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What is a "portal skybox"?

Anyway, the only widespread skybox format in Quake is the Q2 style one. 
@qmaster - interesting... and lame! So meshes would be vertex lit...

@mankrip - a.k.a 3d skyboxes 
How About Lightmapped Water? 
plz say yes. 
do either of these things exist with modern tools / engines?

Does using quake 3 bsp in FTE / DP count as "quake"?

If so, then it's a yes for lightmapped static meshes baked into the bsp i think.

I've no idea if anyone has ever tried making a single player quake map using q3 bsp though. Certainly, I've never heard of one. 
yeah, just curious if that stuff has made its way into q1bsp. I know q3bsp has had that stuff for some time. 
Lightmapped water is in FTE, i believe. 
Does using quake 3 bsp in FTE / DP count as "quake"?
About as much as using bsp2+skyboxes+lits in the same engines does. 
External bsp models (i.e. ammo boxes) aren't inherently fullbright, just the vanilla ones are brightly lit so as to appear as such. Engines with vanilla-style behavior (i.e. QS) directly display the model the way it's lit in the external bsp; more eyecandy oriented engines (i.e. Darkplaces) will either use the same behavior or light the entity as if it were a brush model within the map itself depending on what snazzy lighting options you have chosen.

If you open up the source for one of the id1 external bsp models (they're included in the Quake map sources download with all the E1-E4 maps, start, etc), you'll see it's just a brush/brushes (literally one square brush for an ammo box) with a couple lights placed around it to light the model. 
RTLights are overkill for when the user just want the ammo boxes to adjust their light level to the world lighting.

That said, most pickup items in Quake don't have fullbright-colored details, and can easily be missed when their lighting is adjusted to very dark places. I've had to add _luma maps to all ammo boxes' external textures due to that. 
Just within the past several days:

- Mueller subpoenas the Trump Organization, demanding documents with regards to ties to Russia. (Note he had the option to simply request the documents - he opted to demand them by law)

- The mask comes off Cambridge Analytica's influence in multiple past elections via using "leaked" personal data from Facebook.

And now: Trump declares he will meet Putin (whom he has already congratulated on his "election" "victory") to discuss limiting an arms race and boosting economic cooperation between the two countries (via AFP).

This is going to be the Ribbentrop-Molotov Pact 2, isn't it. RIP NATO. 
We're Through The Looking Glass Now People 
Mid-terms are our only hope at the moment, but I am not too confident in my countrymen. 
I'm Confident In The 2018 Red Wave 
For you brits, sorry to hear about the sell-out. So much for a clean brexit. 
As A Canadian 
Our leader is the biggest joke in the world. Still, we haven't banned people from our country for saying that Islamic fundamentalism is kinda fucked up or criminally convicted Youtubers for making jokes like the UK just did. Jesus they would CRUCIFY classic comedians like Bill Hicks and George Carlin these days. However make sure to use my proper pronouns Shalrath and Voreling's or I will report you to one of our "Human Rights Commissions" which will turn your life upside-down lol.

And our intelligence services I'm sure are doing some nefarious shit as we are part of the creepily named "Five Eyes"(speaking of Shub...), but not as bad as GCHQ or the American Deep State, which seems determined to protect Hillary Clinton, the single most corrupt presidential candidate in American history, at all costs. Who cares if the DNC rigged the primary against Sanders and Wikileaks exposed it (and they've never even denied it lol in court the DNC lawyers actually argued the DNC had the right to rig the primary as part of free speech, that makes our system look pretty damn good in comparison). Let's all just sit by while the CIA announces they're going after Wikileaks with a 300 person team, all for doing what journalists are supposed to do - publish information from whistleblowers.

As Tom Waits put it in "God's Away On Business," "The ship is sinking." 
Politics On Func_? Oh Boy! 
I'm pretty sure that 45 is giving HRC a run for her money on the "most corrupt" status.

In any case, American soft power is as weak as it's ever been at this point. Trump is being curb-stomped by Putin and Xi, which... is not a lot of fun to watch. I really need to start learning Mandarin... 
Something Like Python Control API For Q1? 
Hi all,

Is there something like a Python based interface for quake?
It would make life easier if you want to link it with some neural network research and train bots or 'players'.
(Real life work include machine learning and human movement so Im interested in bringing a bit of quake fun in my life again :) )

Any pointers appreciated.


PS: Im aware of Doom links to reinforcement learning. 
Daemonix = Carmack??? 
I'm unaware of any Python interface but I know Joshua "Skelly" was doing some kind of Python project for Quake. You can find him here: 
No, It Has Not. :( 
Gucci Shades On My Braids When I Escalade 
hehe just call me J :)

Thanks for the info Ill text him and see if he is working with Python or some simple API. 
Ok, The Cantilever Counterbalance Thing Convinced Me... 
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