#2 Deffo.
#29577 posted by Shambler on 2017/08/24 22:01:37
#29578 posted by skacky on 2017/08/24 22:13:50
Tronion Ftw Lol
#29580 posted by Tronyn (4 is what I thought) on 2017/08/24 23:53:50
Back in the day when my friend Lee created Nexiuz, he meant for it to be pronounced Nex-ee-yus, but because of his strange spelling fans apparently pronounced it Nex-whiz.
I will make an id size map one day. At the moment I'm still plugging away at some behemoths but I think I've finally reached the limit, at least in terms of how much I can expand my style of map. About to play Forgotten Sepulcher this weekend though and wouldn't be surprised if it and other new maps have pushed the scale even further.
No More Vsync In Mark V WinQuake?
#29581 posted by jayoo on 2017/08/25 06:22:09
I'm getting constant frame stutters in WinQuake. Why is there no vsync command or setting?
#29582 posted by Mugwump on 2017/08/25 07:23:28
plugging away at some behemoths
Plug away, man, plug away... But release!
#29583 posted by Jago on 2017/08/26 14:52:47
Since IRC #terrafusion seems mostly dead these days and supposedly a lot of folks migrated to Discord, whats the address for Terrafusion Discord server?
#29585 posted by spy on 2017/08/26 15:26:16
thanks a bunch, buddy
Keep Mod (uber Mod)
#29586 posted by Qmaster on 2017/08/26 21:56:31
Das Readme ist nehman Forever. Tis fun though. In a way it will end up being an encyclopedia for all things Quake. I'm trying to be thorough in providing the information my readers will want, mappers and players...mostly mappers.
I've been thinking about making a new thread to be a devblog of sorts, good idea? Lame? Don't care?
#29587 posted by Mugwump on 2017/08/27 00:01:05
thine über mod having its own thread might be a good idea, especially if you plan on giving us frequent news updates. It'll keep things tidier than having to rummage through the GA thread to find your posts.
Hey, Was It Ericw That Made The Defullbright Utility?
#29589 posted by Qmaster on 2017/08/27 23:49:02
It needs to be updated to ignore the transparency index or else it borks my {fence textures.
#29590 posted by ericw on 2017/08/27 23:52:03
yeah, that should be fixed in v0.2 from here
#29591 posted by Qmaster on 2017/08/28 00:05:21
Great! Thanks! Works perfect.
Ionous Please Stop Spamming Your Twitch Stream
#29592 posted by megaman on 2017/08/28 17:02:18
everybody who's interested will be a follower at this point.
k thx bye.
Except you are wrong about "followers". We're getting new visitors to func_ each day, those visitors might be interested in his streams right?
Ionous is not asking for money or getting sponsors. He's just contributing to the community.
@Ionous. Do your thing.
#29593 Agreed
#29594 posted by mjb on 2017/08/28 19:30:38
Ionous, keep being you man.
I'm With Dump And Bloughsman
#29595 posted by Mugwump on 2017/08/28 20:27:41
Twitch and YouTube are currently the only way for me to watch playthroughs until my computer is fixed.
I Never Know When Ionous Is Going To Stream.
#29596 posted by Shambler on 2017/08/28 21:01:25
So I rely on his twitch spam thread to know how many hours ago I missed his Honolulu-time stream.
Drake Mod?
#29597 posted by Qmaster on 2017/08/29 03:11:11
Is Something_Wicked the latest version of the Drake mod?
I like how subtly advertised Drake is, similar to my Keep mod version 0.10.
Yeah It Is
#29598 posted by Tronyn on 2017/08/29 04:23:51
There haven't been any completed updates since then although I think PM may have a build that at least partly implements some newer features.
Also, not that it's guaranteed to be released at all or bear much resemblance to the original game if it is, but a sequel to Rune has just been announced. I'd given up all hope years ago:
Regarding My Stream
#29599 posted by ionous on 2017/08/29 05:48:30
Mostly I post in the appropriate map threads as a heads-up to the prospective mappers. I know that when someone streams one of my maps, I appreciate the heads-up, since I like being there.
And I have no clue who follows me or who doesn't. I've never checked.
#29600 posted by megaman on 2017/08/29 13:13:03
So I rely on his twitch spam thread
Wasn't even aware there is one. That's totally fine. #tf also. Go for it.
I was talking exclusively about the other threads, e.g. map releases, other pc games, etc. It's just visual noise there. The threads have some sort of "documentation" aspect to me, so please don't extra clutter them.
(btw, I am following ionous on twitch iirc. I would be interested in watching him play map releases, but I've never once seen it timely enough in a news thread.)
@29599 Ionous
#29601 posted by megaman on 2017/08/29 13:16:47
a) contact author directly or #tf for the stream
b) post the link to the recording after it exported to youtube to the release thread (or if you can save twitch recordings longer than a few weeks, go for that)
Also, we need a better quaddicted for map releases.