It looks like TB actually crashes every time you are opening a map, and then fails to copy the log. Does it really happen with any map file? Can you post the log file?
What does "I am get this error" mean, exactly? Is it a dialog? Can you please post a screenshot?
#2625 posted by mjb on 2017/08/10 14:57:30
Yes it is crashing every time I open a map, even a brand new one. I sent you a message on Twitter so we can discuss at a better pace.
I am get this error was a typo and I meant: "I am getting this error." Which is an error dialog window that prompts when I try to load any map, old or new.
Please Keep It To Github Issues
I don't use Twitter that much, and I need to track issues in a single place.
From That Screenshot
It looks like you moved your user data directory to a network location and that's not supported by the underlying library that TB uses.
#2628 posted by mjb on 2017/08/10 15:41:33
Yes that would be what occurred although not my intention of course. I submitted an issue on GitHub.
Yeah, Let's Continue On Github.
#2630 posted by huuhman on 2017/08/24 15:33:12
I realise you have release packages on github but are there plans for official packages via distro repos? (debian/fedora/arch) or via copr/aur perhaps?
If Someone Is Willing To Contribute
I'm all for it once we reach 2.0.0. But I don't have the time to do it.
#2632 posted by huuhman on 2017/08/25 14:45:35
I only ask because I can't compile on this machine & TB doesn't work via wine.
Thanks for all your efforts. Scale tool pls! :d
But There Are Debs And Rpms Available.
Those don't require compilation, do they?
Need Zip Support
#2634 posted by Code_Man on 2017/08/31 19:47:44
Very nice editor im looking forward to use it.
However i would like to request support for pk3(zip) for loading texture packages and loading textures from q3 map files and if possible basic shader support too.
I am waiting for this myself but I don't think this is close yet. The GitHub has and open ticket for it though. It would open up the editor to a ton more games that used the Q3 engine.
#2636 posted by anonymous user on 2017/09/01 05:13:35
I've been waiting on Quake 3 support for years at this point. Not gonna pressure the man because he makes his program in his spare time and it's pretty rad so whatever. We can keep hoping. Only time will tell, and hopefully we can finally put that decrepit old Radiant in the ground. I'd honestly be curious to know what makes it so complicated. All I know is something something surfaces.
Sorry For Making You Wait ;-)
I'm sure it will be worth the wait. You haven't disappointed us so far.
Failed To Snap Vertices Of 1 Brush
#2639 posted by PRITCHARD on 2017/09/09 04:30:57
What causes this error? I was trying to snap this brush to grid but I got that error. Snapping to integer worked fine.
Same Issue
Not sure what causes it but I just snap to integer. If the brushes don't behave I delete them and rebuild the geo.
Does It Work If You Reduce Grid Size To 1?
TB refuses to snap the vertices if the result would no longer be a convex brush. Since the grid coords are usually coarser than integers, you will run into this issue more often if the grid is > 1.
That brush would become flat because it already is flatter than the grid size. So that's why it doesn't work.
Good Things Take Time
#2643 posted by Code_Man on 2017/09/12 12:59:25
Im not in a rush with q3 support.
Take whatever time you need to make it good.
Anyway im more than glad to see that this is on the agenda.
"image" Format Support
#2644 posted by Rohit_N on 2017/09/13 17:12:03
I have managed to compile the master branch of TB on MinGW 5.10 (let me tell me you, wxWidgets and FreeImage are NOT fun to compile). Now that I have generic PNG support, I can safely call this the best 3D level editor.
Will the next release have this? If not, I'd be happy to upload my custom build if anyone needs it. The only changes I made to TB is disabling wxHandleFatalExceptions in TrenchBroomApp.cpp (it's not declared for some reason), and adding a call to FreeImage_FlipVertical in FreeImageTextureReader.cpp.
Please Submit A PR
I'm also interested for detailed instructions for how to compile under mingw.
#2646 posted by Rohit_N on 2017/09/13 18:19:12
I would first need to check if my particular MinGW installation is common enough.
The supplied libraries in lib/bin/win32 didn't work for me, which is why I had to build FreeImage and FreeType myself, then edit TrenchBroomApp.cmake to use my compiled libraries rather than the repo's.
Other than that I followed the instructions in (building wxWidgets worked fine). After building, I copied my compiled FreeType/FreeImage/wxWidgets dlls into the binary directory.
I can make the FreeImage_FlipVertical PR, though.
Works Great!
#2647 posted by magnusmww on 2017/09/24 22:22:50
Tried out TrenchBroom a couple of weeks ago, and it works very nicely!
I'd also like to commend it for the good documentation and easy editing directly in the 3d-view. While I understand some people like to have the option of one or more 2D-view simultaneously (Including myself), I've found that I use the 3D for most things anyway now after a few weeks.
Thank you for your hard work, SleepwalkR!
For reference, I'm running the RPM-binary-version on a Archlinux installation. Trenchbroom version is v2.0.0-RC4.