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The Birth 
The birth of Team Shambler
BTW posting anonymously to drive-by-poop on things was old when Quake was young. 
This is kinda funny — this flickering light pattern from quake is still around and can be seen in Half Life Alyx: 
but not quite as cool as:

// johnfitz new lightstyles
lightstyle(12, "zxvtrpnlj");

// 13 STROBE-PULSE COMBO (first variety)
lightstyle(13, "jalanaparatavaxazaxavatarapanala");

// 14 STROBE-PULSE COMBO (second variety)
lightstyle(14, "zaxavatarapanalajalanaparatavaxa");

// 15 VANITY
lightstyle(15, "johnfitzgibbons");

lightstyle(16, "mmaammaammaammaa");
Quick Question. 
Can a protocol 666 demo be somehow modified to be a protocol 15 demo? 
in theory yes, by stripping out the extra data (protocol 666 is basically 15 plus extra data) but... a custom tool would need to be written to do this. 
BJP's convdem can convert 10002 to 15, so in theory it should have much of the code to handle 666 as well. That is, if he still has the source code. 
BJP's convdem can convert 10002 to 15, so in theory it should have much of the code to handle 666 as well. That is, if he still has the source code. 
Im just here to say that im new here and I am working on my first maps for Quakes 25 anniversary. 
Hi, tell me more about your cards) What's the idea and what have you already done?) 
Do you mean maps? 
Welcome Mememind 
Feel free to post screenshots in the screenshots thread when you are ready to show stuff! 
Posted Screenshots 
I posted screenshots in the screenshots area. 
The Release Of My Maps 
Today is the day
here is my first real maps.
Again the maps have no real story. I am using progs_Dump and I have some custom enemies using it.Also every main map has a dopefish secret!

i also made a short video here 
Video Here 
Sorry copied and pasted the wrong link 
I made a news post for this release, here: 
NetRadiant Quake 1 Guide 
Google Drive Links Breaking Soon 
I saw this news story today:

Sounds like a lot of links people have posted to shared files are going to break due to a privacy change. Searching Func, there are about 242 posts or threads that contain google drive links. In some cases they are just secondary mirrors and the file is also on Quaketastic. In other cases they are the only download link.

Not sure if anything can be done about it. The only way to get a working link again, according to google, is to re-share it to get a new, working URL. So the owner of each file would need to do something manual for each file, AND the new url would have to added to each thread. 
Anyone knows where these images come from? I found them inside an old HD (from 2004) full of Quake related stuff, but i have no idea of which mod/conversion they belong :P

It looks awesome! I want to play this mod NOW =D

(there's no erotic or adult imagery in these pics like Imgur is trying to imply) ¬¬ 
Hi! It's Me Again! 
There are 35 pics in the link above, you have to click on the "Load 20 more images" button to see them all :P 
Actually Yes - An Interesting Piece Of Quake History 
Those are some early shots from Arcanum, which was eventually released in 2011 (available on Quaddicted). Originally it was going to have more custom monsters, which had a kind of Dr. Frankenstein vibe. I am not sure if those monsters were ever released elsewhere but I still have 13 of those .mdl files from 2004; I just put them in a zipfile and it's under 2MB, so I could email them to you if you want (it's just the models as they were never finished with code/sounds/etc.). 
Quaketastic Link For The Monsters Shown

Unfortunately I can't remember the name of the guy who created these back in 2004. 
I did vaguely remember those images but had no memory of what they were from.

That seems like a gold mine for any current mod (like Keep) that is trying to roll up lots of custom monsters into a single package. I assume they need a lot of coding still to make them functional & fun enemies. 
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