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Merry Christmas 
I hope everyone is having a good time despite everything. Even though it was a shit year overall, you lot kept the scene going and released a record number of maps. I‘m happy to be a part of this community and to be contributing a small part to keeping it going. Let‘s all hope that 2021 will be a better year, especially for those who were hit the hardest. 
Merry Christmas 
I just came in to say, yesterday was the 18th birthday of func. And also, merry Christmas!

Also want to give a big thanks to Sleepwalkr for hosting func in the more recent years plus additional tech support he has provided for the site. 
Cherry Mixmas!!! 
Happy Func_mas!! 
Big up to metl, sleepl, and everyone who participates :) 
Happy New Year! 
Happy new year everyone! 
Speed Mapping Vanilla Progs 
Has anyone created a progs specifically for speedmaps? Simple things like fixing kill count, Shambler collision and other bugfixes? I'm thinking about doing this.

I know traditionally, dropping maps into id1/maps was the SOP but I always make a mod folder for SM releases. Users could back up the standard progs if they prefer that method. 
There is the "Ultimate Regular Quake Patch" which is supposed to be a good replacement for the id1 progs, fixing things like fish count and megahealth double-rot speed etc, without changing any gameplay. 
Cool. I was aware of this one but it adds quite a bit with bots and skins etc. I'll mess around with it and see if it's a good candidate for speed mapping. 
Anyone know why fimg and Wally refuse to open my gfx.wad?

Fimg returns an "invalid extension" error, Wally attempts to load the thing but all items within are grayed out. 
Bad Wad? 
Might be corupted (?!) Did you check with Quark/new textures/import wad? 
The game wouldn't run if it was corrupted, right? 
No idea about Fimg. Wally may be a missing palette.lmp file perhaps?

Try AdQuedit if you haven't. 
I Got AdQuedit To Accept The Wad File... 
But it shows me the contents of gfx.wad as all black?

I opened it with the quake palette file that was provided and everything. 
There's news by me in the queue - can you please keep it until I resolve a major problem and reupload, thanks. 
Fitzquake Based? 
I know Quakespasm, QSS, Mark V, vkQuake and obviously Fitzquake are uhhhh Fitzquake based engines.

Are there any others? researching for a video. 
a few more, that may be defunct now...

FitzPro080 -- this was a port Baker made by combining ProQuake and Fitzquake. Links don't seem to work anymore.

Fitzquake-DOS -- "A DOS port of FitzQuake to fxMesa for 3DFX Voodoo cards"

DirectFitz -- mh's port of Fitzquake to use Direct3D

QuakeDroid -- Baker's Android port of MarkV

FitzKurok -- this is a completely separate game though 
Oh Yeah... 
and RMQ Engine was based on QuakeSpasm I think. 
wow!! I had no idea. FiztKurok deserves it's onw video I guess. :) 
RMQ engine source

Forked from QuakeSpasm (FitzSDL) 0.85.3 SVN revision 176

05/31 2010

metl - that's quite a legacy, so many people found your work useful and play every day with it's children. 
I have the news post hidden for now, let me know when it should actually go live.

Or, if the URLs and text of the post are going to be different, might be faster to just make another news submission. 

My own port of fitzquake to SDL, I think QuakeSpasm was based on this. 
2 posts not shown on this page because they were spam
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