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Ah yeah the ITS one is an especially good pull. 
Nicely Done! 
Just Dropping By 
to see which jams I lost this week and would not enter anyway because it's AD and AD is too complicated or wouldn't finish the map anyway. 
I need to speedmap. 
Propose One Yourself 
Some Suggestions For Adib 
Personally, I'd love to see jams for:

Rubicon anniversary pack
Scourge of Armagon tribute
Expansive base map pack
Some underused texture pack map set

Just some thoughts if you're interested. :) 
What's an expansive base map? 
Sorry, that was a bit vague. I was thinking a whole map set made of base maps. In general, it seems base maps are either used for the first level in a set or as a standalone release. I'd love to see a full project set in a big base covering a number of maps.

Oh, a bonus suggestion would be a follow up to Travail. I just played through it again having not touched it in a couple of years. It's so good! 
Speedmap Or Jam 
i think should be the first decision,as you are using both terms.

Also, from those you have written, i would choose SoA, or at least using SoA for the maps. 
What happened to Rick Lipsey? 
Subscribe To Me Or Die 
I want 999,999,999 subscribers 
Don't Tell Me How To Live My Life 
Wears Sock?? 
Been Streaming Old Games With Period Correct Hardware: 
"Para-nightmare" Mode To Extend A Map's Life... 
You play a map, kill all monsters and find the exit. But before leaving the map, you want more from it. You move back to explore the map but there's no monsters left. You then feels a strong "solitude" atmosphere while moving around and try to find the secrtets you missed.

I'm wondering if there's an option or a way to brink back all the monsters programmed in the map when you finished it, or to make the monsters to reappear one by one after their death (with some time delay).

This option could bring more life to the map, by allowing the player to explore it in the reverse way (from the exit to the start place, if there's no dead-end or permanently closed door).

So is there a way to do this? 
It would have to be a feature added to a mod.

Or, perhaps the map itself could have extra scripting to respawn enemies, in some mods that might already make that possible (like, maybe AD or progs_dump.) 
Could Be Done 
easily with Quoth and some func entities, but would need the map to have it as a feature, like Metlslime wrote. 
1 Year ! 
Fucking Shite 
Don't waste a few bytes of forum data posting such drivel on here. 
I made a video featuring my first Quake map from early 1997. Thought it would be fun to share. Made it with Quest. Fun to look back! 
Oops Hit Submit Too Fast 
The moment at 2:35 is great 
Hey Dumpytruck 
Nice blast from the past.
Better not talk shit about Quest though - I've made quite a few not-entirely-bad maps with it! 
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