#26 posted by
brassbite on 2017/12/07 20:39:57
In my head Text_Fish was talking with a Max Payne Voice. He should become an author of epic intermission text walls.
#27 posted by
Butane on 2017/12/08 01:19:55
@brassbite lol yeah, the Max Payne voice really does suit that bullshit story.
It's Addicting.
#28 posted by
mafon2 on 2018/04/07 07:29:01
I was always fond of game editors, so the availability of tools was as important for me, as anything else. I remember picking Serious Sam and being so glad that there were editing tools right here on the disk ! BTW, there was a neat option to change the hue of textures. I made some maps for CS and HL1/2 ('cause they were and still are my favourite games and game magazines published articles about Hammer quite frequently), but never was able to launch them (it was a pure graphomania), until the last year or so. And still, I hardly ever finish anything. My biggest accomplishment is the map Wolfenberg 3D that was featured (and maybe still is featured, 'cause the game's pretty dead) in Gunscape.
Also sunk countless hours in Little Big Planet. Funnily enough, I approached it most seriously, like planning ahead, drawing schemes and stuff. Usually I just put whatever I feel like.