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it's just a combination of violent images in the media?

Nobody ever died before the media came around. 
...someone's been eating propaganda for breakfast, but forgetting to sprinkle it with salt. 
Well, when I originally brought up the subject, it was at least in the context of video games. I'm like Scampie, I get tired of video games and other creative mediums getting blamed for violence, when history makes clear what the greatest agency of violence in society is (<suprise>), the state.

Wrath, I'm not pissing on anyone. Have accusations of callousness ever fed a hungry child? I intentionally left all personal matters and all political agendas out of it (Rothbardian Anarchist in case you are wondering), and addressed the matter purely in its raw economic terms.
As for public education, I have too much experience in that area to let anyone try to get pass me an argument defending the wretched beast. I worked several years for a company responsible for evaluating the proficiency exams for over twenty American States, and I have to say, there was not a single one of those states (including Texas under GWB) whose student performance was anywhere near being at an acceptable level for an advanced First World Nation. The entire American School system should be hauled into a metaphorical garbage heap and junked.

The damage done every school day to the minds of America's children is a crime against humanity, and yet, you say that I'm pissing on those who need a helping hand' when I am not the one defending such a cruel, monstrous entity. 
Post Apocalyptic Mutants Unite! 
Scampie, did you star in horror flicks? The rumor is true? 
Oh, And Wrath, 
I sure as hell don't trust the state to watch over me at night. Not with a Watchman whose yelling, 'bring it on' to every lunatic walking around in the shadows out there. One eye open at all times. 
I've Often Found... 
...that it is pointless to argue with a reductionist. In this instance I'm almost tempted to have another go. However, instead of drafting a response tonight... I think I'll lay a few more brushes into Grendel's Keep instead. 
When The Apocalypse Occurs, Only The Mall Rats Survive 

I pity whom ever this person is you are planning to confront, and can't wait to see who it is -- given, that I am the opposite of a Reductionist and its modern variants like the Positivist, in terms of Philosophy, I'm sure you don't mean me, though to be quite honest with you, I didn't see any one making Reductionist arguments, mostly the posts were made by guys who want to destroy things in video games. Not a Reductionist, Positivist or even a (scoff, snort) Chartist among them. Well, whoever this person is that you have sniffed out, I can't wait to see what you do with him!!!

BTW, you might want to brush up on Von Mises, Human Action before you go to bed at night. Specifically what he states in regard to Praxeological methodology. I find that to be the best means to handle those damned Reductionist in the social sciences.

Best Regards,
To Keep Things On Topic 
This isnt the real world! You've surrounded yourself with a bunch of misfits and dope addicts. These people are CRAZY! 
Don't. No One Should Brish Up On Me As To Not Spew This Kind Of Crap. 
"BTW, you might want to brush up on Von Mises, Human Action before you go to bed at night." 
Go map

(look! only 2 words, point is clearly given, no metaphysical sociopolitical bullshit attached.) 
i told that to him already, had no effect. 
Maybe The Thing Is... 
....that the us never was a real welfare state? 
If we keep repeating it, maybe it'll work! 
Let Me Join In 
Go map! 
Unity Being Strength... 
Go map! 
Ignorance is Strength.

See Rorshach's textures. 
Go map! 
It's Up To You To Drink Koka Kola 
Hey, I'm just trying to be supportive of morfans efforts to slay that Reductionist dragon with a little advice. Sheesh. 
My Bad, 
That's distrans girding up for the battle. Good luck fella! 
Remarks From A B Student 
(Yes, I should go map instead)

The current welfare state, as far as I'm concerned, is an unstable balance between Freedom and Responsibility.

I was going to explain that here, but I'd be better off slapping up another Musette on the TNB instead. As for the rest of the "welfare state" debate...

Misinterpret as you inevitably will. 
Amusing, yet applicable. 
Thanks Fat Controller 
Good link to look at while my map is -vising. 
What is it with people not registering with the board? Scampie you seem to have 2 registered accounts but don't use them. Plus a few other do it I think. 
Until recently, I had troubles logging in at all, thus the reason for multiple accounts and for up until a few weeks ago not using an account. 
Ahh I See 
I`ve never had trouble with func_msgboard, or qmap come to think about it, or QBoard. I do however seem to have troubles with other forums hmm. /me praises metls coding skills. 
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