Quakespasm Issue With "forgotten Valley" #3
#31537 posted by anonymous user on 2020/05/16 09:16:28
I found my issue.
I had Quoth 2.1 but I needed Quoth 2.2.
Once I put the pak2.pak file from 2.2 in place, the floating platforms for secrets #2 and #3 appeared.
Thank you all for your input.
#31536 @misc_ftl
#31538 posted by khreathor on 2020/05/16 18:15:44
You can export simulation, but:
- MDL vertex/triangle limit is 2048/1024;
- atm it can only export one object, so you have to merge multiple objects into one (if your simulation contains multiple objects);
#31539 posted by ijed on 2020/05/18 04:47:46
Works fine so far. Can it do the flags?
For the time being I've been using Qme to add those.
Semi-Official Definitions Needed
I know this has been brought up many times before but how would YOU define the rules for the following:
Turtle Map
Speed Map
Map Jam
#31541 posted by metlslime on 2020/05/26 07:36:08
speedmap: ~2 hours
turtle map: 1 week
map jam: seems like these are usually a month or so?
Like I Said On The Podcast.
Speedmaps: anything from # hours to 2 weeks.
Map jams: longer than speed maps and more emphasis on quality of the final product.
Turtle maps: a dead concept, not used in well over a decade.
#31543 posted by quakeulf on 2020/05/26 13:29:17
Speedmappenings: A day max.
Mapjammenings: It was a month when I last did one in 2001
Turtlemappenings: No idea, possibly millenniae.
#31544 posted by negke on 2020/05/26 19:26:07
Speedmap: a couple of hours, a day if you must, but all done in a single session.
Turtlemap: used to be a week. Nowadays perhaps a cute title for a leaked map with a large box around it...
Map jam: variable, depending on the organizer; at least one extension is mandatory.
#31545 posted by Cocerello on 2020/05/27 13:46:07
Speed map: a few hours, max 4-6 depending of the mapper's speed.
Turtlemap: a week long, around 20 hours MAXIMUM if intending to crunch it.
Jam: anything as long as the focus is on detail.
Anyone Like Making Frikbot Waypoints?
#31546 posted by Mezmorki on 2020/05/27 17:08:03
I'm working on a map + mod project for deathmatch and custom maps. I have lightning hunter's huge pack of waypoints, but there about 10 critical maps (and then another 40 or so) that I'd love to get FrikBot wyapoints made for.
I haven't done them myself, and I could learn how - but maybe someone out there has a passion for making waypoint files and would be much faster than me.
Pretty please?
#31547 posted by PuLSaR on 2020/05/30 18:29:57
Speedmap: a couple of hours, a day if you must, but all done in a single session. - that's it. A single session.
Anything else is a map jam
The only speedmap I did in one session was my 2 hour map for Quoffee.
Custom Quake DM Vids - Epic Action Within
#31549 posted by Mezmorki on 2020/06/02 14:13:19
Hello all. I fired up my quake server and started playing some deathmatch on custom maps with some buddies. Check out the playlist link below. The action is good, the in-game voice commentary is perhaps better :)
Maps include:
- auh1dm2
- baldm6
- bsdm8
- utressor
- shady
- lacrima
- gomdm6
- kikdm6
Some of my favorites! Our server is running a custom DM mod that adds runes, off-hand grappling hook, bots, and other stuff. It's based on a super old mod (reincarnation) which was the work of Gen, Gonzo, and Bal from back in the day.
I also made a little overview video of the mod here:
Let me know what you think!
#31550 posted by gibbie on 2020/06/02 15:04:51
Enjoyed that, thanks!
Thanks For Watching
#31551 posted by Mezmorki on 2020/06/03 06:31:14
We had a nice little romp on Utressor + Shady :)
Hey There
How's everyone doing? These past weeks have been disappointing and intense but on the other hand, it's great to see so much "therapeutic" creativity being done in the community these past few weeks.
Wondering how everyone is holding up and interested in hearing about the good things in your lives.
I'll go first. We've instituted mandatory family nights 3 nights a week in our home. Mostly board games (Ticket to Ride!) and watching what we call "retro" Survivor starting way back with season 1.
I hope you'll share what's keeping you all sane in these difficult days.
#31553 posted by ijed on 2020/06/06 04:24:58
I've always been solitary and a bit insane, but also surrounded by people. So my life hasn't change much - just trying to control the id.
I was watching a lot of standup on Netflix, there are some gems, and a lot of nots.
Family wise (especially useful as an expat) we've been doing a quiz every Sunday - whichever team loses does the quiz for the next week. General knowledge, pop culture, science, geography, video games (because we lost the weekend before) - simple but fun. Reason to do a Zoom call basically.
I think the one most affected in my house is my son of 3. Very kinetic and clever, and wants to do stuff but doesn't have the means to understand or express why he can't, yet.
Yeah, he's driving us nuts.
In my house we're six, so kind of privileged in the quarantine. Me and my wife have been WFH for two months and minimum is until September. I've got workmates with very little space and children of a similar age. They're putting a brave face on it.
In the same category some who have no family in the country where we are and I have to somehow guide them through it.
What I've arrived at is that we need to be solid. Dependable. This particular strain will take years to solve. From there, we're all looking at our own personal crystal ball, mired by opinion and despair/hope - trying to predict the future.
All we can do in the meantime is stay strong.
#31554 posted by Shambler on 2020/06/06 18:14:01
Aye right.
I painted stuff: http://teamshambler.blogspot.com
And played Jedi Fallen Order, Metro Exodus, and Black Mesa during lockdown.
There wasn't much sanity going on tho!
Nice Paint Job!
#31555 posted by generic on 2020/06/06 19:54:50
Do you do commissions? Somewhere in my mom's house I have an old wizard figure that I never finished.
#31556 posted by Kinn on 2020/06/06 20:00:12
I'm in the mass gathering festival biz so obviously i got hit with both barrels of this corona craziness.
spent the time cataloguing my comedically large teenage warhams collection, and actually adding to it for reasons that are known only to myself and my inner demons that prey on my weaknesses, oh and also making a fair wallop of content for untitled indie action adventure game pet project that will never be finished/released.
#31557 posted by Shambler on 2020/06/07 09:58:00
I haven't yet but I am open to the idea....
Quake DM Map Tour Video Series
#31558 posted by Mezmorki on 2020/06/07 15:25:44
Well - in my extra time I've started to make a series of youtube vidoes that each feature a custom quake DM map. I talk a bit about the map and then demonstrate the gameplay in a quick bot match.
Check it out, let me know what you think, etc. Been a fun side project. cheers!
Celery Phase
#31559 posted by quakeulf on 2020/06/07 17:47:09
I wish I could be sated but I cannot get enough of the level designs.