I keep saying
Finally too much, but I think I have my first rough (extremely crap) ogre model animated. Probably the most painful thing I have done in my games life and I after playing red777 yesterday I can't believe the monsters in quoth and how much effort it must of taken to animate them.
My ogre is suppose to be a similar (style wise) to the Hell Knight. These ogres make the armour for the Hell Knights and they like it so much they have adapted parts to their own needs.
1. Create model in LW and skin in PS
2. Skin/UV in LW
3. Break model down into mesh/uv triangles
4. Export 3DS format
5. Import to Gmax
6. Weld all mesh/uv triangles
7. Setup bones and weights (borrowed heavily from preach model)
8. Export to MD3 (with object name filter)
9. Compiled it with utility from Preach.
10. Fixed skin with Qme
@Preach, thank you for all the help, I am sure I asked too many stupid questions. No worries on email, I assumed you were busy.
@ijed, that utility you linked is amazing! I just did a quick test from LW scene manager, exported with FBX format and straight to MDL format! one step for animations, mesh and UVs!
My next trip into Q1 modelling is to try a pure LW pipeline with Noesis. I am sure something is bound to go wrong but at least I will get the chance to learn another modelling package animation system.