Our leader is the biggest joke in the world. Still, we haven't banned people from our country for saying that Islamic fundamentalism is kinda fucked up or criminally convicted Youtubers for making jokes like the UK just did. Jesus they would CRUCIFY classic comedians like Bill Hicks and George Carlin these days. However make sure to use my proper pronouns Shalrath and Voreling's or I will report you to one of our "Human Rights Commissions" which will turn your life upside-down lol.
And our intelligence services I'm sure are doing some nefarious shit as we are part of the creepily named "Five Eyes"(speaking of Shub...), but not as bad as GCHQ or the American Deep State, which seems determined to protect Hillary Clinton, the single most corrupt presidential candidate in American history, at all costs. Who cares if the DNC rigged the primary against Sanders and Wikileaks exposed it (and they've never even denied it lol in court the DNC lawyers actually argued the DNC had the right to rig the primary as part of free speech, that makes our system look pretty damn good in comparison). Let's all just sit by while the CIA announces they're going after Wikileaks with a 300 person team, all for doing what journalists are supposed to do - publish information from whistleblowers.
As Tom Waits put it in "God's Away On Business," "The ship is sinking."