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External files that depends on the integrity of internal data must be implemented with some sort of data checkā€¦

In Retroquad, the external texture format stores a CRC32 of the original texture's mip 0 texels, and the engine refuses to load it if there's a CRC mismatch. Plus, these CRC values are appended to the external textures' filenames, which solves most cases of multiple textures sharing the same name. Across ID1, ROGUE and HYPNOTIC, there's only one case of different textures sharing both the same name and same CRC32.

Appending CRC values to filenames would help with using old external file formats that can't be modified, but would complicate usage in engines that don't perform such checks; users would have to manually rename the files to remove the CRC value.

A less trustworthy method would be to just compare the external file date against the BSP file date, and issue a warning if the BSP file is newer. 
Trenchbroom Shortcuts 
Today I was really close to open Trenchbroom but then reminded myself I would have to learn all the keyboard shortcuts to use it efficiently.

Does it have a GTKRadiant-style of input presets I can just select from a list? 
So we can just import/export mdls from Blender now without having to dick around through endless arcane loops and wondering which particular edge case is breaking things right now in this particular instance...

Thanks Khreathor!

And apparently there's no thread for this? 
I can't tell what you are responding to. 
Blaster Weapon 
that is cool... so this means you don't even need qME on your computer, the entire workflow is just blender -> quake? 
Yes you can export MDLs straight from Blender.
This is a plugin that was started by taniwha for QuakeForge project. I just took it and updated few features, to better fit Blender 2.8.
I still fix and adjust few things, but majority of features work as expected. 
does it support baking physics simulation? PRECORDED RAGDOLLS 
Quakespasm Issue With "forgotten Valley" #3 
I found my issue.
I had Quoth 2.1 but I needed Quoth 2.2.
Once I put the pak2.pak file from 2.2 in place, the floating platforms for secrets #2 and #3 appeared.
Thank you all for your input. 
#31536 @misc_ftl 
You can export simulation, but:
- MDL vertex/triangle limit is 2048/1024;
- atm it can only export one object, so you have to merge multiple objects into one (if your simulation contains multiple objects); 
Works fine so far. Can it do the flags?

For the time being I've been using Qme to add those. 
Semi-Official Definitions Needed 
I know this has been brought up many times before but how would YOU define the rules for the following:

Turtle Map

Speed Map

Map Jam 
speedmap: ~2 hours
turtle map: 1 week
map jam: seems like these are usually a month or so? 
Like I Said On The Podcast. 
Speedmaps: anything from # hours to 2 weeks.

Map jams: longer than speed maps and more emphasis on quality of the final product.

Turtle maps: a dead concept, not used in well over a decade. 
Speedmappenings: A day max.

Mapjammenings: It was a month when I last did one in 2001

Turtlemappenings: No idea, possibly millenniae. 
Speedmap: a couple of hours, a day if you must, but all done in a single session.

Turtlemap: used to be a week. Nowadays perhaps a cute title for a leaked map with a large box around it...

Map jam: variable, depending on the organizer; at least one extension is mandatory. 
Speed map: a few hours, max 4-6 depending of the mapper's speed.

Turtlemap: a week long, around 20 hours MAXIMUM if intending to crunch it.

Jam: anything as long as the focus is on detail. 
Anyone Like Making Frikbot Waypoints? 
I'm working on a map + mod project for deathmatch and custom maps. I have lightning hunter's huge pack of waypoints, but there about 10 critical maps (and then another 40 or so) that I'd love to get FrikBot wyapoints made for.

I haven't done them myself, and I could learn how - but maybe someone out there has a passion for making waypoint files and would be much faster than me.

Pretty please? 
Speedmap: a couple of hours, a day if you must, but all done in a single session. - that's it. A single session.

Anything else is a map jam 
The only speedmap I did in one session was my 2 hour map for Quoffee. 
Custom Quake DM Vids - Epic Action Within 
Hello all. I fired up my quake server and started playing some deathmatch on custom maps with some buddies. Check out the playlist link below. The action is good, the in-game voice commentary is perhaps better :)

Maps include:
- auh1dm2
- baldm6
- bsdm8
- utressor
- shady
- lacrima
- gomdm6
- kikdm6

Some of my favorites! Our server is running a custom DM mod that adds runes, off-hand grappling hook, bots, and other stuff. It's based on a super old mod (reincarnation) which was the work of Gen, Gonzo, and Bal from back in the day.

I also made a little overview video of the mod here:

Let me know what you think! 
Enjoyed that, thanks! 
Thanks For Watching 
We had a nice little romp on Utressor + Shady :) 
Hey There 
How's everyone doing? These past weeks have been disappointing and intense but on the other hand, it's great to see so much "therapeutic" creativity being done in the community these past few weeks.

Wondering how everyone is holding up and interested in hearing about the good things in your lives.

I'll go first. We've instituted mandatory family nights 3 nights a week in our home. Mostly board games (Ticket to Ride!) and watching what we call "retro" Survivor starting way back with season 1.

I hope you'll share what's keeping you all sane in these difficult days. 
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