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An Article From Pc Gamer 
Someone whisper to mankrip that he should recompile start, e1m1 to e1m7 with lit water and put it in .zip and then make some noise about it. Then people will load it up in a supported engine and try it out.

Because he likes lit water, but few people have experienced it ... maybe if people experienced it ... 
that would need lit2 support, otherwise it'll need to either be based on the slightly-different gpl versions and lack textures, or be a copyright violation.
with the original lit format, you can't add lightmaps/styles to a surface that doesn't already have lightmaps, nor move them around 
I've read the replies at InsideQC, but at first I couldn't answer because the Android version of Chrome can't login there, and now I've caught a cold so I'm having a hard time giving thoughtful answers. My head and my whole face was hurting nearly all the time, I couldn't sleep and so far I've used about 200m of toilet paper to clean the dripping from my nose.

But yeah, it's in my plans. E1M4 is a pain to compile though, all those angled surfaces in the underwater cave generate lots of leaks which are very difficult to fix without substantially changing the final geometry. A couple other maps have the same problem. Also, I'm waiting for the release of the next version of TyrUtils-EricW.

Spike: I'm using the GPL map sources for this. Using the textures of the shareware episode isn't a problem, and the textures that are only in the registered version's maps can be replaced with downscaled versions of the textures from one of the retexturing projects. 
How about compiling them with real textures like a normal mapper would?

Unless you think Interpol is gunning for Pulsar for his remake of episode 4 ... ... or distrans and scragbait for Travail.

If you are concerned, host them on DropBox, you can say someone hacked your private server and stole the maps you made for personal use.

We'll pin it on Mugwump.

Bethesda will issue a warrant for recompiling the Quake maps with the textures in them -- meanwhile Mugwump becomes famous like Carlos The Jackal.

Mugwump will get international book deals like Edward Snowden --- and with the extra tens of dollars from the insane fame from being a rogue Quake mapper that dared recompile the Quake maps --- he'll use those extra tens of dollar to splurge on such things like upgrading from Windows XP to Windows Vista.

Everyone wins!

/And Mugwump should know I'm kidding around ;-) 
"We'll Pin It On Mugwump." 
Ha ha, yeah thanks Baker, that's just what I need! Fuck Vista, that's shit on a stick. I'm actually waiting for the cash to buy myself an SSD so I can install the Win7 that's been sitting on my HD for a while. 
Tool For Generating Geometry

Structure Synth allows you to write rules to generate 3d geometry. It comes with a ray tracer for rendering the creations and can export into .obj format.

There are images created with the help of this program on Flickr.

If you have difficulty getting started with the very brief documentation, the 2D program that inspired it might help you along the way. It at least gives you much more in the way of examples to try out and modify.

I don't know if it would be workable to generate .obj files with it and use OBJ2MAP to import the stuff into Quake maps. You could give it a try :) 
At Least The Images Are Pretty Inspiring 
Mod Contest? 
Nahuel over at QuakeOne is entertaining the idea of a mod contest. If anyone's interested, make yourselves known here: 
Spambots are getting smarter here... Now they try to look like real people, like this Ravi "person" above. 
There would be significantly less spam if you didn't frequently comment on spam posts. 
I didn't know that commenting after a spam increased the spam attacks. Sorry. 
I Think The Point Is That 
Replying to a spam post with a worthless comment is also spam. HTH :) 
Spam error. 
Right. For a moment I forgot about the unfriendly climate around here. This little break through the clouds was good while it lasted. 
Sticky Says... 
"Talk about anything in here."

So, lets talk about spam, eh?

(I now need a graphic that shows me sniggering like they used to in Spy vs Spy) 
So I've Been Out For A While, How's TrenchBroom Going? 
Boom Ka-chuk 
Tried making a 44Khz shotgun replacement sound while _trying_ to stay reasonably close to the original. Pretty damn hard. This one is much more clicky though, but I kind of like that. Then again, I've been listening to it waaaaay to much today so I've gotten totally tonedeaf. Some fresh ears would be appreciated. 
here's a bunch of free texture resources, or you can buy the zip of ~600 images. 
Using textures that high-resolution for Quake... I mean, you'd have to shave off so much detail to get them in the game I imagine. I'm sure they'd mostly just look like blobs of colour at that point :/ 
Those seems to be for CG movies, not for games. <a href="">Source. 
2 posts not shown on this page because they were spam
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