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Foggy Bogbottom (ad_swampy)? 
Damn that was quick, the map is in fact ad_swampy, thanks for taking the time out.

For some reason i just skipped that portal when i was rechecking AD too find it. 
Portal skip is so quake. 
An Absolute Beginner's Maps
im posting this to only get some criticism.
So be as harsh and nitpicky as possible. 
2020 Have Best Year For Boomer Shooters ! 
No It's Been A Fucking Awful Year... 
...and "boomer shooter" is a fucking moronic term, for idiots, by idiots.

Having said that, Prodeus looks kinda un-terrible, for a change. 
Prodeus Having A Map Editor 
is a great selling point. I'm not 100% sold on it as a game but it looks better than most efforts.

Also yeah, the boomer shooter term fucking sucks. 
I've Played The Alpha 
It feels pretty good, very polished and you can dial in all the graphics from pixel-y to Doom 3-ish visuals.

I have only played with the editor a little but it's fantastic. Will take a bit of getting used to coming from Quake tho. Especially the lighting. 
Dont Forget Realms Deep This Week ! 
A Cheers To KrissiD 
Sunday morning brainfart: It could be argued that TB laid the foundations for quite a few of the new games inspired by classic FPS titles. Either by enabling newcomers to easily create levels and subsequently be recruited for these projects, or even by directly serving as the main tool the games are made with. So in some way he's a bit of a grey eminence of modern classic-style FPS? GG, Sleepy. 
Indeed. It's kind of crazy how many Quake pies KD has his fingers in (and ericw too).

On the Discord I think I read that Graven maps are made with TB, even though the engine is UE4? 
I can't imagine hiring Q1 mappers only to have them make blockouts with no lighting or entities. 
Graven indeed created with TB and HammUER. Here's the lead LD on the project explaining the process in general: 
I m surprised this one has not been mentioned months ago. It seems to be a good Hexen/Quake spiritual successor, way better than almost any we have seen this last years. 
Wonder what our anonymous "this are sjw cuck game" friend has to say about Graven. 
This was just announced. The LD team consists entirely of Quake community members who are under NDA. 
Just posted some thoughts in the Retro Shooter thread, feel free to share yours. 
Then i should be surprised that there was no video of an alpha state and they took the approach of not letting the game out till having a part mostly finished. 
Random Compiler Thought: _wad Support 
Coming off the discussion in the quakespasm thread about a deadly "wad" key which is too long to save properly...

Really I think the wad key should have been _wad instead, it's a compiler field that isn't useful in the game itself (for those who didn't know: underscore-prefixed fields are not loaded by the engine into the QC). If anyone is still developing a compiler, would you consider adding support for "_wad" as an alternate key? 
Not A Spambot Post I Swear... 
My computer won't play vinylrecords. 
Ok, Shooter. 
Quake On Vinyl 
That's a must have for me. Can't order from the NiN-store, though, so I hope I can get it some other way.

Here are the liner notes, that for some reason were removed both from the release and the web page: 
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