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Phait: yes. But you'll have to disable the onboard video card, and from what I've been told, it's a pain in the ass. There should be some guides or whatever if you search on google. 
No usually that's easy, either it looks for outboard first or you need to set it that way in Setup ("CMOS" settings at powerup). You'll want to uninstall any drivers for the old first, backing down to standard VGA.

I did get a surprise with the NForce motherboard, it doesn't support PCI video cards (the onboard is prob. PCI) so I'm down to GF2 onboard from GF4 PCI I was using before. 
I believe it's just a cause of disabling it in the bios and putting the new card in. 
It depends. Some mobos that have onboard video DO NOT have an AGP slot. Thus, you cannot add an AGP video card. 
Way to go dood! God that is long overdue, hope it gets working all right and that it opens up a lot of gaming opportunities. 
With all this q1 activity, I might just get off my ass and break open wc3 again.

Grindspire lives downstairs from me now. I always thought he looked like a crumbling castle on top of a craggy rock but now I've been disillusioned...

Anyway, that's real freaky. 
And *NO* 
'Lives downstairs from me' is NOT a euphemism you filthy-minded whores! 
Well, Almost 
We still have a computer at home, but it isn't working anymore. You see, I decided to return the P200MMX processor to its original home, the Front Computer. The transplant seemed to go without a hitch, I was careful to check everything was grounded, but alas! The bloody thing won't start. Not even the little memory check, nothing at all.

Feh. It's only the Front Computer, and until we get someone in to sort out the networking problems, no biggie.

Incidentally, I'm told the new box should run stuff like Q3A, just without all the graphical bells and whistles and gongs. 
2ghz? Unless you have some REALLY BAD video card, that should run Q3 very well. 
Holy crap, you're alive! 
mmm... a word on integrated video cards... be careful, some of them actually use up system ram instead of actually having their own video memory.
but like rpg said, a 2ghz will absolutly murder q3. 
My name is not GrindSpire it's no...

Oh nevermind. 
Winquake Crashes 

so I've got a map that, well I can do this:
either 1) put r_maxsurfs and r_maxedges really high to avoid grayflash
OOOOOOOOOOR 2) put the resolution any higher than 320 by 240
but not both at the same time. The map is of course very large, and I've used the -winmem command to load more memory. Quake can't seem to handle it though; does this HAVE to be custom engine territory only? 
I posted a link to this site on Slashdot. I'm sorry, guys ;) 
so now we will have to defend this site like a fortress from an army of geeks!

/me bagsees the alt nick "Gimli" 
You have my Sword! 
I'll bet he does. 
Yeah, and I want it fucking back, too. 
But I Lieks It I Does! 
stupid fat hobbit! 
tronyn... let me see if i understood:

you can't use winquake in high resolutions if you crank up the r_maxsurfs and r_maxedges variables?

how many wpoly are we talking about here? i was able to get nesp16 running in winquake with r_maxsurfs 3500 r_maxedges 8500 @ 1024x768
and that map averages around 2500 wpoly. so unless your map is even higher...

it could be an edict problem though, like you have too many. :) try tyr-quake (the software one) and see if you still have the problem. 
Bricklayer's Accident Report 
It would seem that I forgot to link this earlier. It found its way into my mailbox recently, so some of you have probably seen it before. 
I'll Show You How To Damn R_speeds :) 
well, if I put r_maxsurfs and r_maxedges on 9999, there's still grayflash. I need to add an extra digit to entirely eliminate it (99999). It isn't an edict problem as it was a version of the level with under 10 entities.

I think vising might help it. I'll try TyrQuake.

This map, like most of my new maps, is an experiment in quake outdoor environments (self-contradictory thus the success rate). 
I think vising might help it.

Don't complain that it won't load right if you haven't vised it. 
News Update 
at my site.

Includes 2 new reviews: Februus Depth and R_Speeds be damned. 
UnderWorldFan, MadFox 
apologies you have not recieved anything from me, my email is down and the matter is a bit more serious than a snowstorm. UWF, I'm pretty excited about how this map is progressing and I hope to get it to you soon to beta for me. I entitled it, 'One Damn Thing After Another' previously, but in the course of working on it, it has evolved its own logic, structure and flow. MadFox, I have decompiled your map, took it apart and my analysis for it almost room for room in its specification, but it is going to be at least til this weekend that I can get it to you. I'm going over my brother's place for The Game, and I'm taking my PC with me. He's the engineer in the family, I'm just the handsome one. Thnx for your patience.

Go Panthers! (Uhm, that strikes me as a little weak in the conviction department, how 'bout) Panthers uber alles!!! 
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