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Inspiration & Reference
I just wanted to know if people had any links to good websites for either level design inspiration (photos, paintings, concept art, etc.) or just for architectural reference. We had a thread like this on the old qmap, but we know how much good that does us.
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Hong Wrong Urban Dystopia 
So disappointed that url does not read 
Shamelessly stolen from ericw's posting in #tf, but this street is awesome (The Shambles in York) 
The Shamblers Overhangs 
I'm Sure I've Walked Down There 
but maybe not.

Other cool stories coming soon

Oh Yeah 
The old center part of york is very cool.

At one point i was trying to take a photo of a cathedral but I couldn't get a good shot because another cathedral was in the way. 
Bug Report 
cannot like or retweet metlslime's comment 
A good take on English humour there :) 
Got Me Thinking... 
What Ever Happened To Your Turtle Map? 
you know, that daikatana textured one. I think you posted a shot with a similar vantage? An entrance into a dungeon beneath rocky snowcovered terrain 
Yeah Distrans 
that one turned into a legend told within legends, only to be told by legends, that where... yeah yeah yeah 
Oh Okay 
Hi Drew... 
...fried hard drive (the usual story). I do have everything backed up but am using a crappy little notebook at the moment. As soon as I get another gaming rig I'll be back into it. In the meantime I've been kept busy out of work hours with stage shows: Sound of Music, Ma Baker's Tonic, My Fair Lady and in 10 days time War Of The Worlds. I'm inspired by some of the level design recently so I don't think it'll be too long till I'm back in the saddle. 
This Is A Very Inspiring Message 
Thank you Mr. Smith Alex. 
Oh Boy... 
... such hard times that we live in and I really could do with a loan. Now I wonder if there is anyone out there in Gotcha land that may be able to help me. It could answer all my prayers. I guess I'll just have to keep wishin' and hopin' and prayin'. 
Descriptive Site Name Is Descriptive Of Site Contents 
The website regularly posts pretty interesting architecture, usually really unique buildings and whatnot. I end up faving their stuff all the time! 
A Cartographers Wetdream - 
^ Perfectly Isometric 
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