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Just Play More Quake 
What happened to Rick Lipsey? Anyone have a clue? He hasn't left any means of contact behind.

I might be back - will have to see. I basically suffered major Quake mapping burnout in 2016, followed by 3 years of medical issues which, while not expected to be life threatening, definitely took some wind out of my sails.

I did fire up the editor this weekend and messed around a bit. Maybe this will be the year I finally finish a map. 
Carmack Being Carmack 
GoQuake When? 
We Usually Post About These 
Sorry this announcement wasn't posted here. We usually make it a requirement to post here when the event is announced on Quake Mapping.

I'll try and make sure that happens from now on. 
that was a response to #32015 re: Halloween Jam 
Any Updates On The Halloween Jam 4: Quakeslyvania 
How is it rolling? Can we get an estimated releasedate or is the team still gathering the submissions? 
Re: Recent Quake Maps 
#32017 Recent Quake Maps

I haven't played Quake for around 5 years, but during the last few weeks I've played a lot. I have to say from what I've seen I have to agree with these comments.

One thing I'd like to add: Light up your maps. Some I've played I have to run the brightness up to maximum just to see, or even resort to fullbright. I dunno, you guys must be playing with some godawful bright settings. 
I have to take back (mostly) the comment about map brightness. I've used Fitzquake for years, but to play these newer maps I downloaded Quakespasm. I loaded the map I've been working on in QS and noticed there is a significant difference in brightness. I'd estimate the equivalent of about .25-.30 gamma. I still think some maps are way too dark, but the difference between the two executables probably accounts for a lot. 
Looking For Lost Map... 
Hi, anyone know where I can obtain the xmasjam 2018 bonus map by sock? The only link I can find is dead... 
Get It From Quaddicted 
Sorry It Was For 2017 Xmas Jam 
Not 2018 
Hmm, Sock took his entire website down.
Here is the map: The Grotto (
Date: 16th January 2018 (version 1a) 
Fab, Thanks Mankrip 
Low Tax Died 
rip to a quake's o g ! 
Christmas Jam 2021 
I assume there will be a Christmas Jam 2021? How does it normally work, is there a thread posted asking for submissions and stipulations? When does the final product normally get released? 
Quake In 2022 Video 
Quake in 2022 Video --- CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS

I'm planning on a 2022 "preview" for my YouTube channel and would love to see what everyone is working on! Mods, maps, mini-episodes, textures, sounds, music, artwork or anything Quake-related that will be coming out in the new year would be appreciated.

How YOU can get involved:

Email me or message me on Discord (dumptruck_ds#3116) with a screenshot, link to a video or other media I can use in a video and most importantly a short explanation of what you are working on.

Then what?!?

I'll make a video and show off your work! SIMPLE.


December 7th

Here's to a wonderful new year with plenty of new Quake-y goodness. 
For Exposure 
Is Lunaran Still Works On QuakeEd 3.2 
so i found this resurrected editor and i made a map with it,
it has alot of problems but its powerful,
but im wondering if its still in development. 
We put out a video today:

Zothique helped out by providing a CRT.

He also made the following comment:

Its no interpolated, just at this res, the low frame rate is not noticed!

You'll notice the Scrag and the Ogre moving very smoothly though. This was filmed in WinQuake Mark V and I don't remember if it has interpolation implemented.

Does that make sense? The low framerate of Quake combined with a low refresh rate of a CRT combined with being recorded on a mobile device somehow gives the illusion of smooth movement?

And does that imply that on older devices, even in the default engines enemies would appear interpolated?

Please help out my tech illiterate brain. 
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