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50 Shades

...limiting the available textures to what are widely considered to be the three least attractive options - DOORTRAK, GRAYTALL, and FIREBLU...

...create a mapset whose limited capacity for visuals forced the authors to focus on the aspects of level design related to gameplay...

Note the bolded bit. That's what they'd like to happen. In my experience though (and this often happens with "greybox" map projects) is that the opposite happens - mappers just spend all their time trying to come up with novel and clever ways to use the limited textures and wanking over geocomp-style funky brush work. 
Oh Yeah 
I'd be totally up for a Doom jam! 
It would have to be vanilla Doom 2, no Boom, no high-limit, no fancy stuff. Keeping it simple for the people here who are new to Doom mapping, and in order to maintain a fun jam character. And in this sense, only Func regulars and lurkers, no public hyping. 
I Wont Be Participating 
but I think vanilla doom 2 and no crazy stuff like negke said is probably the way forward. Although I already did hype the jam to Brett Harrell :P 
Good Post, Negke 
I hope we're allowed to have custom sky replacements and custom music in our levels. 
If it's vanilla doom2: music will work, sky won't. 
No problems with vanilla Doom 2 - but not even limit-removing? 
It's a map jam ... I can't imagine you'll have time to hit limits. 
No Public Hyping 
because we wouldn't want level designers to hear about a map jam would we :P 
I'm no expert on vanilla limits, but there is a high chance the visplane or seg limit will be hit before you even realise it - even within the first area depending on your intentions.

If we're speaking strictly vanilla doom2.exe, better keep close tabs on these. Any cases of visplane-overflow crashes or HOMs caused by seg-overflow in either doom2.exe or similar classic-engine (Chocolate Doom) will need to be hunted down and fixed - often by reducing scene complexity or blocking line of sight.

If there is no concern regarding doom2.exe compatibility - as long as it works in a modern engine - you might as well classify this jam as a limit-removing project. The Doom community is pretty specific about engine compatibility, especially for vanilla doom2.exe.

Just bringing this stuff up to avoid potential problems creeping up later and ensure that the Jam's outline is as intended. 
Quakis, I highly doubt it's vanilla limits specifically, but some source ports support room-over-room and sloped floors etc which restricts the playability of the wad. 
I made some pretty big Doom levels without ever seeing either of those two errors. I actually don't think I'd even heard of them until now. 
Well, Yes 
Quakis is right. If you make stuff too complex, e.g. too many details/sidedefs visible at once, there'll be HOMs and such. This does not occur when playing the level in a limit-removing port.

When I say vanilla, I mean it in a somewhat loose sense - if something needs HOM protection, it's okay; just no OTT stuff or megamaps. 
There exists a source port that allows you to see if a certain area in a map is going over the rendering limits: 
Thanks, was unaware of ChocoRenderLimits. 
STRAFE Live Stream

for dev purposes, they couldn't get the stream to be private. 
It's Not A Good Map Unless ... 
... you spawn facing a key you can't get, a megahealth, and ten monsters' asses. 
Just Their Asses? 
Doom Map Jam 
Why not do a Doom 64 EX map jam? This game is woefully under-supported by the community. 

"No graphics or sounds from Doom II have been reused in Doom 64; instead, it features completely new sprites, textures, levels and sounds and features a completely different art style."

then why the fuck is it called doom anything 
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