QuakeC: Control Viewpoint Angles
Hey! So, I need some help with this.
I'm working on a mod to put Q2 weapons into Quake. Similar to the Quake 2 Weapons Project from long ago if anyone remembers that.
I got this menu system where players can select a marine to play as: Q1 ranger or Q2 marine. It works pretty well but I have some trouble with the viewpoint angle. I want to lock the viewpoint so the player can't look around until he's selected a class. I can lock the viewpoint alright, the problem is that it'll snap to the wrong angle; 90 degrees to the left or right of the spawnpoint angle usually, and no matter what I try I can't reorient it to look in the right direction.
Here's the code in question:
void() SetMarineClass =
local vector loc, ang;
local entity spot;
spot = SelectSpawnPoint();// store the spawnpoint orientation
// disable weaponmodel if we don't have a class yet.
if (!parm11)
self.weaponmodel = string_null;
// Kex fix: delay select text for 0.5 seconds
if (marine_select_wait < 30)
{ marine_select_wait += 1; }
// postpone until wait timer has reached 0.5 seconds / exit if we already have a class
if (marine_select_wait < 30 || parm11 || self.marineclass)
menu_origin = self.origin;
menu_marine_selection = 1;
// spawn a marine to display as menu choice
else if (marine_select_wait < 1000) // bogus value - doesn't get reached until we set it here
// self.v_angle = self.angles = spot.angles; // does nothing wtf?
// self.fixangle = TRUE; // turn this way immediately
makevectors (self.v_angle);
ang = self.v_angle;//spot.angles;
loc = self.origin + v_forward * 100 + v_up * 12;
menu_mdl = SpawnMenuMarine(loc);
menu_mdl.solid = SOLID_NOT;
setmodel(menu_mdl, "progs/player.mdl");
menu_mdl.frame = 12;
marine_select_wait = 1000;
// don't let monsters see us
self.notrace = 1;
// rotate menu model every tick
menu_mdl.angles_y -= 2;
// print class options
centerprint(self, "Choose your marine (1-4):");
// restrict movement
self.origin = menu_origin;
self.velocity = '0 0 0';
// restrict view
// Only keeps the correct rotation for the copper start map. Player gets insta-rotated 90 degrees to the left/right in other maps.
msg_entity = self;
WriteByte(MSG_ONE, 10);
WriteAngle( MSG_ONE, ang_x);
WriteAngle( MSG_ONE, ang_y);
WriteAngle( MSG_ONE, ang_z);
// put the marine in front of us at all times
makevectors (self.v_angle);
menu_mdl.origin = self.origin + v_forward * 100 + v_up * 12;
As you can see from the code that's been commented out, I've tried out a few different things to make this work. The result is always the same tho. The player's viewpoint ends up pointing 90 degrees to the left or right of the spawnpoint direction. I'm out of ideas for this one. Does anyone here know what I'm doing wrong and how to fix it?
Here's the pak and progs.dat if you wanna try it out and see for yourself: