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Wow! Thank you! It's really cool to see those enemies animated! They reminded me of those cenobites from Hellraiser's movies :)

Yep! That would be cool. But only a few of them are fully animated. 
Pretty Much Fits 
for what troubles or is needed for jam packs and speedmaps: 
Was Going To Dip Back In 
But apparantly I've been exorcised, no registry no where.

Might be for the best; don't have much about Quake to share nowadays. 
not sure what you mean, your account still exists. 
How To Prevent Impulse 9 To Give All The Keys? 
Under the default ID1, is there a command that gives all weapons and ammo, without giving all the keys at the same time?

I frequently use Impulse 9 but I don't want all the keys! 
I just have an alias set to "give 1; give 2; give 3; give 4; give 5; give 6; give 7; give 8; give h 100; give s 100; give n 200; give r 100; give c 100" 
It Appears To Work Great. Thanks Mh! 
Permanent Full Quad? 
Is there a way to get a permanent full quad without time limits, instead of Impulse -1 (or 255)? 
Permanent Quad 
I don't think so, but you can just bind it to some key, or even to move forward key as a workaround like:

bind w "+forward;impulse 255" 
Positively Towards The Negative 
Using impulse -1 to save a keystroke over impulse 255 is some next level cheating. 
Quake Command Line 
I would like to know the significance of the - and + in a quake command line 
Quake Command Line 
I'm not sure, but I think "+" is used for commands or cvars that could also be typed in console, for example quake.exe +exec imba.cfg +skill 2 +map start.

While "-" is used for command line parameters that are used only once for the launch of the executable, for example quake.exe -winmem 16 -listen 8 -nocdaudio.

Most sourceports of the last decade however added a few of the command line parameters as console commands that can be used when the game is running, for example -game parameter can be used as "game xxx" from console to switch mods without exiting and restarting the executable again. Same thing for -hipnotic and -rogue command line parameters, the sourceports recognize the switch to mission packs if you use "game hipnotic" or "game rogue" in the console. 
`-foo` - stuff the engine has to explicitly check for at startup.
`+foo` - stuff the engine inserts into its command buffer to execute like any other command you might type at the console.

Note that Quake2-onwards (and thus also FTE) recognises `+set cvar value` (and +seta) as special and ensures those named cvars are set even before the engine can register them, which allows such cvars to affect initialisation before configs can even be read. These cvars will then ALSO be executed via the cbuf which will replace any config.cfg values for them (which a -set would fail to do, hence the need for such a hack).

Note that many engines will accept either -game and +game/+gamedir. -game will force the engine to initialise that specific gamedir from the start, while +game[dir] will execute configs from your id1 gamedir THEN try switching to the new gamedir after, which may result in your quake.rc/default.cfg/autoexec.cfg values getting mixed up between mods.
So you probably want to stick with -game.
Note that 'game hipnotic' or 'game rogue' commandline parameters are not special, and thus will probably not tweak the network protocol nor enable the mission-pack-specific huds.

`+foo` - will issue a `-foo` release event when the key is released.
`-foo` - not special, treated like any other bind.

Note that `bind a "+forward;+back` will insert `-forward;+back` when released, which is often not what was intended. create a pair of aliases to work around that. 
Although in Quakespasm and its derivatives, and probably several other modern Quake engines too, if you try to activate hipnotic or rogue mod folders using the "-game" cmdline option or the "game" console command, those mod folders _are_ treated specially. The program will enable the engine code paths for the correct missionpack as if you had done "-hipnotic" or "-rogue" on the cmdline. This was to help keep people from shooting themselves in the foot since it's pretty clear what they're trying to do in those cases... although it does muddy the water about how all these ways of doing things are meant to behave.

(Similarly, activating the "quoth" mod folder is special-cased to implicitly activate "-hipnotic" as well.) 
Episdoe 4 Replacements? 
Fuck Sandy 
try Nehahra (without using nomonsters 1) 
Tremor E4 
Which Was The Map With The Bathroom Shambler Encounter 
and the bar of soap? 
3 posts not shown on this page because they were spam
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