I'm pretty sure just one intermission camera is enough, and 4 is only the limit.
Intermission Camera
#277 posted by Mike Woodham on 2014/12/06 22:37:19
Doesn't it choose one of up to four at random? And if none, then the players start position?
#278 posted by
necros on 2014/12/06 22:55:51
that is the behaviour I have observed
That's Essentially It
Also fun fact: you can killtarget intermission cameras. Get some sweet conditional action up in that.
In the Shadows allowed you to switch between the cameras on the intermission screen by firing, I thought it was a pretty nifty addition.
#281 posted by
ijed on 2014/12/07 02:52:10
Maybe it could automatically cycle through them.
A Floating Disembodied Camera Moving Around Polygons
#282 posted by
DaZ on 2014/12/14 19:51:09
aka The Halls of the Blood God by Scampie
Youtube is being slow to encode the higher resolution 60fps version of the video so give it some time if its not available yet!
Shared This On My Tumblr Blog.
#283 posted by
Breezeep_ on 2014/12/14 22:26:00
I might play trough it without cheating sometime.
#284 posted by
- on 2014/12/14 23:03:39
Also, the ammo and health don't respawn on timers, but instead they respawn along with waves of enemies. Means the health and ammo is controlled so that you have enough for all the respawns, but never lets you get too much to break the balance.
Some White And Blue With Yellow Stains
#285 posted by
DaZ on 2014/12/21 20:52:53
#286 posted by
Spirit on 2014/12/22 12:05:04
Is this just me? Check the fly around at ~35-40s in. If I advance frame by frame there are many almost same frames mixed with bigger jumps. This is visible as jitter in 1:1 playback speed.
Are you capturing with something synchronized to the engine? Otherwise this might be due to the difference between the recorder's tick and the engine's.
#287 posted by
DaZ on 2014/12/22 18:08:42
Would setting the monitor refresh rate to 60hz with vsync on while recording at 60fps fix this issue?
I Noticed It Too
#288 posted by
ericw on 2014/12/22 18:39:49
although I don't recall seeing stuttering on past CG videos. Trying vsync sounds like a good idea.
Enjoyed the review though :)
Death By A Thousand Derps
#289 posted by
DaZ on 2015/01/07 19:16:28
pixels wot move m8
Death by a thousand cuts by Sock, shipping with map jam 2!
One Thousand Cuts
#290 posted by
sock on 2015/01/10 16:27:07
if anyone liked my jam2 entry I did an updated version with more content, skill levels and better item balance. I also wrote a long articles about how the map was originally created and what went right and wrong with its design.
Version 2 -
Nice On Sock.
#291 posted by
Shambler on 2015/01/10 16:54:24
That's my evening sorted - map and words.
Map Jam 4
#293 posted by
DaZ on 2015/02/03 00:45:54
wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck
The Video That's Coming
#294 posted by
DaZ on 2015/03/09 20:59:35
#296 posted by
Lunaran on 2015/05/26 17:51:13
I'd still kill for a Daz-plays-Aliens-TC stream.
Kill. Like, people.
Starting Map Jam 6 Videos
#298 posted by
DaZ on 2015/12/03 15:20:15
#299 posted by
adib on 2015/12/04 13:21:11
Very nice, very useful feedback.
You questioned a teleport that teleports you right up (to the exit). I agree, it was poor design. A teleport should be a last resource to solve connection problems. Some kind of stairway or unlocking an elevator would be better.
#300 posted by
negke on 2015/12/04 16:26:41
A teleporter is fine. It's just that in this case it all feels a little disjointed or unintuitive perhaps. It shows that you made the atrium first and then tried to come up with stuff around it - which is also fine, but it can lead to an uninspiring layout.
About the spike rock setup: while it's a nice mechanic, it doesn't really work out in the end due to a flaw in the presentation. It goes without saying that the rocks should have been made to stand out more visually, not necessary by putting a shootable texture on them, but something to make them look special and not like an environmental detail. Now, the setup itself is clever in principle, whether intentionally or not. First room teaches the player that the rocks can be interacted with and how they serve as both triggers for progression as well as platforms to jump on. The second room shows they can also be used to crush enemies, and the third room uses a combination of both, where the player can use them at his own discretion. However, the setup breaks at the second step. Upon entering the room, the player immediately sees the vore (& vice versa) and since there's no cover and little space, he instinctivly backs up again before he has a chance to spot the rock above the vore. Even if he does make the connection afterwards, after having sniped the vore from the previous room, it likely won't work as effectively in the third room, because there was no directly visuble reinforcement of the lesson.