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General Abuse
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Uh... isn't 8pm GMT also 8pm UK (WET) time now that you're off daylight saving time? 
It is 
Ah My Bad 
that's what i get for copypasting the announcement text :P

ok so that'll be 4pm EST, 9pm GMT, 9pm UK

Thats tonight folks, so be there! be square! 
Fatty, I'm happy with my nforce2 board. The onboard audio and network stuff is really nice. Read some reviews and stuff for more info. 
I dare say that pipeline should be resurrected! Let the masses have quicker acceptance of thier images, and may the promotional spoogefest commence once more! 

Looks pretty 'resurrected' to me. 
Looks pretty well-used too, Xen. I mean the last shots are only over 3 months old, and there's been no maps in development since then *cough*. 
..beside the point. :-p 
maybe submissions arent being accepted? It's got the whole moderation thing to stop abuse. The site seems to be fine though. 
Pac Thread Man 
As I wanted to reflect to my convertion "The Abandonned", it seems the thread has gone.
I opened it on "New Q1 Bsp", but fortunately
I haven't post anything, because I was merged
with beta-testing.

Now I need to revieuw something, but the thread has gone!
Do you really eat the posts, Shambler? 
General Abuse 
Forgot to log in...
Me pardon. 
I'll slap killer about it next week. 
Inspired By Monsto's Sexual Encounters, Stolen From Some Site. 
That Bill Brasky Is A Son Of A Bitch!!! 
Going back to my old school column entrys, here's a two question interview with Shambler!

<Scampie> Shambler: How are you today?
<Shambler> okay thx scamp
<Scampie> That's good, stolen any sheep today?
<Shambler> nope
<Shambler> no sheep today
<Shambler> i have a few stored up 
That explains a lot. 
I would be quaking with fear and going on-line under pseudonyms to avoid this evil menace. Except I was got already =/. 
Two Question Interview 
I like journalism too.

<inertia> heya scampie how u doing bud? hows that map coming?
*** Scampie sets mode: +b *!*
*** inertia was kicked by Scampie (GET OUT OF MY CHANNEL YOU LAZY WASTE OF SPACE!!! ^_^)

Unfortunately, circumstances outside of my control prevented me from getting the full scoop on this story. 
um... When was that? Wasn't recently. 
um... When was that? Wasn't recently.

Yeah cause Scampie has turned his life around and is a really nice and great guy and doesn't ban anybody anymore or anything like that. 
Oh, but to be bitter, like him. Thou art truefully a champion of hidden barbs! 
well, seeming as I haven't really hung out in #tf for well over a month, I haven't been banning people. Plus he capitlized my nickname, which coupled with the fact that I don't remember that exact banning (and following acts of toying with the ban-ie and eventually unbanning), seems odd.

I was also wondering how long he'd been broading over it before findly posting it to reveal my true dark nature in an awesome act of defiance. 
Speedmapping Session 59 
The time
9pm GMT on Saturday, 7th December
that corresponds to 4pm EST or 9pm UK time

The place
on IRC, in #speedq1 on

The plan
Make a map in 100 minutes or less.
No theme! Make whatever the hell you want.

If you can't make the session, make a map before and email it to me at

This is the 2nd attempt at sm59 because last time there wasn't enough interest 
Here is God, wonders where Scampy left Madfox,
while dancing with the Devil under the cold full moon, thinking he's a carrot. 
i was going to say that but you beat me to it 
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