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Mark V - Release 1.00

* Nehahra support -- better and deeper link
* Mirror support, "mirror_" textures. video
* Quaddicted install via console (i.e. "install travail")
* Full external texture support DP naming convention
* Enhanced dev tools texturepointer video inspector video
* IPv6 support, enhanced server capabilities
* Enhance co-operative play (excels at this!)
* Software renderer version (WinQuake)
* "Find" information command (ex. type "find sky")

Thanks to the beta testers! NightFright, fifth, spy, gunter, pulsar, johnny law, dwere, qmaster, mfx, icaro, kinn, adib, onetruepurple, railmccoy

And thanks to the other developers who actively provided advice or assistance: Spike (!), mh, ericw, metlslime and the sw guys: mankrip and qbism.

/Mac version is not current yet ...; Linux will happen sometime in 2017
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Save Slots 
One simple way to gain more save points is to simply use console command "save".

For example, you can easily type "save 111" in the console and save your progress up to that point in the save file named 111.sav.

Likewise, if you need more save points, simply type another name for the new save file.

Though I must admit that remembering all those save file names can be a hassle. I don't remember if MarkV still allows for "dir" command in console for listing the file names. 
Some Tests 
So I'm stuck with Windows 10, and I guess you are already aware of the audio problems. Having several second lag on all sounds, so havn't been able to work much with MarkV lately.

My most recent map uses a lot of new mdls some with alpha masking. MarkV can handle all except for one. There is a seahorse with masking on the wings and fullbrights intentionally painted on the stomach for glowing effect.

QS and QSS can render it properly:

But MarkV will display the fullbrights as solid black:

Its a shame, as its the only one it won't handle.

Here's hoping that a fix comes along one day. 
Windows 10 Audio Latency 
Seems like MarkV is probably detecting palette index 255 as fullbright rather than as alpha. 
Who Cares If 
everybody's running qs

shitbler and its minions


detecting or not detecting 
DirectQ/ QuakeSpasm Style Coloured Lighting 
Hi devs, i have 2 questions/requests:-

1) Is it possible to have a tweak(config) for the intensity of coloured lighting in Mark V to match that of DirectQ/ QS. The colour lighting in Mark V is not as intense and vibrant as it is other two ports. I am using lit and vis file from here:

2) Is it possible to tweak settings to get DirectQ style coloured dynamic light effects without QMB effects. Maybe u can add another effect preset that matches DirectQ effects.

Although QMB effects are cool but they do feel out of place of 90's. But the coloured dynamic lights alone feel perfect. 
Is it possible to have a tweak(config) for the intensity of coloured lighting in Mark V to match that of DirectQ/ QS. The colour lighting in Mark V is not as intense and vibrant as it is other two ports.

The lighting in MarkV and QS should be identical; they both effectively use the same 2x modulate blend which is capped-off (and saturates to white) at double intensity.

There are areas in even stock ID1 maps where this is a significant factor.

DirectQ used a custom HDR texture format which required unpacking in pixel shader code, and which had neither capping nor saturation. The idea was to store some extra data in the (otherwise unused) alpha channel of lightmap textures to fill in the extra dynamic range. Typically you'd see examples storing an exponential or multiplicative factor in there; I put a division in because I tried everything else and that was what looked best (in the context of Quake lightmaps, that is).

In a fixed pipeline engine it would be possible to trade an extra bit of precision and do a 4x modulate, capping at quadruple intensity. That's actually OK because 4x in 8 bits still beats software Quake's 2x in 6 bits. However it would rule out support for single TMU cards (you could gracefully drop back to 2x via glBlendFunc (GL_ONE, GL_ONE) however, but the very first generation of consumer cards may not support that blend mode). Other texture formats such as RGB10A2 would also work well, assuming you were happy to set OpenGL 1.4 as a minimum requirement.

Personally I think these would be all reasonable tradeoffs - there comes a point at which continued support for dead hardware contributes a net negative - but I'm not the developer of Mark V. 
I'm more a fan of e5bgr9, as it can also be used by a fixed-function pipeline (although requires a gl3ish gpu) without extra scalers, doesn't require any manual interpolation, still allows for up to 4000-fold overbright (ish), has higher precision than rgbx8, and uses the same ammount of gpu memory as rgbx8 (half as much as half-floats would). etc. If you're lazy you can just hardcode the exponent and get 4x overbright with the same precision as rgbx8 would get with 2x overbright. And if you're not lazy then you can get more precise dark areas alongside insanely bright areas.

does anyone still use a gpu older than gl3?.. 
I personally consider D3D11 to be entry level these days, it's a ~10-year old API. GL versions do lag for some vendors, however. GL3.2 is probably a reasonable minimum.

I find it better to do lightstyle animations on the GPU, and dynamics with extra additive blending passes. I've coded it up in GL1.5 assembly shaders, GL 2..4 GLSL, D3D9 HLSL and D3D11 HLSL for Q1, Q2 and H2 so I'm quite satisfied that the approach is solid. 
The difference in lit rendering between MarkV and QuakeSpasm, DirectQ could be the LightNormalize function which does:

lit = lit * (greyscale / max(lit.r, lit.g, lit.b));

so max(lit.r, lit.g, lit.b) needs to be equal to the greyscale value, or the final rendering will be different from engines that don't do this. If the lit files from don't have that property, this will be causing the difference you're seeing. 
Mousewheel Issue 
hi there,

i've just installed Mark_V using the Steam installer and it works great!

i've had one issue where for some reason when i bind mwheelup or down to anything besides next/previous weapon (either through the console or in the options menu) it just doesn't work.

I get no errors, but when I bind it to jump, for example, nothing happens

anyone have any idea what the cause may be? 
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