#31649 posted by anonymous user on 2020/07/19 22:41:40
Are your ad and quoth directories called "ad" and "quoth"? If they are called something like "ad_v1_70final" and "quoth2pt2full_2", rename them to "ad" and "quoth" and then try again.
 Anonymous User
#31650 posted by lizard on 2020/07/21 04:00:05
Didn't work but thanks for the help
I'm trying to play the ad mod but all I get is Quake start
So if I understand you correctly, you are able to start Quakespasm and play regular Quake (without any mods), right? So try this: start Quakespasm, pull down the console (which you do by pressing the tilde ("~") key if you are using a US/international keyboard layout) and type "game ad".
#31652 posted by lizard on 2020/07/21 22:43:07
It says game changed to ad but quake start still comes up no ad anything
#31653 posted by muk on 2020/07/22 00:22:05
Whats the name of the folder you keep all your arcane dimensions stuff in?
so if your mod folder name is ADFINAL1_70 youll need to type that in.
#31654 posted by metlslime on 2020/07/22 00:41:20
okay next step... find your quake directory in windows explorer, and make sure there is a folder called "ad" that is a sibling to your "id1" folder, and makes sure there are some subfolders in the ad folder called "maps", "progs", etc
 Lizard Finally Got Ad Going
#31655 posted by lizard on 2020/07/23 22:31:57
Thanks to everyone for your expert advice getting the ad mod working. Putting the extra stuff on the end of the command was the answer for me. ad_v1_50final. My ad folder which is in the quake folder just says ad. In side is the 2 zip files (mod and patch) and the unzipped files. I unzipped the regular file first then the patch. After I chose a map and entered it it said completed and just set there. Somehow I stumbled across the right shift key and the game started. I have no idea why the shift key unless it is in the cfg. file. But I never would have got it going without you guys helping out. It's not like the initialization file said to do it.
 Yeh.. It's Out !
#31656 posted by anonymous user on 2020/08/05 04:38:28
 The Con Of Quake
#31657 posted by anonymous user on 2020/08/08 15:06:25
Any pros here?
 The Only People Here
#31658 posted by ijed on 2020/08/09 03:33:37
Are pros.
#31660 posted by anonymous user on 2020/08/12 03:06:22
 Don't Miss The Big Giveaway...
#31662 posted by biff_debris on 2020/08/23 17:54:18
Hey, wanted to link this blog: https://debrisland.wordpress.com/2020/08/23/uncle-biffs-airtight-garage-sale/ about my turning over the Quake BIFFENSTEIN textures to the Public Domain. Really hope you guys enjoy them.
The links all lead to Dropbox preview which I cannot access without an account.
#31664 posted by biff_debris on 2020/08/23 19:43:05
Updated w/ MediaFire links, those should work.
#31666 posted by metlslime on 2020/08/23 20:06:53
Awesome biff... maybe this should be the next map jam theme!
 Thanks So Much.
#31667 posted by biff_debris on 2020/08/23 21:43:45
I've always been ass at uploading. A map jam would be incredible +D
Thanks for releasing those textures, biff! Some interesting, unexpected shapes and patterns in there.
I wish I could have seen what you planned to make with them, though. I'm a huge fan of your q1sp work and new biff_debris maps would have been a real treat.
#31669 posted by biff_debris on 2020/08/24 13:59:19
I made a couple of maps for the q1 version of BIFFENSTEIN, but kept getting wound up in a lot of vertex manip and weird qbsp errors, to the point that it really inhibited my excitement for the project. This blog includes a few screenies of what did work out, if you'd care to see:
 Very Cool
Thanks for the link. Any WIP shots of the Doom 3 version of the project?
#31671 posted by Nolcoz on 2020/08/24 21:35:51
Can I ask something? Do most of the textures use existing Quake textures as a base or are they made from scracth? Mostly asking to see if some textures could be used in LibreQuake if they have any sort of copyrigth attached to them.
 Finding A Map
#31672 posted by jaap424 on 2020/08/24 22:39:46
Can someone with a better memory than me help out. Played a map a while back, way big, expanded limits type of deal, swampy castle style.
Very vertical map, you start low and just keep switch backing your way up until at the end your are you are just running along the edge of the map looking all the way down.
The map is mostly a big circle with most of the higher buildings on the edge of the map so you get kind of a big courtyard effect.
Cant remember if it was part of some pack, cant remember who made it even. In my head i keep thinking Socks Grendels Blade but the map I'm thinking of is so much bigger.
#31673 posted by biff_debris on 2020/08/24 23:20:12
They were made from existing Quake and Quake2 textures, for use in Quake. One of the reasons I made them so that they'd help out mappers once the planned maps were released, and deliberately made to blend in with the existing sets.