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Pffftt. I was always taught that it was because the cost of real estate was based only on the extents of the ground floor area, so they "cheated" the system by bulging out the upper floors. 
That Verywell Could Be The Case Nowadays. 
The answers change across history of course. 
Sp Map 
you come to a tall black (runic/metal?) spikey tower in deep chasm, later you go in and fight in semi-open dome, not dm4jam_breezeep, not dm4jam_bloodshot, not unforgiven 
Maybe It Is The Map In Your Dreams, One You Will Make Yourself 
Really black structures in dark backgrounds doesn't look good without bumpmapping. Some kind of lighting is needed to make its shape recognizable. 
What's The Status On Https? 
feels scary logging in here :-o

It was quite easy to set it up on my server... 
System Shock 1 Source Code RELEASED (MAC) 
For those interested, the source code for the original System Shock (1994) has been released. Please refer to here for all future mod/code-delving discussions:

Synopsis: MAC version only, but all game logic is present. Night Dive Studios to release a mofied version of the source code at a later date for free to anyone who owns the System Shock Enhanced edition. This will bring much needed features into the game directly in NDS's port for PC.

I for one, will enjoy using this to help with my fan remake to help replicate a few details in the game: (shameless plug)

-JosiahJack, aka Qmaster
P.S. Citadel is my other project I work on when not mapping for Quake or updating my Keep mod. Go map! ;) 
no https because someone MiTM-ing your func account and using it to shitpost will be the hilarious af 
hilarious af rn frfr famalam 
Citadel, sounds exciting, is gorilla-tiger mutant ready? will run under Win Vista SP2 64bit pls? 
Gor-Tiger Detected At 83m, Idle 
Should Work On XP+ 
both System Shocks and first two Thieves a lot some 15 years ago (and both Ultima Underworld games before) 
Remember Maddox, that angry internet guy with hilarious rants from the last decade and a half? He's an absolute joke now. 
if you refer to me, remember that I have never had a bad word about a purple ox 
10 posts not shown on this page because they were spam
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