Posted by metlslime on 2013/05/03 01:34:47 |
There's a Console Thread, a PC Thread, but where does the lowly browser gamer get a fix? This is where. Also, mobile games.
Discuss iPhone, Android, Flash, HTML5, Unity, etc. games here. |
Pogo Piggle
#269 posted by Gunter on 2017/06/16 09:11:29
Oh, there's a mobile game thread?
Well, try my Pogo Piggle games for Android!
There are 2 tappy games and 1 dice game.
I would try the Forest game first.
Just like my FvF Quake mod, my Pogo Piggle games are designed to make you hate life!
Pogo The Clown
#270 posted by Mugwump on 2017/06/16 09:40:00
Just tried the forest game. Graphics are... umm... let's not talk about the graphics. Gameplay-wise, I went up the second floor (yes, the first branch!) and... uninstalled immediately. Sorry, not for me.
At Least You Made It To 1
#271 posted by Gunter on 2017/06/16 21:24:35
Tappy games aren't for everyone, heh. You probably would hate the Ice Cave game too, though it has completely different gameplay.
You might try the dice game though, "Pogo Piggle Can't Stop!" It's based on an old board game called Can't Stop....
Piggle Moshpit
#272 posted by Mugwump on 2017/06/17 00:28:32
OK, so I tried the other 2 games... Graphics still hurt the eye somewhat but I understand it's not the point, so I won't dwell on that.
Ice Cave I couldn't play on my phone, as tapping, long or short, seemingly did nothing than raise a horizontal white line. I guess it has to do with the height of jumps but little piggle never jumped... :(
Can't Stop seems more fun. I'm not a fan of injecting chance in strategy-based gameplays but it can make for some wicked turns of events. Played only one match but I'll probably try it a bit more.
Oh, And It's Cool To Have Had Some Use For This Icon...
#273 posted by Mugwump on 2017/06/17 00:30:34
#274 posted by Gunter on 2017/06/17 06:17:26
Hah, a pig icon! I didn't notice that.... Neat.
I don't really tell people HOW to play the games, especially the tappy games -- I intentionally didn't provide instructions (other than the visual tap/press hints at the start -- of course the dice game has a whole help screen, and a video! hah), because figuring out what you need to do is part of the sense of accomplishment (and it's not like it's all THAT hard to figure out -- it's just a matter of figuring out how to tap... or press). It sounds like you were very close to figuring out the Ice Cavern controls though....
The dice game does have the element of chance and pressing your luck, of course, but it's also about playing the odds strategically (it's very easy to get a 7, so that's almost always a safe bet, which is why that row of apples is the longest).
But thanks for trying my games, in any case!
You're Welcome
#275 posted by Mugwump on 2017/06/17 06:46:45
Hmmm... I might try Cavern again sometime, then.
The thing with chance is that it can totally fuck up a carefully planned strategy instantly, and when I "strategize" (is this a word?) I prefer to be in control.
#276 posted by muk on 2017/06/17 17:58:47
Any decent games for mobile that make use of a controller? Got a Steel Series bluetooth controller the other week.
VR Games?
#277 posted by Mugwump on 2017/06/17 18:01:53
Or a Quake port...
Mukobile Games
#278 posted by Mugwump on 2017/06/17 18:13:20
Try googling "list of mobile games for SteelSeries bluetooth controller". Returns plenty of results.
Bluetooth Controllers
#279 posted by Gunter on 2017/06/17 22:02:50
Mostly the emulators (My Boy, Nostalgia NES, MD.emu, etc).
I also have a couple dual-stick space shooter games: PewPew and Particle Arcade Shooter.
And there's Wayward Souls.
It's kind of hard to find decent games that support controllers....
Sonic The Hedgehog Does For 3 Bucks
#280 posted by Mugwump on 2017/06/17 22:18:07
and if I understood correctly, Sonic 2 is also included.
#283 posted by megaman on 2017/07/04 12:18:00
"Of Tea"...
#284 posted by Mugwump on 2017/07/04 13:33:45
Pogo Piggle Can't Stop... But I Can!
#285 posted by Mugwump on 2017/07/07 00:20:16
Played some more of this game by Gunter. I thought it was kinda fun at first but quickly the luck factor became highly irritating: it prevents any strategizing. Some may like it but it's definitely not for me. Uninstalled.
#286 posted by Gunter on 2017/07/08 03:08:21
Ah well, that's the nature of dice and card games. There is some strategy, but luck is always big factor.
Thanks for trying my games anyway.
Here's a video of someone playing my games: https://youtu.be/PO3xsYxl5Wk (shaky low quality video warning)
Enjoy watching him suffer >:D
(And he started playing Can't Stop without reading the help screen, so he didn't know what he was doing at first.)
Cthulhu Virtual Pet
#287 posted by Mugwump on 2017/07/11 10:05:59
Personally not a fan of tamagochis so I haven't played this but I thought the concept of a Cthulhu tamagochi, complete with 8-bit monochromatic graphics, would be outlandish enough to be mentioned here, in case anyone's interested.
#289 posted by Mugwump on 2017/07/17 10:44:59
Played this very short but free puzzle game yesterday on my Android phone (not sure if it exists for iPhones or WP) and found it pretty cool. 50 puzzles will keep you busy for one or two hours tops. The motto here is minimalistic design and original gameplay mechanics.
Most puzzles are very to moderately easy, though some are a bit of a headscratcher. Then again, I've never been very good at puzzles: I lack the patience for it. Which is probably why I enjoyed this game. Each of these 50 logic-based puzzles can be solved in a handful of seconds and if you get stuck, a gradual hint system can help you understand how to beat it.
#291 posted by Mugwump on 2017/09/05 21:21:24
I've been playing this (formerly titled Mage & Minions) mobile free-to-play Diablo-like over the weekend and found it pretty cool for a free game. It's not perfect but enjoyable enough without becoming a pay-to-win as you progress. Noticed some z-fighting visual glitches where bridges connect with terrain. Note that said terrain apparently uses a voxel engine, something I haven't seen since Outcast. Not sure about the game's replay value: unlike Diablo, the campaign maps aren't procedurally generated - yeah, I know procedural generation usually makes crappy maps but it was one of Diablo's strengths.
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