Processing Central (jpdm2.bsp)
#31499 posted by jpal on 2020/04/23 01:47:37
Hi, here's my Quake 1 deathmatch map - "Processing Central" (jpdm2.bsp).
Map has a vanilla base setting, most weapons & pickups are available, it's best suited for 2 to 4 players (rather small). More info in readme.
Playtested by Patrol (twitch: patrol1985) and 1 other guy in DM, and apparently, it was fun :)
 Meant Quake+AD
#31500 posted by quakeulf on 2020/04/23 10:27:17
 Try And Get Some High Profile Streamers To Play Maps!
#31501 posted by RickyT33 on 2020/04/24 16:17:28
That will get a little bit of traffic.
 Quakespasm Issue With "forgotten Valley" Mod In Linux
I'm running quakespasm 0.93.2 in Linux Mint.
I have the full Quake 1 and mission packs.
I downloaded Quoth and Forgotten Valley mod (fv.* and lostv.*).
A video of a run through of the "Forgotten Valley" map on YouTube shows at the very beginning getting lava nail ammo, yet I only see regular nail ammo.
Also the 2nd secret room seems to be missing the floating,moving platforms that are needed to get across to the exit.
I've specified '-hipnotic -quoth -game lost +map lostv'.
Is there some issue with the '-hipnotic' implementation in the Linux port of Quakespasm?
Remove -hipnotic -quoth and add -rogue instead
#31504 posted by Tribal on 2020/04/25 20:00:23
Maybe you saw my video on youtube. In my playthroughs i replace the nail-box models with lavanail-box models because i think the original/green nail-boxes are too similar to the shell-boxes and i always get confused by them. This way, if i see a green box far away i know its sheels and not nails :P
#31505 posted by ijed on 2020/04/25 21:38:38
Is this due to colour blindness?
Just interested - most of my siblings are colourblind, although I'm not.
If the current boxes are confusing I might change them up in my current project.
 An Item On My Todo List:
#31506 posted by ijed on 2020/04/25 21:49:29
"Steal ideas from Bal"
#31507 posted by madfox on 2020/04/25 22:04:31
"Learn the player model rescue swimming".
#31508 posted by ijed on 2020/04/25 22:54:56
Ammo stash left necron
#31509 posted by Tribal on 2020/04/26 23:41:52
I'm not colorblind, i just think with different colors for the ammo-boxes it's easier to tell them apart in the middle of a fight.
 Fair Enough
#31510 posted by ijed on 2020/04/26 23:43:19
I've heard people say that players of Quake have special eyes, that can see more shades of brown than normal human eyes 0_0
 Quakespasm Issue With "forgotten Valley" #2
Thank you for the suggestions.
I removed -hipnotic and -quoth, and added -rogue but that only resulted in the Quoth specific monsters not appearing. It was worth a try just to see if it helped. The README for "Forgotten Valley" specifies use of "-hipnotic" and "-quoth".
I don't mind if there's no lava nails, wasn't sure if that was someone's tweak though the idea had occurred to me.
The missing floating platforms however make passing through the 2nd and 3rd secret rooms impossible without the 'Fly' cheat.
I also tried "-rogue -quoth" which was no different than specifying "-hipnotic -quoth".
I might guess that such parameters as -hipnotic and -quoth should be appending to the loaded modules, but given the lack of the floating platforms which may be specific to Mission Pack 1 (not sure about that), I wonder if for the Linux quakespasm that instead of appending to the loaded Hipnotic modules that the loading of the Quoth modules is replacing what is/was loaded from Hipnotic.
#31513 posted by Joel B on 2020/04/29 03:48:54
FWIW I played this with -quoth and had no issues completing it. Don't exactly remember floating platforms tho.
#31514 posted by Joel B on 2020/04/29 03:51:49
Also: the use of "-hipnotic" was a thing that used to be required for playing Quoth in order to get some HUD behaviors. Not required in current Quake engines when playing Quoth stuff.
I played this with Quakespasm 0.93.2 on Linux.
#31515 posted by chedap on 2020/04/29 08:39:39
All three secrets should work with just -quoth
 Please Update Download Link In Topic
#31516 posted by EVOLVE on 2020/05/01 15:42:26
Dear administrators, could you please update download link regarding my patch for Abyss Of Pandemonium Improved Edition (2019) in this topic?
I had to enter some amendments and reupload the file. Please replace the download link in this sentence:
3) This patch: Patch For Abyss Of Pandemonium v2.0 (12.12.2019) (note: In russian language "скачать" means "download")
New Download Link :
#31517 posted by metlslime on 2020/05/01 18:22:29
okay did that, but... why is the new version still 2.0? Shouldn't it be 2.1 or something? That's the point of version numbers
 About The Patch.
#31518 posted by EVOLVE on 2020/05/01 18:41:02
Thank you very much. I would say it is still v2.0 because it is very heavily based on v2.0 and I reckon that Resurrection Team really had to implement these essential fixes and tweaks way back in 2008 when v2.0 was released but this never happened and that's what I did in December of 2019. I call my patch simply - AOP v2.0 Improved Edition (2019) because I have never been an official member of this project. I'm just a passionate enthusiast who simply wants this unofficial mission pack #3 to be played with joy.
#31519 posted by metlslime on 2020/05/01 19:40:56
ah i see... yeah that makes some sense.
#31520 posted by EVOLVE on 2020/05/01 19:54:01
You may give it a try :)
It plays flawlessly, in one breath.
#31521 posted by mankrip on 2020/05/02 22:52:19
Did Spike disappear from here? I don't see him posting anything anymore.
FTEQW continues being updated, though.
 I Found A (possible) Bug Within Trenchbroom/ericw Tools' Lighting.
#31522 posted by FluDude on 2020/05/02 22:32:33
i inserted a light entity within my level, but i noticed i didn't need it anymore so i removed it. when i compiled the level the lighting just went to shit and light was just scattered randomly across the map. the only way i could fix this was to bring back the light with ctrl+z. does anyone know ho to fix this or which program is the cause? i tried compiling the same map with various compilers but i always got the same result.
#31523 posted by bal on 2020/05/02 23:58:55
Most likely you just have an old .lit file next to your .bsp, cause that light was the only colored light in your map?
This is not an issue with TB or the compiling tools, just more of a workflow issue that almost everyone comes across sooner or later.