Not Sure If This Is Something I Caused Somehow
#2773 posted by sevin on 2018/02/26 22:42:27
But the info_teleport_destination model is displayed about 32 units underneath the the entity's bounding box.
No that's normal. Set in the FBD that way I believe. Not sure why. Don't go by the model. Go by the Bbox and you're good.
Thanks Ericw
#2775 posted by Preach on 2018/02/27 08:55:10
#2776 posted by Preach on 2018/02/27 08:56:26
One thing the QuakeC does is moves every info_teleport_destination 32 units upwards from its starting point. I guess that the bounding box is accounting for this but the model isn't/can't?
#2777 posted by sevin on 2018/02/27 12:57:01
Is there no hack to bring the model in line with the bbox? Kind of annoying to look at.
Desperate Hack
#2778 posted by Preach on 2018/02/27 19:48:23
There might be a sensible way, if it bugs you enough to accept a local fix you could: create a copy of the player model that's raised by 32 units, then reference that copy of the model in the FGD definition of info_teleport_destination.
Sounds Reasonable
#2779 posted by sevin on 2018/02/27 22:07:18
I’ll probably try that. Thanks Preach.
May I Suggest A Quality Of Life Improvement Here
#2780 posted by oGkspAz on 2018/03/05 09:27:06
or would you prefer I rather make a post in the issue tracker?
It's not too important, just a separate memory if you will for "open wad" vs "save map"
I find that I reflexively save a map only to find it in my wad folder from when I opened the wad for it.
Still loving TB2. Thank you!
Yeah It's Annoying
Create an issue for it.
TrenchBroom 2.0.2
Rotating Door
#2783 posted by Mathuzzz on 2018/04/11 12:04:55
Is the func_door_rotating in Hexen 2 supposed to be set differently as they are in other map editors? I cannot seem to figure it out using the origin brush.
Rotating Door
#2784 posted by Mathuzzz on 2018/04/11 12:19:49
Ok, I figured it out. One must use different qbsp to make rotating door to work.
Selecting Only DM Or Non DM Specific Entities
#2785 posted by Esrael on 2018/04/26 07:46:54
I think I've seen some screenshots of editors that enable you to toggle entity visibility based on their difficulty level/dm spawnflags. I'm trying to finish up my map by making it work in dm too, and I'd like to select all the triggers that don't have the "not in deathmatch" spawnflag set to them, so I could assess whether there are still some triggers that need to be disabled for dm.
In fact, it would be nice to generalize the whole idea: Whenever I select a huge amount of entities (typically with Ctrl+A) and have the entity tab open with all those "multi" value fields and spawnflag checkboxes with squares instead of checkmarks, it would be nice to filter my selection by let's say right clicking the "multi" value field next to the "target" key for example, and then a checkbox dropdown menu would appear at the pointer, where I could select all the values the entities of which I want to manipulate. The same principle would apply for the spawnflag section and maybe even the color section.
So I have two suggestions:
1) Add four more checkboxes in the View "pop-up" menu:
"Show easy skill entities"
"Show normal skill entities"
"Show hard skill entities"
"Show deathmatch entities"
or something along those lines.
2) Implement the above-mentioned idea of filtering a selection
Ok, I lied: a third bonus suggestion:
3) Add one more checkbox in the View "pop-up" menu:
"Show group entities"/"Show groups"/"Show group entity bounds"
or something along those lines. :)
Pretty please! ;; It's always such a hassle to manually hide my groups when everything else can easily be hidden with the click of a button.
1) Cannot be done since spawnflags are not general, but game specific. But filtering by spawnflags may be done in general, yes:
2) Filtering will be done using queries written in a simple query language, see
3) Cannot be done specifically for group entities, but for brush entities in general:
So all of your suggestions are already in our todo list. Thanks!
Renaming Layers
#2787 posted by Esrael on 2018/05/04 08:58:23
I've finally started experimenting with layers. Is it possible to rename them? o: With a quick glance I couldn't find anything in the UI or the manual.
Layer Names
Not that I am aware of. Workaround is to move selection to a new layer and remove the old one.
It‘s An Oversight On My Part
There is already an issue for it I think.
Rotfish/ Fish Monter Issue
Having a weird thing in TrenchBroom 2.02... When I put the monster fish in the level, it messes up the monster/kill count in-game. It seems to be counting one fish as two, as I put 7 in the level, but my kill count goes up by 14, and after clearing the map of all enemies it still says I have 7 left in the kill count.
Haven't found reference to this elsewhere unless I missed it.
#2791 posted by Kinn on 2018/05/28 00:31:07
That's a bug with Quake, not Trenchbroom. This bug is also in the original game.
If you don't want to use a mod, Preach has a fix for it here:
No Worries
#2793 posted by Kinn on 2018/05/28 02:48:20
By the way, because this is such a well-known err "feature" of the original game, no-one minds if it's not fixed if you're doing an id1 release.
But It Is Nice To List Fish Count In The Readme
#2794 posted by Qmaster on 2018/05/29 04:13:43
Feature To Save Camera Views?
#2795 posted by Esrael on 2018/06/02 08:23:46
Has anyone suggested the possibilty of saving different camera views behind hotkeys? That way I could easily fast travel between different places I'm working on the map.
While editing a map, I often go fetch something from another room, and sometimes, when the room is pretty much on the complete opposite end of the map, getting there can be painfully slow, especially using the WASD fly method.
I've sped up the travel process by drill selecting myself through all the clutter obstructing my view close to the entity I need to go fetch and then centering my view to the entity. That way I can travel to the room faster.
Another trick I've used, depending on the situation, is hiding all the entity types that I don't need, which makes the entity I need visible, and I can select it all the way from my location.
The above mentioned tricks do make things faster, but I wouldn't mind the possibility of making things even faster and more effortless, y'know. ;)
That's on their to-do list. I am looking forward to it! Here's a tip: use info_intermission entities and jot down the origin. Then to navigate to them go to
View>Camera>Move Camera to...
enter the origin of the info_null
Warning the map will leak if you put the entity in the void. You could just jot down the origin and delete it.
Typo Above
Meant info_null both time. It can be any point entity really.