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Bricklayer's Accident Report 
It would seem that I forgot to link this earlier. It found its way into my mailbox recently, so some of you have probably seen it before. 
I'll Show You How To Damn R_speeds :) 
well, if I put r_maxsurfs and r_maxedges on 9999, there's still grayflash. I need to add an extra digit to entirely eliminate it (99999). It isn't an edict problem as it was a version of the level with under 10 entities.

I think vising might help it. I'll try TyrQuake.

This map, like most of my new maps, is an experiment in quake outdoor environments (self-contradictory thus the success rate). 
I think vising might help it.

Don't complain that it won't load right if you haven't vised it. 
News Update 
at my site.

Includes 2 new reviews: Februus Depth and R_Speeds be damned. 
UnderWorldFan, MadFox 
apologies you have not recieved anything from me, my email is down and the matter is a bit more serious than a snowstorm. UWF, I'm pretty excited about how this map is progressing and I hope to get it to you soon to beta for me. I entitled it, 'One Damn Thing After Another' previously, but in the course of working on it, it has evolved its own logic, structure and flow. MadFox, I have decompiled your map, took it apart and my analysis for it almost room for room in its specification, but it is going to be at least til this weekend that I can get it to you. I'm going over my brother's place for The Game, and I'm taking my PC with me. He's the engineer in the family, I'm just the handsome one. Thnx for your patience.

Go Panthers! (Uhm, that strikes me as a little weak in the conviction department, how 'bout) Panthers uber alles!!! 
mangling lord of the rings quotes is a hangin' offense, son. 
Go Panthers! (Uhm, that strikes me as a little weak in the conviction department, how 'bout) Panthers uber alles!!!

um... I think you misspelled Patriots, who are obviously the superior team. 
My friend has a bet going with his cousin over that match. He put �20 on Patriots because he's into the sport, has been following the league and thinks they are the better team.

His cousin bet on Panthers because he thought their name sounded cooler. 
Panthers! The Patriots are tools of the Political Establishment with an official endorsement from CowBoy Ra himself. The Panthers will rise up from the ashes of the NFL's compacency and sieze the ring and all the opposition will taste the dust. Just ask McNabb; Tom Brady is a preening little priss pot compared to a giant of a man like McNabb. 
The Pats may be tools, but they are the bright shiney tools that do it all, come with lifetime warrentys, and are perfect for any job. The Panters on the other hand are just a ragtag bunch of backyard football players who go home crying to their mother when hit. It may be fun to cheer for the underdog, but relieze this is reality and the underdogs are always the tremendous failures. 
Ha! Jim Valvano Forever! 
Do you really think Brady has a chance to execute those elaborate, precision plays he is infamous for with the Panthers defense chewing on his heals? He hasn't faced anything like them this season. The only chance New England has is if there defense is as good as the Panthers in keeping Jake DelHomme (how cool of a name is that!) from his great clutch play pass throws and keeping the offense out of field goal range.

Don't listen to Vegas; they predicted a 7 point win for the Cowboys whom the Panthers completely dominated them in the first round and have been consistently wrong through out the play-offs and it because they have become lazy and complacent and just repeat what the media says. My friend, that would not be the case if the Mob still ran that town and kept them honest.

Now for the clincher.

'It may be fun to cheer for the underdog, but relieze this is reality and the underdogs are always the tremendous failures.'

That is the same thing they said about the WolfPack in '83 before they made sports history. 
�H MY G�D! 
Apologies, My European Friends 
but this is the weekend we Americans go nuts for, to quote that great American Homer Simpson, 'the only game that really matters, no, not that awful thing we call life, but football.' 
Err, No. 
we Americans

Please don't drag me into this. 
What RPG? 
Did your team lose earlier in the season? I don't understand . . . . 
HeadThump: some UNAMERICAN losers don't like football! 
He Lives On The North American Continent? 
And doesn't like football. How is that possible? I've heard the comedian Judy Gold ranting against football but she is a lesbian spouting ignorant feminist hate speach. Is RPG a lesbian? 
I doubt it, I think he's more of a Homo-Quake-Sexual... gets off on giant cocks in his maps. 
Rpg Owns 
i will defend him! 
No One Cares About Your Opinion UWF 
so I guess your defense won't work. 
Also ...... Er........... CZG! 
please read my review of your map and let me know what you think.

Its helpful and interesting to get some feedback on my map reviews sometimes. 
scampie you know i am not fooled by your transparently weak troll attempts. i thought we sorted this out once before.

go back to speedmapping! bwuhahhahahahahaha!!! =) 
I Like Football... 
...Just not the American variety. 
Scamp, We've Flushed Him Out In The Open . . . 
What is there not to like about Soccor. Throwing the ENTIRE team on the defensive position gives you incredible veritable play.

Hey! My grass is growing. I think I'll go watch it!

Unless RPG means the Canadian variety of football which is actually pretty decent. 
just when you thought the internet couldn't get any more flaming gay, you cretins start jabbering about american football, the most brilliant example of the continued pussy-fication of the western male. 
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