008/09/04 21:31:18
this is some great stuff; it makes us nerd not dorks, nerd implies some intelligence.
#302 posted by HeadThump on 2008/09/04 21:33:20
as a prime example:
it makes us nerd not dorks
it makes us dorks, not nerds.
That Canadian beer I drink has finally wrestled the last remaining brain cell in my head down for the count.
Sure Q3's Art Direction Was Pretty Lame
#303 posted by bear on 2008/09/04 21:57:02
Replaying Alpha Labs Section
#304 posted by HeadThump on 2008/09/06 19:23:14
of Doom 3 last week, I realized I was subcounsiously employing a tactic as I moved through the rooms and corridors. Upon entering an area, I would scan it looking for detailed modeling and keep my back oriented to those models. Monster closets were only made with simple brush work, so it was a safe assumption to
make while playing. Imp sized areas would become pretty much self evident.
#305 posted by whatever on 2008/09/09 22:12:59
I.D. software sounds way better than "eeehddd"
#306 posted by ijed on 2008/09/09 22:14:21
"Game Design is 99% programming and 1% design" - John Carmack
That's why.
"eeehddd" ?
#307 posted by metlslime on 2008/09/09 22:46:58
it's supposed to rhyme with "rid" not "red"
#308 posted by Lunaran on 2008/09/10 03:51:18
"Design is law" - John Romero
id games before romero left: awesome
carmack games without romero: systematic, methodical, repetitive, uninteresting
romero games without carmack: unfinished piles of unchecked ambition
see? it all makes sense
We Really Need To Get Those Two Back Together...
#309 posted by metlslime on 2008/09/10 04:06:29
Okay Here's The Plan
#310 posted by Zwiffle on 2008/09/10 05:04:44
I'll invite Romero over, saying it'll be a casual get together. You get Carmack over here with the promise an iPhone contract. When they meet up, we'll lock them in a room until they work out their differences or one cannibalizes the other to surive.
Something big is happening here, people.
#311 posted by Urre on 2008/09/10 09:21:39
That sounds very similar to a Strafe Left strip I read a while ago on RPS...
#310 FTW
#312 posted by Shambler on 2008/09/10 10:45:56
#313 posted by Kinn on 2008/09/10 19:27:39
Something big is happening here, people.
and it's happening in my pants
#314 posted by Sielwolf on 2008/09/10 20:37:44
lay off the vindaloo dude
Speaking Of Pants
#315 posted by Lunaran on 2008/09/10 22:09:27
wasn't this thread about doom4
#316 posted by starbuck on 2008/09/11 15:57:02
"Game Design is 99% programming and 1% design" - John Carmack
One of the stupidest quotes I've ever seen attributed to a smart person. Is it legit?
#317 posted by ijed on 2008/09/11 16:00:29
Got it from 'On Game Design' by Chris Crawford.
Good read, btw.
John 'JBJ' Carmack EYHO
#318 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/09/11 16:04:57
99% Tech, 1% Design
#319 posted by Zwiffle on 2008/09/11 16:41:57
Gets you rubbish like UT or FEAR. Design gets you Quake, BioShock, Fallout 3... etc.
#320 posted by Spirit on 2008/09/11 17:42:22
In Carmack's case Tech and Design are almost the same.
#321 posted by Blitz on 2008/09/12 01:30:57
Design gets you Quake
The whole point of Quake is that they scrapped the original design and just slapped a bunch of random shit together.
#322 posted by Zwiffle on 2008/09/12 01:34:35
Good designers know when what they've got isn't working and take appropriate action.
*ahem* FEAR *ahem*