#2556 posted by anonymous user on 2017/04/13 13:49:50
Is there or could there be these functions:
Group selection of brushes, making brushes transparent so group selection can select brushes behind brushes, scaling brushes or group of brushes.
also in vertex mode there could be a mode where you see the visible plane only, this would make terrain making easier.
#2557 posted by muk on 2017/04/13 17:48:55
You can select a group of brushes by making a large brush that covers the brushes you want and hitting "select all touching"
You can select brushes behind other brushes by selecting a brush and using the scrolll wheel.
Scaling of brushes will be introduced at some point, i believe.
Lastly, i also believe occlusion of "hidden" vertex nodes will be implemented as well.
TrenchBroom 2.0.0 RC 4
Getting there, but still some open bugs that I want to fix. This RC is mainly due to ericw's work who has held the fort while I was moving houses and settling in.
#2559 posted by mjb on 2017/04/30 18:40:16
Thank you SleepwalkR and Ericw!
How Do I Remove My Maps History?
#2560 posted by brassbite on 2017/04/30 23:04:40
As the history of maps you opened on the startscreen isn't the only history I would want to clear...
If it isn't a feature yet then I request it,
If I'm just being dumb again then tell me where to click the UI.
MRU Keys
#2561 posted by Aelf on 2017/05/01 15:49:54
Without checking the configs files for TB, I'd recommend you CCleaner, a cleaning tool that's very good at deleting Most Recently Used file lists. It's also very good for general PC maintenance.
Wishlist From Screenshots Thread Off Topic
#2562 posted by Qmaster on 2017/05/11 22:30:54
�Texture projection/carryover as seen on JACK/Hammer: http://www.interlopers.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=20367
�Click on the texture name when a face/brush is selected to find it in the viewer
�A better way to wrap textures around complex geometry such as cylinders
�Hide duplicate textures
�Alignment tools
*alignment Snap To Edge Tools
#2563 posted by Qmaster on 2017/05/11 22:31:30
#2564 posted by muk on 2017/05/13 20:36:05
Cant you do face and world alignment in JACK/Hammer?
TB needs that.
Throw in texture wrapping with it and TB will be catching up to Texture toolsets of other editors.
2nded For Face Alignment
#2565 posted by Qmaster on 2017/05/14 00:51:41
Can't Run QS
#2567 posted by PRITCHARD on 2017/05/24 11:41:01
Does anyone know how to get QS to run through the TB compiler? I tried using -game ad instead of +game ad but it just gave me an error about having the shareware version of the game (?!).
MarkV runs fine through this :(
#2568 posted by Baker on 2017/05/24 14:04:55
Your working directory needs to be where the engine is.
If Mark V starts with a working directory and can't find Quake there, it will check and see if Quake lives in the folder where the .exe is .. and use that as working directory instead.
#2569 posted by metlslime on 2017/05/24 17:28:12
Baker that is a nice feature, it sounds like something QS should steal.
#2570 posted by metlslime on 2017/05/24 17:31:15
Also, "couldn't load gfx.wad" has never been a helpful error message, that could be rewritten to suggest the most likely fixes.
#2571 posted by Baker on 2017/05/24 17:47:12
I have tried to get other engines to steal that for years. Tends to get dismissed out of hand as a non-problem. If Mark V actually does get the gfx.wad it very clearly says what is wrong, and then pops a message saying "Opening folder c:\path_to_engine ..." and opens the folder.
/Brief gentle tangent, .. hopefully not much disruptive to the TB thread
#2572 posted by PRITCHARD on 2017/05/25 10:30:12
I am officially taking Baker's side on this one, it's a serious pain having to use the game dir as your working directory... Especially because the compile tool doesn't have a working way to get the map's directory...
I think I can use fully qualified names to avoid this, but it makes the parameters of my tools into even more of a mess than before...
Could someone tell me if i'm using ${MAP_DIR_PATH} wrong or something? I think this should probably have a github issue if it's genuinely broken.
#2573 posted by Spike on 2017/05/25 15:50:04
engine -basedir ${GAME_DIR_PATH} -window +map foo
or something.
(or +set fs_basedir foo for q2/q3)
some engines ignore -basedir. those engines are annoying.
an explicit path should always take precedence over a fallback/guess.
That said, default compile rules for TB would be really nice... it would save quite a bit of frustraction... at least until someone uses a path with spaces in it, anyway.
#2574 posted by Baker on 2017/05/25 16:41:36
(I didn't have Spike in mind. He even has a different objection than I've seen before )
/@Spike - Mark V honors basedir and can handle paths with spaces in them like -basedir "Path to Quake".
RC4 Stable Om Win 10 Laptop
I've been pushing TB2 pretty hard this week especially using undo many more times than I would ordinarily do while mapping (a dozen or more steps back) and have had zero issues. Am I dreaming or did some of the default keyboard shortcut change or go away though? I think the only weird thing I've noticed was the transparency bug noted elsewhere on this thread and on Github. Amazing work guys.
#2576 posted by Drew on 2017/05/27 01:33:12
I never knew about this functionality in Hammer!
#2577 posted by PRITCHARD on 2017/05/28 12:38:16
I was able to make that work with QS, but only by using a fully-qualified path rather than the ${GAME_DIR_PATH} one you suggested. Did your suggestion work for you? Maybe there's something wrong with how my environment is set up.
#2578 posted by muk on 2017/05/28 16:08:15
I remember someone setting up their preferred engine in one of the "Tool" slots in the compiler. Bit more intuitive, imo.
#2579 posted by PRITCHARD on 2017/05/29 01:35:15
That's what I've done. It's nice because it only takes one click to start the process and when it's done you're instantly in-game with your map.
It's less nice because of all the issues I've had trying to make it work with something that isn't MarkV.
#2580 posted by Qmaster on 2017/05/30 18:47:24
Pretty much the only reason I use JACK more. That and primitives.
All on Sleepwalkr's list I'd imagine.