#2901 posted by
Joel B on 2019/01/28 08:23:39
And to be clear, TrenchBroom will do that substitution automatically. You shouldn't actually type your map name in there. Instead, type $(MAP_BASE_NAME) exactly as it is showing you.
Is It Parentheses Or Braces?
I forget, but I thought it was ${BLAHBLAH} with braces?
#2903 posted by
Joel B on 2019/01/28 08:40:09
Yah I didn't have the manual handy, just copying what they said above. But it is in fact braces like ${MAP_BASE_NAME}
Is Post #2895
#2904 posted by
Drew on 2019/01/28 23:13:24
being ignored cuz I'm dumb? Or did it just get skipped over in the midst of the $$$
The Problem Is
#2905 posted by
Jaeon on 2019/01/28 23:51:23
more then I can bear. Not really I just liked writing it. I do appreciate the posts. I am a tad closer but not there yet. I find it difficult to converse in a language I am not functional in. The more I study it and look at examples from other compiling sources the closer I think I am getting until I attempt implementation. I did print out the compilation dialog
from JACK and Quark. Those sources and the Trenchbroom manual may be speaking the same language but I don't know how many ways the same thing can be written. AS my genetics professor once remarked..."Don't make an easy thing hard" Nyuk, Nyuk, Nyuk
#2906 posted by
Scrama on 2019/01/29 07:03:04
Try to open your map in notepad and save. It is good to make backup before. If we talk about map not bsp.
#2907 posted by
Scrama on 2019/01/29 07:05:46
you can check your map format structure as plain text or share it
This video is closed caption so you can watch in your native language:
Can you upload the map file and post a link?
#2910 posted by
Jaeon on 2019/01/29 21:45:40
The link takes me to your setup tut
YES!! it is a video that you can play in your native language as I typed above. The section where the compiling is setup should play automatically.
Referring To This Comment
I find it difficult to converse in a language I am not functional in.
Maybe I misunderstood.
#2913 posted by
Drew on 2019/01/30 01:09:57
thanks for interest/reply
trying to remember what I was doing that could have triggered this weirdness but it's a little unclear as I didn't realize it wasn't making changes for bit (assumed I messed up in the editor as it isn't my comfort zone etc)
please let me know if more info required
Why Doesn't Someone Write A Tut For Compiling Q2 Maps Out Of
#2914 posted by
Jaeon on 2019/01/30 02:16:06
Trenchbroom? I have seen two other threads that fizzled when the user was asking for help to do just that. I am wondering if there is an issue with Trenchbroom that won't allow for it. Heck, if there was one for how to do it with Quake that might suffice. I am hoping someone takes up the challenge. As for the statement "I find it difficult to converse in a language I am not functional in. " I was referring to my inability to understand even basic code speak.
I did it before. It can be done. Just try it out. If I can figure it out anyone can. Sorry I don't have the answers for you but I have a new computer and those files are on another I don't have access to. You can Google for Quake 2 compiling tools and find this:
Write a batch file to compile your map and FFS GO MAP.
and go here for some info:
The map file looks fine. Could you post the entire error message, it might stem from one of TB's other configuration files.
#2918 posted by
Scrama on 2019/01/31 14:24:12
I've got it
// entity 25
"classname" "monster_zombie"
"origin" "744 136 200"
"angle" "270\"
Last entity at file has misprinted backslash - escape character. Just remove it using notepad.
#2920 posted by
Jaeon on 2019/02/01 04:06:30
Appreciate it. Thank You. Too much for me though. I am now using Quark's internal compiling. It is no more time consuming then using the compiling GUI. So I build in Trenchbroom and compile in Quark, my problem is solved.
#2922 posted by
Drew on 2019/02/01 05:50:46
(re #2918 AND #2920, clearly)
So is this \ a byproduct of something I did in the editor or just my fat fingers
Drew A.k.a. Fat Finger
#2923 posted by
Scrama on 2019/02/01 08:15:47
Seems like you pressed it in pair with Enter
TB should warn about this though.
#2925 posted by
Scrama on 2019/02/01 10:00:12
You have to validate string on focus lost at least. BTW only useful escaped symbol for entity fields is "\n"