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Trivia: The map shots were used as paintings in e2m6rq. 
Can Confirm 
Only two of them though. Unless there's some super secret private version.
So I was missing out - what a delightful abundance of moving parts, these two maps. Thanks! 
I forgot about that :D

I think that was RJ's level. Very high quality that sadly never saw release. 
Func 19 Year Anniversary. 
Looks like we just passed the 19 year anniversary of func_msgboard. Thanks to Sleepwalkr for hosting and tech support, and thanks to the community for the maps and mods. 
Merry Christmas Y‘all 
All the best! 
Awesome! Congratulations. 
And thank YOU metlslime for maintaining the asylum. 
Quake 2022 Preview 
forgot to post the video here 
Happy Anniversary! 
Merry Christmas - I Made A Map - E1m1 Remix, Vanilla 
So tired, it's here:

Going to bed :) 
Fteqcc Appears To Evaluate Some Logical Expressions Incorrectly 
For example, the expression (1 || 0&&1 || 0&&0) is evaluated to 0.
It generally seems to do this for expressions of the type a(1) || a(2) || ... || a(n), where some a(i) are conjunctions.
Does anybody know if this is a bug?, and if not, how do I disable whatever feature this is? 
Happy New Year 
Happy New Year! 
Also, thank you dumptruck for that video, it's cool to see a summary of all the current projects since I am not plugged in enough to keep track of all of it. And I appreciate all the links you added below the video. 
That's all well and good but can it run Arcane Dimensions? 
I'm not sure if this is the right board, but can anyone help me set up Nehahra (the movie and game) for Mark V? 
Isn't it like any other Quake mod? What does the readme say? If you got it from Quaddicted I am not sure if the movie is included:


This should be all the latest files and updates of Nehahra in one ready-to-go package. The former mess of files was just too confusing. :o) Expecting most people nowadays do not have the Seal of Nehahra movie installed I unpacked the pak0.pak. If you have the movie installed please make sure not to overwrite its pak0.pak with the one included in this zip!

I made all filenames lowercase for case-sensitive operating systems. I made nehahra/ to be the folder right in the zip instead of QUAKE/
The latest version of aguirRe's Nehahra engine was included, it is recommended for playing (glquake.exe, Version 3.08 Aug 2007). The readme for it is nehahra/readmeneh.txt You can find the latest version at


11 March 2008

What have you tried that isn't working? 
When I place the "nehahra" folder next to id1, launch with -game nehahra, and start a new game, it just gives me a black screen and the console says it doesn't recognize some of the commands. I watched a video and it should be playing a cutscene by that point.

How are you doing the different text colors btw? That's cool. 
You are very welcome. It was a fun video to make and the response has been insane. The algorithm picked it up. Over 100k views and I gained 2000 subs in 2 weeks because it it. For comparison, my next highest viewed video has around 64K views but that took nearly 4 years to get to that. Same with subs, 3000 in 4 years and 2000 in two weeks. Some great timing with this video I guess. 
I missed your response. Need more info. What engine are you using? What version of Neharah?

Also as far as the text colors, that's explained here. 
To run Nehahra mod in Mark V you must use -nehahra command line parameter, not -game nehahra.

I suggest also getting correct fmod.dll from Mark V page (somewhere in the middle there's a link):

Not sure if running the movie is the same, my guess that perhaps it is. Either way I think you can watch full Seal of Nehahra movie on youtube anyway. 
Dumptruck_ds & Gila 
No worries now, I have it sorted. Great pack too! 
Beyond Belief Redux? 
So Matthais Worch is over on the Quake Mapping Discord messing around with TrenchBroom and "updating" Beyond Belief and he's experiencing sorting issues where QBSP will show overlapping brushes with the "back" brush being sorted first. We think this is due to updates in QBSP since he's using GLQuake to test. Could someone point me to where this might have been discussed in the past? And if there's something that can be done in leu of using outdated compilers?

I am curious about it and it would save him quite a bit of work if he could figure it out. 
Assuming you're talking about transparent water - I think Quakespasm doesn't have any alpha sorting at all, things like portals behind water will just be drawn in whatever order.
Other than that I don't understand how QBSP can "show" anything. If two solid brushes were overlapping, only one surface should remain. If two different bmodels overlap you'll get regular z-fighting. 
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