#26 posted by
Drew on 2009/06/27 06:36:50
I always make it to my skill and then tone it down. I guess I have to try and work on that, huh?
Kewl Maps
#27 posted by
nahkahiir on 2009/06/29 19:10:54
Drew's - Why people keep telling it's hard? Am I doing something wrong because I complete it every time? And what is the missing kill...
Zwiffle's - Whee, the fiend is my good friend. Too bad he jumps into the void in the 100% demo.
Thanks For The Demos
#29 posted by
Zwiffle on 2009/06/29 19:53:45
They were very entertaining to watch, especially the 0:06 run.
#30 posted by Orbs on 2011/09/30 20:52:27
since there hasnt been many maps lately checking speedmap packs i missed out on, nice ones. THough for running those lifts are quite nightmarishly long but but fun "casual" gameplay.