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Quake Soundtrack Babble 
It uses polygons + game is dark and brown + 1996 = Quake 
Caffeine Offering Revenue To Game Developers is a new livestreaming platform in development. They are planning to let game developers get a share of revenue from having their games streamed. There are no details available yet, but here is a small announcement and an invitation for game devs to contact them.

No idea how many cents you could make to fund your favorite Quake editor's development with 24/7 mapping streams. I guess that might not be the intended use of this feature.

However, I thought it's interesting enough to share, in case you want to follow how they implement their idea in the future. 
I'm more interested in the fact I've been spelling 'caffeine' wrong all these years when I'm not caught by spellcheck. I before E except after C, my ass. 
Shambler: environments can be hostile without being empty repetitive and characterless, killes
Killes: no 
I Imagine Killes More Like 
No idea how many cents you could make to fund your favorite Quake editor's development with 24/7 mapping streams. I guess that might not be the intended use of this feature.

The game is Quake. The money would go to id/Zenimax. 
Ever Notice 
How dead it is on here on Friday evenings. 
Enjoy The Silence 
Hey, if it gets any livelier in here a funeral might break out! (queue cheesy drum roll.)

Seriously, I used to live next to a cemetery... 
People are having sex. With Shub-Niggurath. 
Is what they are doing I suppose 
Whaaht?? You Mean We Aren't All Mapping?! 
You must be from England...! 
A bunch of ppl mapping for dm4jam. This place might liven up a bit Monday or Tuesday. At least I hope so! 
I've tried mapping for a little bit but I just can't get my head into and/or around it...

Still, I'll keep plodding on and I'll keep enjoying the great things you guys put out. :) 

Storytelling in Quake is quite different nowadays. 
@Hipnotic Rogue 
Have you tried my TB2 tutorials? 
Lightmapped Static Meshes & Portal Skyboxes In Quake 
do either of these things exist with modern tools / engines? 
Lightmapped static mesh: only as an external bsp....actually I think those are fullbright now that I think of it.

Skybox: nope. 
2 posts not shown on this page because they were spam
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