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It's Up To You To Drink Koka Kola 
Hey, I'm just trying to be supportive of morfans efforts to slay that Reductionist dragon with a little advice. Sheesh. 
My Bad, 
That's distrans girding up for the battle. Good luck fella! 
Remarks From A B Student 
(Yes, I should go map instead)

The current welfare state, as far as I'm concerned, is an unstable balance between Freedom and Responsibility.

I was going to explain that here, but I'd be better off slapping up another Musette on the TNB instead. As for the rest of the "welfare state" debate...

Misinterpret as you inevitably will. 
Amusing, yet applicable. 
Thanks Fat Controller 
Good link to look at while my map is -vising. 
What is it with people not registering with the board? Scampie you seem to have 2 registered accounts but don't use them. Plus a few other do it I think. 
Until recently, I had troubles logging in at all, thus the reason for multiple accounts and for up until a few weeks ago not using an account. 
Ahh I See 
I`ve never had trouble with func_msgboard, or qmap come to think about it, or QBoard. I do however seem to have troubles with other forums hmm. /me praises metls coding skills. 
I noticed the subtle influence of Sandman in the dragons font though I like the overall look. Reminds me of when I learned my drawing skills by sketching Bloom County scenes. Cute fuzzy animals in perspective is the only way to go.

BTW, my original posting was meant to be a useful means for gamers and game makers to deflect blame for violence in the overall society to a more likely culprit. It was never intended to be the last word, just a rhetorical tool from me to you. 
Upgrade, Help And Advice. 
I, having recently started a job, have decided to upgrade my pc. What do you you think of this.. it seems good value for money and pretty future proof.

What motherboard do you reckon would go well with it? (my ram runs @ 333 so anything that would support that would be suitable)

Are there any techy people on here?

p.s. I have a radeon 9600pro and don't plan to upgrade just yet because I am planning to get a 9800xt once the prices drop a little. My current budget for an upgrade is �200-250. 
What About This.. 
Prince Of Persia : Samd Of Time 
Very very very nice game! Graphics are gorgeous and the gameplay is very good (once u master the controls, might be ok on a gamepad) yum yum yum go buy it, recommended.

Nice animation too, one of the best I've seen for animation 
Samd Of Time... 
Yes this is of course sands of time, bleh fuck off etc kthx @) 
Course Sands Of Time 
should of course be "course be sands of time" of course... 
I Quit At English 
you suck :( 
Mobo Query 
Anyone know if an "nForce 2 dual ch. DDR 400 8xAGP 6 ch. audio ATA 133 USB 2 lan" (that's what it says on the flyer) would be a reasonable motherboard?

I'm guessing it has two memory slots for 400MHz DDR memory modules, two USB connections and a LAN thingy. I'm asking out of curiosity, since it suggests that with galloping abstinence and renewed university study I could slowly save up for another upgrade. 
Scmapie, Stabruck 
There a speedmap tomorrow? any theme? I won't be here but could do one tonight and email it in.

Oh and reminds me.. DaZ.. you still up for meeting at nec tomorrow? I'll be at Birm. New Street station just after 7.. going for a few drinks first 
Speedmapping Pack 59 

The time
8pm GMT on Sunday, 28th November
that corresponds to 9pm UK time, or 4pm EST

The place
on IRC, in #speedq1 on

The plan
Make a map in 100 minutes or less.
No theme! Make whatever the hell you want.

If you can't make the session, make a map before and email it to me at

Sorry about the change in plan, but I'm busy on Saturday again. Hopefully that'll mean you can make the session, Xen :) (have fun at the nec btw) 
that should be Sunday, 30th November 
Tar :-) 
Will try and make it if I'm not too cream crackered! 
Just So It's Clear 
Hrim, Leviathan, I sent Starbuck the maps you sent me, so they'll be in the pack unless he screws up. :D

I myself won't be mapping this week, going to work on hard the q3 map I've had promised to finish the last few weekends. 
I Am Hate Personified 
Hrim, Leviathan, I sent Starbuck the maps you sent me, so they'll be in the pack unless he screws up. :D

Also, let's not rule out personal grudges! 
Fat Controller- I have nForce2 mobo and all its been good so far, thumbs up.

Xen - Sorry mate but Im not going tomorrow :( Another time perhaps, have a good'un! :) 
I just needed to know that, in case I manage to get $omething out of this forthcoming job interview. Just planning a potential upgrade box. Saves me having to consider ripping up most of the mine section of FC1M2, thus going even more insane than I am now. 
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