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And Even More Importantly! 
QMD = "quake map designer". [actually a real person!]

he was a mapper from a few years back, i think most of the regulars here used to make fun of him almost constantly. hehe.

as far as i know he made a couple of semi"realistic" Q1SP maps, which i have played and werent bad [but then again not that good].

Yes, i know a lot about the history of custom Q1SP maps :D

No, i dont know a lot about other games custom mappers. :p 
Primal Hunt blows. Peiod. Nothing else to say.

I got that advice but I tried it anyway, if you want to do the same, be very wary. It's really very bad. 
for catching me up to speed there Underworldfan. </;-) 
as far as i know he made a couple of semi"realistic" Q1SP maps, which i have played and werent bad [but then again not that good].

Yes, i know a lot about the history of custom Q1SP maps :D

Evidently not enough to know QMD only ever made deathmatch maps :-p 
I am sotrashed. its so good
too be tasehd. You now whats bad, I don;t even try to type this bad and the typeing is this bafdd. ? Yes? I'm postin gthis

and you don't wajt me too
but i willll

and yo cant stop me

Evidently not enough to know QMD only ever made deathmatch maps :-p

im sure i played a [pretty bad] q1sp map by QMD once, it had lots of lightish textures and was kind of an office or maybe a hospital.

anyone else? 
That was deathmatch, you silly Maen 
must be getting confused i guess. 
i don't think QMD's maps are classible. Not really deathmatch maps... not really singleplayer maps. Somewhere in between where angels and demons tread and females having blood bash parties while wearing hotpants makes sense. 
that place exists, and its name is France.

btw, Nitin i think you have confused me with Scragbait. 
So, Just To Be Clear... 
Starbuck is moving to france with scampie and nitin was secretly having a blood bash party with QMD in New Jersey? 
You Are Killing Me, Pappy 
On PlanetQuake today, Pappy (I presume) has posted a little tribute to Xaero under the heading,

'From way back in August, here's NeRadA's tribute to Xaero. I'm digging deep, so how about some pics people? Pimp what's kool!'

First of all, Xaero is NOT cool, nor Kewl, and not even Kool Unfiltered. Xaero is a drama queen bitch who twirls around like a girl when shot instead of falling down flat on his ass like a man. Also, he would be NOTHING without those accuracy cheats. Nothing I tell you. Klesk is the real man of that arena. 
they are player models? :D 
But they talk to me, and taunt me, and comment on my comments . . . 
Why don't you ask the Orb,
at least for the deserter the func_info once was... 
He wasn't French.

That was the entire god damn problem.

He was French-Canadian, and to call him French was a deadly insult. Apparently. 
He Wasn't French. 
He was French-Canadian, and to call him French was a deadly insult.

Yeah, to the French. 
No, him assumine us talking about Bal was us calling him a mailbox (Buex Au Lettres or some shit), the most hideous, horrible insult you can give to a confused canadian. 
Lately I've taken to mapping with texture lock turned off. Does that make me queer? 
actually its pretty good, (at least in worldcraft) because it doesnt create every brush in a non-world-aligned-anal-sex mode. 
its not gay unless the brushes touch 
I Always Map With Texture Lock Off 
otherwise 10 brushes that make up a single wall will have different alignments on each brush. I specifically turn texture lock on for moving crates or light fixtures around, then turn it off again. 
Yes texlock is best left off until you start moving things around and rotating etc... 
in worldcraft, I map with it off because you'd have to manually reset off positioned textures to 0. in radiant, I map with it on becuase I'll either want aligned to 0, which it resets to when reappling/changing textures, or aligned how I have it currently most of the time. 
'Lately I've taken to mapping with texture lock turned off. Does that make me queer?'

What is the old saying, 'you build 100 bridges you are a bridgebuilder . . . .?' Anyway, it probably applies to mapping as well. While on the touchy subject (a big Ed McMahon 'whew-ha!') when are you going to make a sequel to Penile Devestation? A title suggestion, 'Vaginal Laceration'. 
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