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MechaKnight slow plays through most released jams/releases now:

Technically I upload playthroughs of my maps, but I am considering having commentary over the just released jam 9. 
+1 Commentary 
MechaKnight is you?

@dumptruck The tuts will come in handy. 
MechaKnight is just a player who records his plays.

I haven't put commentary on any Quake videos yet. 
Found Khreathor's YT Channel 
and Rob Martem's who is always fun to listen to.

ANd BTW I like Twitch but prefer YT as Twitch BLOWS Chromecasting to TVs. 
How Crap 
Paper-Shub Is über Cool Tho 
I guess it levels the score. 
MechaKnight Is Alex Hope 
he renamed his channel recently I think. 
T H I C C 
Thank you for the recommendations, I will check them out.

Also for Quake 2 I think spog's map could perhaps be called a thicc map. ;3c 
I just saw you released a Q2 unit a few months bacc. I haven't played Q2 in years but if I reinstall it someday I'll mace sure to checc it out. Screenshots looc nice. Don't cnow if you're aware of this because you haven't posted in that thread but a news post was made about it on Func_ here. In case you wanna read the feedbacc. 
Yes, I have looked at it already. I was surprised at the feedbakk given that it was my first "real" offering for Quake 2 (previously I had only released one kaizo-themed map which people hated because of the absurdly difficult opening). I hope my next SP-unit will be even better. :3 
Okay this may be wildly off topic but I am trying to figure some things out so I can capture gameplay footage MY WAY.

I have a high end recording device that can record and encode a signal from HDMI. My target would be to get 720 60p file to edit with off the device. I'm wondering how this works with HOSTMAX_FPS

I would assume setting my monitor to 60hz, enabling vsync in-game and setting the recorder to the proper format would work.

I've done tests in the past but I recall having issues. Want to retrace my steps but start off with at least the game set up correctly. I cannot test it ATM but thought I'd ask as there seems to be some know-how on this board. 
There Is No Off-topic In General Abuse 
Installing Multiple Quake Engines 
I'm curious about folder/file management for Quake. I don't like having the base Quake directory house literally every mod and map I have. Can't really tell what is what. I'd like to have separate folders for custom content and have the base Quake install by itself. I'd also like to have multiple engines that I can switch between if need be, without overwriting the old engine stuff in the base Quake directory. Is this possible? For example, I'm having problems with several maps/mods loading in QSS that work just fine with QS. I don't want to have to keep overwriting my engine files and renaming the correct executable to "Winquake" for Steam to see it etc. What can I do? 
I Use Completely Separate Engines 
in separate quake folders. It does mean my install is around 8 gigs though. 
So you have multiple full Quake installs? I assume you don't launch from Steam? Where do you put all of your mods? Just pick one of the installs? 
I don't launch from steam. I just keep it in games/quake.
AD has it's own separate folder now it uses its own engine. I use Mark_V most of the time but I have different versions (like the winquake version if I am in a classic mood) I use the twitch fork for online streaming (though I couldnt get it to work recently).
There's a lot of duplication in there, things like quoth and drake for example are essential. 
So you have games/quake, games/quake1, games/quake2 or something for your Mark_V versions with full installs inside? Including all your mods? That's pretty crazy. I'm sure there's a more elegant way that wouldn't need so much redundancy. 
Pretty Much 
I used to throw em all into a single folder but it kind of screws up your configs after a while.
I'm sure there is a much better way to do it, probably something to do with .bat files perhaps. 
I'll wait for some more input then :) 
I feel your pain for sure. Have you tried using Simple Quake Launcher tho? My Quake directory is at least 4Gbs maybe more. But I have not had to look at it in a while. With SQL you can choose engine, game (Quake, Quoth, Hipnotic etc) then game directory, map and skill level and then command line switches. It's helpful.

Now this won't completely solve your problem and I am seriously considering the same thing you are talking about BUT SQL has made things much easier to launch and switch back and forth between engines. MarkV does mess up your config but I just save mine to a custom and exec from there. There are only 2 drawbacks: it defaults the gametype alphabetically so I have to change 1000 to id1 etc. and it takes a while to load becuase it scans your Quake directory on launch.

I really like it a lot. Give it a shot.


I've had that for awhile, never really used it. I'll check it out again, thanks. 
if its just dll conflicts (eg: 32bit vs 64bit), you can shove well-behaved engines and their dlls in some subdirectory and start them up with '-basedir ..' or equivelent

best thing to do about configs (other than smashing the developer's doors down with a sledgehammer) is to just make them read-only, and then nothing can corrupt them when you least expect it. you can use +exec for engine-specific settings, if you need them. 
Winquake? Heck if a dev just added an option to disable frame interpolation what else would be different in Quakespasm? 
#29476 Dumptruck 
I'm throwing a wild guess here but maybe if you set host_maxfps to 60 it would prevent the issues you had? I think it's set to 72 by default in QS. 
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