Thanks For Copying It. Not Giving Feminist Sites My Hits
#29177 posted by anonymous user on 2017/06/04 05:24:29
#29178 posted by metlslime on 2017/06/04 07:15:58
Can't tell if it's satire or not
#29179 posted by Jonas on 2017/06/05 19:06:58
#29177 is a TOR node
Monster Wave Mods
Your question was bugging me so I looked at Qonquer and also found ne_dynamic (along with the aforementioned DMSP.)
#29181 posted by madfox on 2017/06/07 17:01:27
Your question didn´t bug me.
Quaddicted didn´t add Qonquer as it´s a mod.
I had it available but it was denied.
Quaddicted didn't add Qonquer as it´s a mod.
I had it available but it was denied.
Quaddicted has a mod directory if you dig but I guess the don't want to publicize it on the front page - which is puzzling to me.
Looking forward to trying Qonquer. I really like DMSP as it brilliantly makes use of DM maps and I've made a few of those. I took a look at Qonquer's dev docs from work yesterday - pretty intriguing.
Trent Reznor's Quake Soundtrack Is Coming To Vinyl
#29183 posted by mfx on 2017/06/08 20:12:21
#29184 posted by mankrip on 2017/06/08 23:42:23
I'd like if it came with lossless digital multitracks too. Quake mods could really benefit from high quality remixed music.
I'm With You MK
#29185 posted by mfx on 2017/06/09 00:10:10
But i think this release is just another cash grab, the original QUAKE CD audio files are the best resolution out there..
I could be wrong though, and there are some DATs recovered and being mastered again and and and..
I doubt it.
Quaddicted Needs Staff
#29187 posted by madfox on 2017/06/11 16:03:05
I would be willing, but I'm an anologue fossile.
#29188 posted by negke on 2017/06/11 18:55:14
What Quaddicted needs is a motivated admin.
What Makes Good AI? | Game Maker's Toolkit
#29189 posted by megaman on 2017/06/11 21:55:00
hey, this made me kindof angry. At least the first half.
To Be Fair It's Been Light On Releases Recently
To Be Hard It's Been Heavy On Comments Usually
#29191 posted by madfox on 2017/06/13 03:48:47
better no maps than more bad ones.
#29192 posted by Jonas on 2017/06/13 18:18:43
thanks for the video link, it is interesting.
What about it makes you angry? That AI is programmed to make the player feel awesome as compared to KILLING THE SHIT out of them?
Isn't this basic level design 101? The job of encounter design isn't to kill the player but to pose a manageable challenge?
Re: AI
#29193 posted by megaman on 2017/06/13 22:52:15
his first suggestions are basically just making the AI less interesting for the player in exchange for an ego-boost. Fuck ego-boost.
Good AI..
#29194 posted by megaman on 2017/06/13 23:04:53
- doesnt chase the player: this is not bad if it's done SOME of the time. "No one gets the drop on Batman, after all" is definitely NOT OKAY, because it just makes things boring.
- lets the player cheat: no, I want an emergent simulation pls. Enemies not hitting me when I'm in cover, enemies not turning around when im sneaking up? Fucking boring.
- tells you what it's thinking: yeah, so everything has yellow ?-triangles over its head, and act stupid, so even the dumbest players get it. In return, AI will never surprise you.
- is predictable: see above. I want to be required to apply complex strategies, not "turn off generator to slowly (and boringly) lure every enemy into my crosshair". That's not even a strategy. The scariest AI moments I remember consist of some really surprising behavior after a bunch of interactions with that same AI.
- can interact with game systems: yes.
- reacts to the player: err, yes.
- has its own goals: yes.
- isn't just about enemies: well, yes.
#29195 posted by Jonas on 2017/06/13 23:33:31
I see. You got some good points there.
I believe the batman games are probably made for a teenage target audience, which might explain the "batman-is-all-powerful" thing. Boring, yes. Agreed. Probably made for children.
Regarding the predictability, I believe he was saying that they need to behave predictably to the point where the player can understand the fundamental gameplay mechanics and develop some repertoire of basic tactics (like in Quake). I agree that it's boring when they are always predictable, though. Maybe some 60% of the time would be good, depending on what kind of game it is?
When the methods outlined in the video are applied heavy handedly and in a dumb way, like yellow triangles as you say, the result will certainly be mediocre. I think they still have some merit though.
Interesting discussion. I've been thinking about AI quite a bit recently. I'm doing a patrol-based AI where different types of enemies will behave in different ways - some may defend their position, some may hunt you down quite mercilessly. I believe variety in behaviours is important, and is one way to make a game more interesting. This is where the Quake-type monsters are quite inspiring, even though they're relatively dumb.
Found Some Plants In Low Poly
#29196 posted by primal (nli) on 2017/06/14 10:31:24
There are two packs of low poly textured tree and plant models on the site. They are freeware.
#29197 posted by madfox on 2017/06/14 15:33:41
It is the same site I made a compilation of for qmle. Not all were usefull as they exceeded the limits. Here are nine them fit for quake.
Great collection, maybe with some inspiration they can all be converted.
Thanks for sharing!
Showing My Mug
#29198 posted by Mugwump on 2017/06/16 07:50:24
Hey guys, I'm back! Sorry for the long silence but my mother died from a double whammy of The Great Old Krabz last January (as if Lady Death thought just one wasn't sure enough) and I've been swamped in administrative bovine faeces. Seriously, I have no idea how these things are handled in other countries but in the Land of Cheese and Winey, it's a shit-ton o'drag! Plus I had no interwebz for a few months, so...
Anyway, it's good to be roaming the dark halls of Quake again. To the probable relief of some, I won't be as chatty as I've been in the past for reasons of active job-seeking. I have no clue when I'll be able to release Aaa (the metal/lava map that was supposed to be featured in QUMP) or my ZinCity map, or even the polished version of the Noir Jam for that matter, but I'll be sure to keep you posted when I have news to share. Sorry for the delay.
On another note, my first move upon coming back here was of course to check the releases. Considering how the release rate had rocketed up in late 2016, I was expecting a shitload of new maps to sink my teeth in but was a bit disappointed to see that it seemingly went back to normal. Oh well, I guess there's already enough maps out there to last a lifetime or two...
Shub bless y'all!
QuakeOne Is Down
#29199 posted by anonymous user on 2017/06/16 12:31:37
What happened?
#29200 posted by mjb on 2017/06/16 12:57:42
I am sorry to hear about your mother, I hope time is doing its job of mending wounds.
Glad to see you did not vanish for good, here are some releases that may be interesting to you:
-AD 1.5 was released with new maps and tools to play with.
-Retrojam 6 (Egyptian theme) released with very large participation
-Explorejam 2 was released
-Numerous individual map releases from new mappers (Check quaddicted and func news release threads.)
-There is a large map to be released for AD from Sock/Giftmacher.
I am sure there are other releases but you can search for those as well!
#29201 posted by Mugwump on 2017/06/16 18:43:55
Thanks buddy. I'm OK, I can stomach pretty much anything, emotionally speaking.
When I mentioned the rocketed-up release rate, I was indeed talking about AD 1.5, RJ6 (and 5) and XJ2 plus the few standalones. The slowdown came after these. And I did say that I had checked the releases: I counted only 9 single map releases since I left, plus your mini-episode. Compare that to the slew of new maps that came in the months prior. BTW, you were working on a new map, weren't you? Howzit going?
About the Sock/Giftmacher map, I may have misunderstood but I seem to remember Sock saying that he would release it as a standalone instead of the initial idea of an expansion for AD.