#2709 posted by madfox on 2018/12/11 00:27:05
I used the enforcer_laser methode to launch the missile.
This way it is the simpelest way to compile for the wanted use.
The code was from the Orb, and I had a hard job on coding the weapon.
Thanks for the hints!
They were helpfull.
Rubicon 2 question:
You have IT_NO_WEAPON replacing IT_EXTRA_WEAPON in the code. However, I'm not sure how to implement this in a map. Not seeing a spawnflag or other way to enable it.
Trace Volume?
#2711 posted by Shanjaq on 2018/12/15 10:58:27
Is there a way to trace a volume similar to traceline? I need to find a volume that is not occupied by players or monsters of any size. maybe something like traceline?
#2712 posted by Spike on 2018/12/15 12:07:50
any decent engine will have a tracebox builtin for things like that.
failing that, you can also exploit quirks of droptofloor or walkmove(typically with FL_FLY?), but these are much more limited and may have additional engine-specific quirks that break your mod (at least in DP).
#2713 posted by Preach on 2018/12/16 02:04:27
Something I wrote before on how you might write a tracebox function using the method Spike suggests. His caveats stand
#2714 posted by metlslime on 2018/12/16 06:57:22
Spawning with no weapons works but was never used in any of the maps so I didn't finish the part where an info player start can opt in to it. Right now it's just hard coded so to only happen if mapmame == test.bsp
So you would have to make some quakec change to complete the feature, or just change the hard coded string it's looking for -- or name your map test.bsp :)
#2716 posted by Tribal on 2019/03/18 18:08:10
Is there any way to attach colored lights to projectiles or explosions via QC?
I would like to make the vore's ball glow with a purple light, make the tarbaby's explosion blue, this sort of thing...
I'm using quakespasm-spiked btw.
#2717 posted by Spike on 2019/03/18 19:31:37
a trail particle effect with 'lightrgb' and 'lightradius' set should be able to provide coloured dynamic lights, but it might only be with flashblends. I don't think I actually got around to testing it properly.
point effects will additionally need lighttime, and probably want at least one of lightrgbfade+lightradiusfade.
there are additional light properties, but those are specific to rtlights, which are definitely not supported in qss.
#2718 posted by Tribal on 2019/03/18 20:11:49
Thanks! I'll try that =D
#2719 posted by mankrip on 2019/03/27 12:29:14
What's the most reliable way to detect if the player is on a slippery slope (mostly vertical angle)? I'm using QuakeSpasm-Spiked.
Slippery Slope
#2720 posted by Spike on 2019/03/27 20:01:23
tracebox(self.origin, self.mins, self.maxs, self.origin-'0 0 1', TRUE, self);
if (trace_fraction < 1 && trace_plane_normal_z < 0.7)
you could instead use traceline, but it would not match the player's physics so well.
#2721 posted by mankrip on 2019/03/28 03:37:47
Thanks, but the most difficult thing about it is detecting the exact moment when the player touches/lands on the slope. AFAIK the engine doesn't set FL_ONGROUND for it, and assigning .touch functions to players doesn't work properly.
#2725 posted by mankrip on 2019/04/02 14:58:49
Is there a way to achieve something similar to DP's (and Makaqu's) .glow_size in QSS, through QC?
More specifically, negative dynamic lighting with custom radius and intensity, tied to an entity.
I've seen some ways to customize lighting effects in qsextensions.qc, but there's no way to change their properties and make them move around dynamically.
Also, I would like such negative lights to affect only BSP models, without affecting MDL, SPR and particles.
Out Of The Blue
#2726 posted by madfox on 2019/04/03 01:31:12
moving lights hack, maybe?
Can't Jump When On Top Of Monsters/explo Boxes
There was some QuakeC fix posted here, but I can't find it. Can someone repost the fix?
#2733 posted by c0burn on 2019/05/18 10:29:56