#29846 posted by
mankrip on 2017/12/12 10:57:36
See John Romero's own Twitter
The Ogre is clearly inspired by Leatherface from the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movie series. His grenade launcher is even shaped like a hammer which is the second main weapon that Leatherface uses. Source
So, at some points during the development, the ogre had:
- horns
- shield
- axe
- hammer
- nailgun
- grenade launcher
And the game manual also mentions him carrying a sack of grenades.
#29847 posted by
PRITCHARD on 2017/12/12 13:01:16
sack = backpack that the ogre drops, I guess
#29848 posted by iriyap on 2017/12/12 14:46:01
IIRC, the player's Axe weapon comes from an earlier Ogre model. Probably that's why it's so gritty and covered in blood unlike the other weapons.
Also, the Ogre is still holding a nailgun in his final model. That tiny weapon is way too small to fit even a single grenade, much less launch it. They must've switched fron nails to grenades because dodging nails is rather hard and would feel too much like hitscan.
#29849 posted by
mankrip on 2017/12/12 18:21:12
the Ogre is still holding a nailgun in his final model. That tiny weapon is way too small to fit even a single grenade
Well, its design was based on realistic nailguns then, instead of being based on the nailguns that the player carries. This would also explain why it looks like a hammer. And I also agree with this after looking at the ogre's gun skin - that's definitely not a hammer.
#29850 posted by
Qmaster on 2017/12/12 18:26:16
Look at that ogre! No wonder the manual says he's 9ft tall! Looks scary awesome.
#29851 posted by iriyap on 2017/12/12 19:52:37
Well, the player never gets to use a single barrel nailgun, so we could assume that's what it looks like.
Here's the Ogre model skin:
The two strips on right must've been used for his horns.
#29852 posted by
mankrip on 2017/12/12 22:31:14
Those screenshots are vertically stretched.
Here's them with the
correct aspect ratio.
Wasn't Me Who Posted Those, But...
#29853 posted by iriyap on 2017/12/12 23:57:27
#29855 posted by
mankrip on 2017/12/15 03:57:43
I was actually replying to #29850 in my last reply.
Here's the original source for these screenshots
Yes, and I just corrected the image aspect of those screenshots to 4:3 square pixels, since Quake was developed for 4:3 CRT monitors with non-square pixels.
Monkeying Around In Darkplaces
#29857 posted by
killpixel on 2017/12/20 07:42:26
day scene
night scene (this one's cooler)
I was watching some Sea of Thieves gameplay this evening and felt compelled to play around in DP/q3map2. I grabbed a couple textures from google and slapped these together. Granted there isn't much going on in those shots, but performance is pretty good (around 400 fps @ 1080p).
I'd like to make a pretty, cheerful and humorous adventure game someday. All this time in gloomy crypts and mournful ruins has me longing for some levity :/
#29858 posted by
metlslime on 2017/12/20 08:57:00
that nighttime skybox looks cool, the clouds are very stylish/cartoony.
I'd Like To Make A Pretty, Cheerful And Humorous Adventure Game Someda
#29859 posted by
Shambler on 2017/12/20 10:59:51
Brightly lit egyptian / ikwhite theme Q1 SP full of murderous monsters and brutal carnage??
Both Of Those Look Very Cool
#29860 posted by
nitin on 2017/12/20 12:51:15
#29861 posted by
killpixel on 2017/12/20 19:56:37
@metl - yeah, it's sweet. I think I got it and some others from the unity asset store for like $5.
@shambler - I was thinking more along the lines of a 'pirate' themed, semi open world shoot n' loot with a Blizzard-esque aesthetic. This is actually something I've wanted to do for a while now.
@nitin - I think so too. I'm a sucker for bright colors and video game water.
#29862 posted by
Shambler on 2017/12/20 22:33:29
So Assassins Creed Black Flag meets Torchlight 2 from an FPS perspective. Something for your forthcoming game engine.....
Just Sayin'
#29863 posted by iriyap on 2017/12/21 04:02:25
I'd play the shit out of a Quake map pack / TC in a cartoon fantasy style like Torchlight or other lighthearted RPG's.
I think hand painted textures like this would work pretty well:
#29864 posted by
Qmaster on 2017/12/21 13:50:27
Go for it. Seems that whatever you touch turns to awesome. Looking good.
#29865 posted by
killpixel on 2017/12/21 23:17:12
@shambler - TL2's light rpg elements would fit well in an old school fps with a little more streamlining imo.
@iriyap - same here.
@qmaster - thank you, good sir!
About The Ogres...
#29867 posted by
Redfield on 2017/12/23 05:04:43
Looking at the ogre art/models above I am reminded of a custom ogre that is Madfox's excellent Fourfeather:
The new ogre in this map does seem to resemble these models, I wonder is it an original or are these models available somewhere - Madfox? I'm going to guess he made it because of all the other custom stuff in the map (Bender!)
@killpixel - looks awesome. For some reason the art style in those videos reminds me of the Rayman universe.
#29868 posted by
Redfield on 2017/12/23 07:45:52
To answer my own question, it seems that in the readme for Fourfeather the ogres are based on the ones in QuakeTest with some modification. So it is indeed a model of an alternative ogre design. A cool piece of Quake history.
Merry Christmas
#29869 posted by
SleepwalkR on 2017/12/24 21:07:49
Hope everyone is well, has a full belly and some nice presents I’m good company.