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wrath, that wasn't anywhere near incoherant enough. try again 
i'm drubke enough that if shambler was here id' fucking shag him, whituout hesitation,


cybear is short. i',m tall. mortherfunke. fuckflap. 
still weak. I expect so much more out of you. 
well shit man, I'm confused...
You asking for random hammering on some keys or a fully fledged rant on why this place is a shithole? 
I want to hear YOUR VOICE! I want to hear it loud and powerful and to strike fear into the children of the world! I want to see you rise above the world before it's breaking and know that it's by your hand that the seas run red and the cats cry in the night. I want to see your mad rantings against the strange and surreal evils that shape and destory our land, filling it with the very maggots of stupidity and ignorence! I want you to become our leader into this land of milk and honey!

or I just want you to post strange revealing details that we can laugh about tomorrow morning. 
your flattery will not go unnoticed when the angels descend letting loose the trunpets of war, raining death down upong the works of men.

However, it is very un-characteristisc should I rant AGAINST the evils that shape, destroy the land. Don't you think?

Now, the voice?!

The disciple prays for the voice, to strike terror in the hearts of... whoever.
To let the fear loose amongst the... cats... In the night, apparently.

The voice! To bring you the breaking of this world, and by the hands of this voice let the waters run red with the blood of tiny, considerate folk.
Yeah, whotever...

I see your "leader in the land of milk and honey", raising you one "exoskeleton of carnage and bloodshed - sitting content upon a pile of bones and guts". 
For Fucks Sake 
trumpets... TRUMPETS! 
Manke Is The Sawk 
Has anyone ever found any *decent* HL map packs? ie ones that aren't just another crappy rehash of the same storyline.

I've tried Darkstar and They Hunger, both of which were annoying and crap. Though I grant you that that might entirely be because they are for half life.

Hello, by the way. 
Oh, And... 
... wrath is teh funnaey 
Sweet Half-Life was great, and Poke646 was pretty good. 
sweet HL is ok, poke646 is pretty good looking but gameplay is so-so. I thought Darkstar was one of the better ones, if you dont like that, you probably just dont like HL.

Absolute redemption is worth it for checking out episodes 1 and the great non-linear episode 3. I also liked Deliverance, Gut Reaction, Edge of Darkness, the genuius play design of Peaces Like Us and the ALIEN-seque Someplace Else. Take in mind that the the first 3 are standard HL stuff though. 
I'll check them out. 
Despite All The Anti-manke Sentiments That Tend To Float Around 
I thought darkstar was wicked, particularly the first half of it. The flooded area just after the explosion was awesome. Imho They Hunger started fairly well, then got really boring so I stopped playing. I think Damaul said there was a good bit on a train later on. I didn't play the sequels.

Yeah, poke646 is very good too. I thought ETC and ETC2 were both enjoyable if in a VERY similar vein to the original game - and they weren't without problems.

Also, I know gunman chronicles or whatever it was called wasn't a free expansion, it was certainly a good laugh.

If you have a network and some mates, check out sven coop. The level quality is quite poor but it's just so much more fun with a bunch of players. The chopper attack in the canyon is particularly fierce. 
Sweet HL is alright, I guess. Like HL, more of the same. Stuck in the Xen bit in the big purple cavern. Killed all the monsties but can't figure out how to progress (most annoying bit of HL imho).

Started playing Deliverance but it was too bloody hard.

They Hunger is entirely mediocre, I think. I played through Uplink, which was okay, too. The other ones like poke646 I could only find on evileplanet so I didn't download them (nice to see that the qmap account still works though!)

I've had a go on some Sven Coop before, good fun until you die and have to traipse all the way through the map to get back to your mates. And you're right, the level design really is tosh.

Ta for all your comments. 
yeah I should have given a heads up on deliverance, it's bloody difficult but worth it for some of the mega cool scripted sequences. 
Speaking Of Half-Life 
Anyone ever played Half-Quake? I'm beginning to seriously consider installing Half-Life just to "play" it. 
do it!
it's a nice game you know :) 
Oh Really? 
Cool. Is it as frustrating as I think it is? 
No No 
there is storyline and stuff
monsters aren't that stoopid
and the weapons have nice sound! 
Indeed, nice. Thanks. 
Make sure that you play both endings of Sweet Half-Life. The alternate one aboard the alien ship is quite nice, with some homages to 2001 abound. 
anyone played it? 
Not Me. 
I believe Vondur said he liked it, But I'm wary to try it out... looks too much like a gimmick then a game. 
3 Total servers on MP demo
and all of them lagged for me.
Mouse control was, odd.
Being used to Quake 1, 2, 3
and HL the mouse felt wierd.
Maybe it was the lag.
I gotta try it on a lan
and see how it plays,
but I didn't have anyone here to
play with me. 
Played it (XIII) on XBox only (and the PC demo). It looks cool, and the comic style bits are a nice touch, but I found the gameplay to be a bit too average most of the time.

It's not a bad game, but not really a great one either.

Wait till it's out on a budget release. 
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