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Seems like one of Microsoft's tracking methods is called "jump lists", sort of like a most recently used list, but it includes things like web addresses you've visited. Even if you turn off the option to keep a history of recent files and such, it looks like it still records them, they're just not shown.

While using "private browsing" in Firefox, Windows still writes data to the folder where the history file is saved. That doesn't seem right, and I was trying to find a way to remove the folder, but it's some kind of super-protected system file. I was poking around in the registry to what could be done there.

It was an accidental error, but regedit has no undo function and I hadn't made a backup because it was a relatively fresh install.

I finally ended up just removing all permissions from the folder and now I don't see any writes being made. 
If Quake was done by the same people today, it would be a VR board game set in an ancient Chinese holographic world with an upbeat pop-goth soundtrack. 
It would have in app purchases. And bug you about sharing match results on facebook. 
Hey Mike 
Good to see you still lurking around (lol that's all I'm doing these days too).

I don't want Windows 10. I think I might actually bite the bullet and switch to Linux. I'm pretty incompetent and lazy, but all Microsoft had to do to keep me as a user, was simply refrain from doing all the bullshit they did do. 
Linux isn't bad. The biggest problem is that there's too many of them. I think I've got 6 or 7 on my test machine. Sad thing is, I don't really like any of them.

I've used Mint for almost 2 years on one machine, but the only thing it's used for is web browsing and e-mail. Too much use of that snot green color, other than that it's okay. 
I like using arch, although I've only ever run it on headless systems that i just ssh into. The package manager is quite nice, and there's plenty of documentation out there.
I'm pretty sure it's not too hard to build a good desktop GUI on arch, you just need to know what works well with your hardware and how to install it. I've never tried though. Still, if there isn't a particular distro that you like, Arch might help you build one better suited to your needs.

Of course, if the issue is more to do with linux and its ecosystem in general, not much help there... 
Go Map! 
Just Played... 
q1tm3_hrimfaxi: Raisins in a box
q1tm3_hrimfaxi2: Careful with that axe

From a turtle map of January 2004. I especially liked hrimfaxi2. 
Careful With That Axe, Eugene? 
Hrimfaxi named a map after a Pink Floyd song I love and always thought would make a great map name.


I use an old HP notebook to watch Netflix on TV. I had a few problems connecting to TV thru HDMI on Windows 7, but it was working. Then I updated do Windows 10 and it stopped working completely. Searched for solution, tried to update drivers. Nothing. Then I installed Windows 7 back. Nothing. Then Windows 7 started to ask for activation.

I installed Ubuntu Mate. HDMI working wonderful, easy installation, fast boot, no hassle. Mate is classic interface, very easy and fast. And free. 
I don't like that song much but I love Floyd and that title, and I've played good maps by Hrimfaxi before so I'll have to download this. 
Pink Floyd And NiN Song Titles 
Are great for map names. 
Dibs on Welcome to the Machine. 
Yeah! I have always loved Pink Floyd.
Made a few maps with titles from Floyd,
Pow r Toc h, Set the Controls and the above Careful...! Any more? Hmmm... don't remember. 
My TCC at college, back in 1995, was a strategy 2D game in Visual Basic, called Sysyphus. 
8-) Nice! 
The Division Bell would be a great map title. Imagine a map split in two by a huge chasm, with a tall steeple in the middle. Of course, the bell would go bong! bong! either during the whole game or only for the final fight. 
"The Final Cut", "Terminal Frost", "In The Flesh", "The Thin Ice" would all make pretty decent names, I think. 
Another Brick in the Wall could be used for a Backsteingotik-inspired map. 
Just Played... 
...Down the Ratbit Hole by neg!ke (obviously, this was before his amputation) from the sm100 turtle map event in July 2005.

Really liked the architecture - my kind of map - but when I got to the rat, and after reading all the messages, I shot at it, I got a MOVETYPE_PUSH error and crash.

I tried again and started shooting before the messages and everything went OK.

When I came the final battle I had one Shambler left but 7 health and no ammo. So I had to run away and search the map for any leftovers. Eventually, I found some and returned to get the last Shambler only to find another one teleported in as a backup. I managed to kill it with the very last of my ammo.

Good map from a time gone by 
You must have played the version from the turtlemap pack then. There's a standalone version where that crash bug is fixed. It was caused by a rogue brushless door entity and often occured when using grenades in the rat room.
Why I used an awkwardly clipping trigger instead of making the rat a func_button is beyond me.

Shame about the lighting and grindy gameplay in teh map, but then again, not bad for one week (including the loss and subsequent rebuilding of 1/3 of the map after an editor save mishap). 
Although the crash surprised me, it did not spoil my enjoyment of the map. Well done.

Once upon a time, in a world far away, Neg!ke was playing with scissors. Now we all get taught at school never to run with scissors in your hand but Neg!ke would not listen; he thought he knew better than his teacher. Well, guess what; he didn't.

He ran with scissors, fell over and Neg!ke became Negke. 
The exclamation mark, of course! I thought you might be talking about a real amputation. That would've sucked.

Nice story BTW. Some others make a living out of Running With Scissors. 
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