Actually this is not the case of a very specific resolution and console size -- it's the built-in "Autoscale Medium" option, which will probably appear identical in every resolution(?). At least it looks virtually identical on my XP Netbook as it does in the Android screenshot (see first image):
The first image also demonstrates why I use the Quake Default status bar position -- it allows player names to be displayed to the right of the status bar. Having the status bar in the center (single-player style) does not allow this (which is, of course, unnecessary in single-player), so you lose some information when playing online.
Honestly, this is one of those little niggles I have where you changed a Quake Default which causes a slight determent to functionality (the conveyance of some information). I even mentioned this on the old Mark V page, in #1110, hah: "Why did the HUD move to the center (single-player style) instead of moving to the left edge (deathmatch/proquake style) like it used to, so you can also display some player names in the extra space...."
At least in this case there is a clear menu option to return to the Quake Default value (so I haven't chosen to complain loudly about this "feature" ;). But I do feel the Quake Default should be the Default for Mark V as well -- the engine should start users out at the defaults, and allow them to tweak from that starting point, according to their taste. You've changed the default based on your own tastes....
Though on my Android device, the screen space doesn't automatically allow room for the player names at the "Auto Medium" setting, so I will have to tweak the scale manually to make room (the names don't appear if there isn't room based on resolution, so they weren't in my Android screenshot).
Back to the FPS text. As the 2nd screenshot shows, it used to be teeny-tiny, which was acceptable on a laptop screen. But you can see it's not an issue having text on the same rows of different size. However, both "too small" and "too large" are not good. Currently it's "too large." I accept that it will sometimes bump heads with other screen text, but that problem can be mitigated by making the text a bit smaller in this case.
I originally thought just linking the FPS (and POS) text scale to the status bar scale would be better (the clock text is a reasonable size -- and I wanted to be able to scale FPS separately from the other screen text), but you mentioning that the showpos text was "developer info" gives me another thought...
You should have a separate scr_ something scale variable for the FPS, POS, and Texture Pointer text (Texture Pointer text also suffers from being teeny tiny in Android). I'm not sure if there are any other onscreen texts that fit into this "information" category. But this would allow us to set a reasonable size for all this on-screen info text, no matter what resolution, without messing with the scale of other game elements. This would be ideal, I think. scr_infoscale? scr_infotextscale?
And yeah, I do normally run (when I play in Mark V) with scr_showpos ON (along with showfps). Why? I like having access to lots of information (like those deathmatch player names). Always being able to see the FPS helps me determine what things greatly affect my FPS, which allows me to tweak my settings to strike a balance between "looking nice" and "performance." "Performance" may not be an issue for people with powerful computers, but I'm still using my XP Netbook (and now Android) so it's important to be able to squeeze out better performance. For example, seeing my FPS lets me see how badly Mirrors harm my FPS! (by the way, Mirrors should be Defaulted OFF, as in standard GL Quake, since it's an optional visual enhancement that greatly affects performance ;) and there's not even an easy menu option to return to Default in this case...).
As to why I keep scr_showpos activated, that's another case of "Gunter doing unusual things in FvF that most people would never think of...." In FvF, you get more bonus points at the end of a level if you have killed 100% of the monsters. So the players usually scour the levels to find every last one. I have an admin command that will locate all the remaining monsters and print their coordinates on screen (sometimes they get stuck in walls or we just can't find the last few monsters on a large map). Before Mark V had the showpos ability, I programmed in a way for players to check their own location coordinates when using the info [ key built into FvF. Knowing your location and the monster location helps you find your way to those last few hiding monsters. But now I just tell people to use "Quake GPS" with the scr_showpos feature, which is much better than having to press an info key repeatedly. So yeah, I know for a fact that me and other FvF players have used your scr_showfps feature as a part of our actual gameplay, to enhance our game :D