#8 posted by mom on 2002/12/23 21:29:57
is fat

#9 posted by Scampie on 2002/12/23 21:30:31
refreshing the page after posting causes duplicate posts
#10 posted by Scampie on 2002/12/23 21:30:58
in Opera at least.

this is cool, w00t.
Good work metlslime.
should i Post something meaningful?
see if links work ok ....
<a href = "http://www.planetquake.com/underworld/index.html">my website</a><br><br>

I Screwed It Up
oh its got those funny tags right? :/

Dunno If Is Just Me But...
#18 posted by
GibFest on 2002/12/24 17:49:26
The main forum index doesn't tell you how many posts their are.

#19 posted by
Dietz on 2002/12/24 21:36:52
A preview function may prove useful :)

Registered Users...
#20 posted by
Dietz on 2002/12/24 21:39:20
Since registered users have a personal information page which displays their email, website, etc., perhaps you could add an 'add map function' where they could add links to maps they've made :)

#22 posted by
Dilvish on 2002/12/25 12:45:11
Qmap is back!
Maybe you'd noticed already?

Waaaaaaaaiiiiiiii Waaaaaaaaaaaaiiii
#23 posted by
cyBeAr on 2002/12/25 13:44:10
A link back to the forum page at the bottom would be nice after reading through all these silly posts.

I Agree.
#24 posted by Scampie on 2002/12/26 12:58:29
I'd like links back to the main forums placed at the top, bottom, halfway and 3/4 points of the page. 1/4 down would also be nice. thank you.

Looks Almost Like Home!
#25 posted by
Snaga on 2002/12/26 21:43:55

Even Though...
#26 posted by
Snaga on 2002/12/26 22:22:15
a small touch of jungle theme had been exitingly fresh! ;)

#27 posted by
czg on 2002/12/28 08:08:45
There so has to be a link to go back to the main forum page down here by the reply box, because it's a minor hell every time I have to scroll up to the top to go back...

#28 posted by
nonentity on 2002/12/28 14:06:36
See the home key.
Press it.

I'm Glad To See That I'm Not The Only One Who Doesn't Like A Good UI
#29 posted by anonymous user on 2002/12/30 15:50:34

Oh, Fancy...
#30 posted by
wrath on 2003/01/04 10:59:37
I like.
But IE:mac croaks sometimes...
nice job metl.

Oh, Metl.
#31 posted by
wrath on 2003/01/04 11:08:35
why can't titles be empty, it's really stupid to have a title for your yes or no posts.

Good Job Nonentity
#32 posted by
daftpunk on 2003/01/05 15:02:44
some ppl prolly never use the home key.
cmon guys, you NEVER use it for typing? did you take it off from the keyboard.
well then, put it on a separate little interface like the ctrl alt del when you used to run win98!!
ps this is VERY close to old qmap. i feel all warm now