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I Learned Stuff Today 
I did some testing, and it seems that doors DO work right, as long as they are not made to spawn at the same time, so negke's original suggestion was correct. So it looks like some other dm modification of mine broke my map causing some func_doors/plats to float in random places (they can't be touched and are visible at some points and then disappear at some other points; maybe the place-dependant visibility has something to do with vis, which dictates when to render them). Guess I gotta save and test my map more often, when doing the dm modifications next time.

My test map has four doors, or actually seven doors, where three of the doors have two doors overlapping each other. One of the doors in such a door set is a regular func_door with no triggers, while the other one is a door with the targetname "killable door".

The first door from the left is a door, which spawns both of the doors regardless of skill level or deathmatch flags. That door glitches out always when I play the map: When I press a button that killtargets the killable door, it also eats the other half of the regular triggerless door (a double door, which btw should be opening when I get close enough, but in this case won't budge).

The second door set is built in a way, that has both of the doors spawn only in easy skill level. In all other modes only one of the doors will spawn. That door works, as long as you don't play the map on easy, i.e. when only one of the doors spawn.

The third door set is a variation, where the other door spawns only in deathmatch and the other only in single player. No problems there, since there never is a situation where both of the doors spawn.

The fourth door is kind of unrelated to the whole dilemma. It's just a test on an alternative method on how to have the doors behave differently depending on skill level or deathmatch flag. I just put four trigger_multiples in front of the door, each opening the door in their respective play modes.

One final note: While writing this post and after already having uploaded the test map, I decided to fiddle around with the "don't link" flags, after remembering Qmaster's suggestion. Maybe the door linking causes the killable door to kill some of the triggerless door. I tried adding the "don't link" flag for both doors, which sure enough prevented the killtarget from killing any part of the triggerless door, but the triggerless door still refused to open upon approaching it. Only now did I discover that the "don't link" flag disables the func_door's ability to open automatically without a trigger. I was able to solve the problem though, by giving the door a triggername "regular door" and then putting a trigger_multiple in front of it.

So thank you, Qmaster! :) It seems that door linking was the root cause of this weird "killtarget door affecting other doors" behavior! Now only if knew just what it was that caused my doors and platforms glitch out in my main map... T_T 
Not Quite Generally Abusive Text, I Know 
Just as an addendum, I know that my previous post was heavily mapping stuff, but I didn't want to move the post to Mapping help, away from the discussion chain, which started with me asking about whether people still played deathmatch. Come to think, I should have probably posted that one in the mapping thread from the get-go, since that post had also mapping related stuff in it. So, apologies for the misplaced discussion! 
Yeah Berlin Can Be Cold 
But the summers are super nice! If you ever make it here, let me know ;-) 
I Was In Germany One Summer. 
The week started at 34'c, cooled down briefly to 26'c for a day or two, then went back up to 35/36'c. It was not the cold I was looking for. 
Normally doors that touch (not necessarily only the brushes but also their bounding boxes) are linked. This means, for instance, on a door where one part moves to the left and the other part to the right, if the player approaches from one side, the other side opens as well, or if one side is blocked, the other one acts correspondingly (as opposed to one side opening while the other remains closed).
The "don't link" spawnflag makes each func_door an indivual entity independent of its surroundings and other doors it touches.

Unrelated to this is that a func_door with a targetname will not generate a trigger volume of its own so you must create a trigger_once or _multiple (or some other entity) to make it open. The "don't link" spawnflag has nothing to do with this. 
Are You Sure? O: 
I tested just the "don't link" spawnflag again without any targetnames on a different simple test room, and it seems to me that the "don't link" flag on a func_door entity prevents the door from generating a trigger volume around itself; even if there is no other func_door touching the "don't link" door. It just doesn't budge. Perhaps you could try it out yourself, and if you can get the door to open itself with a "don't link" flag, I'd like to see the map. o: 
Quake Soundtrack Babble 
It uses polygons + game is dark and brown + 1996 = Quake 
Caffeine Offering Revenue To Game Developers is a new livestreaming platform in development. They are planning to let game developers get a share of revenue from having their games streamed. There are no details available yet, but here is a small announcement and an invitation for game devs to contact them.

No idea how many cents you could make to fund your favorite Quake editor's development with 24/7 mapping streams. I guess that might not be the intended use of this feature.

However, I thought it's interesting enough to share, in case you want to follow how they implement their idea in the future. 
I'm more interested in the fact I've been spelling 'caffeine' wrong all these years when I'm not caught by spellcheck. I before E except after C, my ass. 
Shambler: environments can be hostile without being empty repetitive and characterless, killes
Killes: no 
I Imagine Killes More Like 
No idea how many cents you could make to fund your favorite Quake editor's development with 24/7 mapping streams. I guess that might not be the intended use of this feature.

The game is Quake. The money would go to id/Zenimax. 
Ever Notice 
How dead it is on here on Friday evenings. 
Enjoy The Silence 
Hey, if it gets any livelier in here a funeral might break out! (queue cheesy drum roll.)

Seriously, I used to live next to a cemetery... 
People are having sex. With Shub-Niggurath. 
Is what they are doing I suppose 
Whaaht?? You Mean We Aren't All Mapping?! 
You must be from England...! 
A bunch of ppl mapping for dm4jam. This place might liven up a bit Monday or Tuesday. At least I hope so! 
I've tried mapping for a little bit but I just can't get my head into and/or around it...

Still, I'll keep plodding on and I'll keep enjoying the great things you guys put out. :) 
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