One Ai _c Shake Again
#31574 posted by madfox on 2020/06/15 00:04:21
Thanks for the Ai Cafe files. Some I had already saved, but the site went offline faster than I expected. Just like that of Inside3d. The last months in 2019 I have been trying to get back my password, but there were too many spam bots. Too bad because there was a lot of useful information in the posts. At first it seemed that it was better? because I could get back to the start pages
and login again.
The tutorials I no longer got on the screen of my computer but on my mobile. So that's why I sent everything to quaktastic.
 Whao, Thanks.
#31575 posted by biff_debris on 2020/06/15 17:24:00
Guys, just wanted to step in and have a word. Recently saw four videos on YouTube (working the Roku stick FTW) about my last map Fort Ratsack. One I knew of, since Daz let me know about it, and I was obviously thrilled to see it. But I just recently saw three others and was truly flattered. One guy (recommended by Sock btw -- cheers, Simon) couldn't find one of the secrets, and I found that thoroughly entertaining. Anyways, late to the party I am, but thanks in any case. Moar to come...
 @Joel B - Map Series Thing
#31576 posted by Mezmorki on 2020/06/19 20:22:50
Thanks for checking out the videos! I haven't done much streaming or recording so trying to get a handle on how to best do it. I did figure out settings to improve the YouTube image quality - so that's better already.
I like your suggestions regarding taking more time to talk about the map at the start and covering more of the details, layout, etc. I have an alias for noclip fly mode so I can zoom out of the level an show the overall layout. That's a good idea too.
For the bot match, I can configure my mod to turn off all the extras and just keep it as standard DM mode. You're right that runes, hook, etc. will mess with the balance of the map.
I also made a new little video about some DM compilation packs I'm putting together:
So, Quake turns 24 on Monday...
 Happy 24th Quake!
#31578 posted by Shambler on 2020/06/20 21:58:29
#31579 posted by mankrip on 2020/06/22 13:59:39
Wondering how everyone is holding up and interested in hearing about the good things in your lives.
I've spent the quarantine doing engine coding. Now I've lost 6Kg and am helping my wife make chocolates for selling.
A coworker was diagnosed with covid19 and ran away from the hospital. He also told me he isn't wearing masks when taking the bus because he can't breathe with the mask on. I'm staying away from him, and thankfully I have a car to avoid mass transportation.
So I just watched a video of Romero's Quake post mortem from last year (?) and there were two slides of a scanned document, containing the map order and general game progression from around January 1996.
Here they are (annotations mine, also sorry for bad resolution):
Shareware episode
Full version
Amongst many other really weird things in there, why is there mention of an ICBM launch site in E4M8?
#31581 posted by metlslime on 2020/06/24 01:31:18
nice find.
Link to the timestamp where those images appear: https://youtu.be/aWREOgyPLt4?t=964
There are also a third image which is basically the final or near final episode order, though without end.bsp
 Worth Noting
The third image comes after this intermediary step, but before the reshuffling of E3 happened in mid-to-late June 1996.
#31583 posted by metlslime on 2020/06/24 01:46:00
also interesting that the record company forced them to use audio CD instead of mp3 format for the soundtrack.
While I appreciate that I have a lossless copy of the soundtrack, that would have made a big difference for modders if mp3 support was in vanilla quake. (Though, it might have been ripped out for the open source release? not sure how that could have gone.)
 To Specify.
the reshuffling of E3
This was the map order 11 days before release:
(Secret) E3M5
#31585 posted by mankrip on 2020/06/24 17:20:57
It was for the best. There would be no way for a 100Mhz 486 or Pentium to simultaneously decode a MP3 soundtrack and render the game.
#31586 posted by metlslime on 2020/06/24 17:26:05
mankrip, good point, though I think Pentium was the min spec, but I had a 166MHz pentium at the time and still only achieved around 20 FPS, so even that spec probably couldn't handle decoding mp3 at the same time.
#31587 posted by mankrip on 2020/06/24 17:36:41
The stated minimum specs were a 486 DX4 100MHz with a floating point coprocessor. But it ran like crap on those.
#31588 posted by metlslime on 2020/06/24 18:57:45
ah interesting, I didn't know there were 486s with FPUs
#31589 posted by anonymous user on 2020/06/25 15:54:57
The truth about designing games about abusive relationships is that the goal is not to harm the abuser, it is to nurture him/her. Because your destinies are tied, so for you to prosper enough to escape, you must help the abuser to prosper too.
I am scared.
#31590 posted by metlslime on 2020/06/25 17:34:26
are there any games that do this well?
#31591 posted by lizard on 2020/06/26 03:43:38
I just got quake 1 going in windows 10 using quakespasm and it looks awesome. Trouble is I want to jump right out and play some sp stuff. started out with ad the arcane thing. I have trouble with mods. always used a launcher when I could but can't find one for 64 bit. I have tried and tried to install this but no matter what I do I get the basic quake home screen. I think I followed the instructions to the tee but not working. there is even a guy on youtube showing how and I still cant get it. I consider myself medium literate on computers but can't get this.
#31592 posted by ijaazcm3 on 2020/06/26 14:50:54
Shadesmaster wants to add your SM189 map to Slayers Testament (that Doom2016+Eternal-in-Quake mod).
He'll do all conversions himself. (Q1-->Doom entities)
He just wants your permission. Is that fine?
You can right click and drag the Quakespasm exe to your desktop and make a shortcut to it. Then you edit the shortcut as seen here: https://www.quaddicted.com/files/misc/Quake_customcommandlinewindows.gif
Here's another example with drakebeta as the mod and ryu1 as the map: https://imgur.com/Qi2aaSN
Good luck!
 Slayer's "i Made This" Testacle
#31594 posted by anonymous user on 2020/06/27 02:08:07
#31595 posted by ijed on 2020/06/28 02:16:44
You just coined the phrase 'treasureware'!
At least for me :D
#31596 posted by ijed on 2020/06/28 02:17:45
Also, I need a playtester. One who hates my stuff and prefers skill 1.
Email is in the profile :)
#31597 posted by dumptruck on 2020/06/28 03:11:51
Okay I will give it a try. Thanks
why is there mention of an ICBM launch site in E4M8?
This one won't let me sleep at night still.