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I was wondering if it would manage to exist or not. Guess not. 
Buoyancy Assist Harness For A Disabled Goldfish 
That's made my morning. 
Re: Quake Map Status 
I'm a c++ coder, but engine code would require hours of investigating for me to do it properly :/

Should I propose a standard, with all your good comments in mind?

Is it easy to hash something? Would solve the problem with different versions. 
I'd pretty much tell you exactly how to do anything you needed, and I don't speak for anyone else but there are 6-7 others here that seem to be willing to help with engine coding stuff too. Didn't metlslime seem intrigued too?

But if you aren't empowered yourself to fiddle with it yourself, a stats project is all about the fine tuning.

Really if you are going to do something like that, you've gotta be doing it yourself if you actually want to get done.

So snapmap is slowly becoming a little bit more usefull (its way off still, I know, but)...anyone of the talented folk here had the desire to dig in yet ? 
How 2k Killed Irrational 
Guess Who's Back? 
interesting read, thanks for the link. 
You're Welcome 
I found it interesting too 
Titanfall 2 Uses Heavily Modded Source Engine 
I kept hearing that Titanfall 2 uses a modified version of the Source engine. I looked for a bit more info on this, and found the following from June this year. Maybe I'll save someone the trouble of looking this up, in case oyu keep hearing the same thing :)

TL;DR: It's very heavily modded, but it is based on Source.

The original Titanfall ran on the Source Engine. Is Titanfall 2 running on the same engine or has it been moved to something like Frostbite?

On Titanfall we started with the Source engine; we replaced the renderer, we replaced the audio system, we replaced the net code. What we have now is very different from that. We have stuck with the Titanfall engine, but we did a lot of rendering improvements. We have physically based rendering, we have this really cool texture streaming system we wrote, HDR, bloom, depth of field. Hopefully you can see the results of all that hard work we put in that the game looks really different.

We also have a whole new audio system again. This time we have audio environments. Audio-wise, if you compare the two games again, it�s a huge leap. We have sound occlusion and reverb happening. There has been a whole bunch of areas where we make big changes to the engine, so there�s not a lot of Source left; we continue to rip out chunks and rewrite chunks and make it do exactly what we want to get out of this engine, and get the performance what we�re looking for.

I Will Say Something... 
Titanfall2 looks fucking amazing. Even if it's Call Of Mechs. 
Been hearing a lot of good things about Titanfall 2. 
Tile Based 3d Tool 
I was reading the recent discussion about the next map jam in the screenshots thread and since people have been so kindly asked to "shut the fuck up", I'm giving my input here instead:

1) How about an Explore Jam 2, with a little more content than 2 short maps this time? But...
2) I agree with Shamblernaut that it shouldn't happen right away. Let people have the time to work on their personal projects in-between jams. I think one every 4 or 6 months is a good ratio. 
Is it just me or is everything about jams around here in recent months? 
What's wrong with a popular topic around here being about Quake community mapping events? 
Nothing. Just don't forget to keep some individual mapping going. 
Lead By Example, Mang 
You Show Me Yours... 
Titanfall 2 Network 
search for #TF tag and join, it's public. 
Ah Okay 
Judging by recent screenshots, I think there are plenty of individual maps in the works! 
It does look pretty funky. Thanks. 
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