#32110 posted by metlslime on 2022/03/08 18:26:42
#32111 posted by oglerau on 2022/03/14 18:56:23
does anyone know a good bot mod for Q1? looking for bots that are not just omnipresent gods, but actually use tactics, flanking you or stuff like that.
Sounds Like A PHD-level Problem To Me.
#32112 posted by h4724 on 2022/03/14 21:35:20
Frogbot The Offical Qw Bot
#32113 posted by anonymous user on 2022/03/16 04:29:00
no other bot can compare !
For Q3 There Was The Mindworks Bot
#32114 posted by ijed on 2022/03/21 01:53:20
Frogbot is decent, as is the Reaperbot, but both suffer from the 'always perfect' Ai design schema.
#32115 posted by Kinn on 2022/03/26 16:22:53
Made the fatal mistake of clicking that link, and then the even more fatal mistake of clicking on the guy's channel to see what other horrors he's uploaded.
Fucking honest-to-god straight-up psychopath. Silence of the Lambs material. Fucking hell.
It's Been A While....
#32117 posted by JPL on 2022/03/27 18:26:50
Hi guys
I just aquired a brand new laptop with (unfortunately) Windows 11 installed, and I am currently reinstalling all my favourite Quake stuff (FitzQuake 0.85, my maps/mods, mapping tools, etc..)
This fucking laptop does not let Quake to run, because the "specified video mode is not available"... wtf ? Even trying to play with compatibility options failed..
Anyone already experienced such issue and have a n idea how to solve it ?
Thanks a lot in advance for your help
What Driver Is The GPU?
#32118 posted by RickyT33 on 2022/03/27 18:56:14
Also: do other games run? OpenGL, Direct3D etc?
#32119 posted by JPL on 2022/03/27 18:59:37
WinQuake run fine (but resolution sucks)...
GLQuake didn't
I also tried Doom3, Doom3 RoE without issues...
Nez laptop.. new issue.. :/
.. And
#32120 posted by JPL on 2022/03/27 19:04:17
.. I have an AMD Ryzen 7 5800H @3.2GHz with Radeon graphic + GFx GeForce GTX1650
#32121 posted by metlslime on 2022/03/27 20:41:21
if it's just FitzQuake picking a default bad resolution (or your config file or command line specifying one) you could try this:
1. start in windowed mode (-window)
2. try to choose the mode you want in the video options menu (use the "test" option first if you want to be extra cautious)
3. or in the console type vid_describemodes and see if the mode you want is in the list.
4. you can choose a video mode in the console by setting cvars vid_width, vid_height, vid_fullscreen, vid_bpp, and vid_refreshrate, then using vid_restart
5. you can choose a video mode in the command line with fitzquake.exe -width XXX -height XXX -bpp XXX
Did You Install The Drivers Yourself?
#32122 posted by RickyT33 on 2022/03/27 21:07:51
Have you tried reinstalling latest Geforce drivers?
#32121 /32122
#32123 posted by JPL on 2022/03/28 10:03:02
Ok thanks,
@metlslime: I’ll give it a try and let you know whether it works.
@RickyT33: for the driver install: I bought the laptop with everything installed, not even picked yet any Windows update yet. Latest DirectX 12 driver already installed… but not sure about OpenGL (I didn’t find yet… maybe it is not installed at all: that may also be an explanation.. though…)
#32124 posted by mh on 2022/03/28 12:31:01
You can use the OpenGL Extensions Viewer to verify your GL driver is installed correctly: https://www.realtech-vr.com/home/glview
Any modern OpenGL driver (including Intel) should be giving you OpenGL 4.6, so if the GL version is any lower then you've got something wrong. Also check that the vendor matches your GPU vendor. It will also check your available display modes and pixel formats.
#32125 posted by JPL on 2022/03/29 08:50:59
That's almost working: I can start Quake in window mode, change the video settings, play, etc... but if I quit, and try to re-run by double-clicking on FitzQuake directly, the same error comes back... like if the settings are just temporary set, and not saved....
I need to restart from window mode to have it working.. with the smallest video siwe available..
#32126 posted by metlslime on 2022/03/29 10:17:19
the way fitzquake does video modes, it first creates a window with a default mode, then reads the config file, and then switches modes. For you that means that, even though the desired mode is saved in the config file, first it tries to create an unsupported mode.
The workaround would be for you to create a shortcut that includes the command line options for the mode you want. Then it will load directly into a supported mode. And launch the game with that shortcut instead of the exe itself.
#32127 posted by JPL on 2022/03/29 11:02:23
It works well with a shortcut that embeds directly "-width XX -height YY -bpp ZZ"
I think that's indeed a decent solution.
Thanks a lot for your support: next step is too reinstall mapping tool.
Just Get Quakespam
#32128 posted by anonymous user on 2022/03/30 12:56:17
Someone Delete #32129
#32130 posted by anonymous user on 2022/04/06 02:55:17
#32131 posted by metlslime on 2022/04/08 08:40:30
Thanks, flagged. (Since I don't read Portuguese I couldn't tell.)