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This is a thread about a project currently underway to remake Quake one.

It involves upgrading what exists already in order to play and look better or at least differently in all probable situations and enhance what is already there in this great game.

So we're remixing all the maps, monsters, and the player.

A specific engine in order to solve long-standing issues isn't out of the question, the main concerns being cross-OS support for features that should be common, like entity alpha and multiplayer. These things exist in various forms, but there's still no standard, at least today.

There's a great wealth of resource on this board - the one thing that doesn't exist here is apathy.

So, we're fishing for contributors. If you can make a map, animate or code and want to see this monster through to its conception then you're on the team.

Over the next few days I'll post info on what currently exists, and where it's headed.
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I Play 
In fitz085. 
I also use fitz085_sdl, FTE and Tyr, and some of us use Darkplaces.

Basically find out how to set your sound quality to 44100 Hz. The engine must support more edicts I guess. e3m1rq also uses alpha.

To play normal Quake in this mod, you can use any old engine. 
I have made a test on e3m1rq. My quick and spontaneous thoughts:

improved brushwork and texturing quality
some nice ambushes
heart beat and red vision when with low health
monster ai was ok

replacement sounds - I think they don't fit in quake
changes to layout are mostly confusing. Also I couldn't recognize the map in many places at first
the original map is more open than this one. The map feels cramped unnecessary
not enough health on easy
death trap at the end?? (hole with slime)
too many blinking lights and I feel the lightning overall could be better

monster count doesn't show up in bengtquake-gl
some monsters didn't attack
restart from save crashed the game 
I have tested on a standard quake map. The monsters inflict much more damage and this causes the gameplay to get slower. You will need to balance it with more armour or better weapons. This will cause te play to be a total massacre which can be fun.
I like how the SNG behaviour is changed (spread, underwater functioning).
Monster teleport splash looks strange. But maybe I just have to get familiar with it.
I still don't like the sounds (Zombie hurt and HK shooting are totally lame for example) 
heart beat and red vision when with low health
I like how the SNG behaviour is changed (spread, underwater functioning).


monster count doesn't show up in bengtquake-gl
some monsters didn't attack

These are actually intentional. :) 
Show the monster count, plz. That's not an improvement. :) 
Thanks For Comments 
Seems like a fair bit of nostalgic memory about the original map though, try comparing the two in the same mod, and then playing the old version in id1 progs.

For example the level is much more open than the original - the crampt areas tend to be where it gets close to the original in size.

The monsters that don't attack are NPC's - and they tend to get slaughtered by the other monsters pretty quickly.

The weapons are actually much more powerful, on average. The massacre idea, but also toolbox. No longer will you be able to complete a level with only SG + patience.

Hole with slime - you mean the one in the reactor room? The idea was that you've already avoided it once, but then the lights go out.

Probably should have made it more noticable first time round - the player sees the floor break or something.

Also, the red vision / heartbeat gives a small damage increase - you're in rage mode. 
We were talking this over and wanted to float the idea. Going to a Doom1 percentage might be better. 
A percentage might work. I just like knowing how far I am into a level. It allows me to conserve ammo and such and play with some intelligence. 
The two layout/route changes that annoyed me the most were the following:
Having to open these doors with a button seemingly added nothing. Sure, it may equal more virtual 'real estate', but it doesn't actually add anything to the game play of the level. If anything I would say it detracts because it interrupts the flow.
Is this tiny lift really the only way to progress due to that locked door? Once again, all this change did was make me have to walk further -- through areas that I'd already explored no-less!

To sum up the above two examples, if you're going to add something to Quake make sure it actually contributes something exciting.

RE: The slime pit. If you're going to make an inescapable death trap it should be insta-death. The reason I didn't mention it earlier is because I couldn't comprehend an experienced Quake mapper seriously adding a slow, inescapable deathpit to a level. It's not fun.

I assume the NPCs you're talking about are those axe-men that keep running around randomly killing monsters before I get a chance. What's the thinking behind this? Visually and audibly they're pretty indistinguishable from the enemy lineup, so I was repeatedly baffled by this as I played.

I too am a fan of the low health thing. I also like the hand underneath the shotgun, although it makes it feel as if it's firing off center, which threw me at first.

Quick Bug Report:
I got stuck in the shootable switch above when it reactivated, and had to noclip out. Maybe clip the whole thing off. 
I have played some more. I really like all the changes to the weapons. Many interesting twists that enrich the fights. As I said earlier monster behaviour is also ok. The gameplay seems to be pushed in good direction. More bloody, fast and quakey.
Isn't the RL too powerfull after the changes? It boosts me all over start.bsp now.

e3m1rq - the map seems to be more closed than the original because at start it is blocked in more places. Old speedrunning tricks/routes not possible. Yeah, nostalgia sits inside of me. 
I like the way one exploding grenade will knock another way. This should make 'nade spam quite a laugh.

I didn't much like losing my shotty for good after it backfired though. Perhaps it could reappear in the next map? :\ 
I think most of the problems are just related to the fact that we pretty much changed the game, so after getting familiar with the old ways for 13 years, this is hard to accept. Instinctive anti reaction. I don't mean this in an insulting way. I believe there really is such a gut reaction.

Yes, when you get under a certain health amount (skill dependant, like most things in the game) you practically go berserk. This is called Rage. The screen goes red and you do a lot more damage, in a last ditch sort of way. At the same time, your health starts regenerating until you reach 25, at which point the rage will subside. 25 HP aren't much in RMQ though.

This can be abused - intentionally entering Rage is like a mini-quad. But it's also very dangerous, any grunt can quickly end your rampage. I imagine speed runners can probably use Rage to zoom through a map like a hot knife through butter.

Kudos to Supa for this. Your statue is on the way.

The other thing is underwater combat - you want to use the nailgun, pretty much. You can theoretically also use the grapple to get close to your victim, then chainsaw him to death.

In many ways, RMQ's nailgun is what the shotty was to vanilla Quake. The axe, BTW, is going to be reintroduced.

Some monsters do more damage, and are Z-aware. However, you yourself also do more damage. Much more damage, especially with the shotguns. This brings a certain DOOMiness to the game.

Grunts will now strafe (they are not really good at it, though). They are the *only* monsters who strafe. Notice that one SG shot will end their cheap tactics. I think that's balanced enough.

About monster count, well, RMQ isn't the only game to not have it. Doom 3 doesn't show it, either. It was a team vote to do away with it.

I also think that many simply have much too fond memories of original Quake. It often seems "the originals" are viewed through some sort of nostalgic glasses. Original e3m1 is really cramped (and ugly to boot).

Due to the gargantuan size of the project, and the small team size, there are of course many things that aren't perfect yet, too.

Please remember that we don't have access to a professional sound studio and tons of expensive sample libraries. The sound is really pretty good, though. Some cases can always be improved, of course. We are aware of that.

The dogs make Rottweiler sounds, as Rottweilers should. 
About the shotgun getting permanently blown up, yes, it might be possible to place the shotgun as a normal weapon pickup, or simply code it to reappear at the start of the next map.

Let's wait and see. 
Well, the first one is just to set up an ambush from the room that must be entered first. That room can be entered in two different ways depending on a secret which modifies the route.

Tbh it's a pretty minor detour there, which fills back up with enemies as well.

That little lift is just a shortcut to help you back up if you've fallen down. After that point you need go up the bigger lift and find the mystery fuse to open the exit corridor (circular window ceiling).

Its possible that my opening up of shortcuts caused some confusion - as Ankh says it may seem more shut in because the original is more open at the start. But also more confusing to new players, believe me.

The NPC's aren't the axe grunts (who do attack) - they're the QuakeGuy's who tend to have very short lifespans.

If the axegrunts are killing them then everything is good - if they're killing other monsters then that's infighting.

The slime pit not being instakill and that shootable button clip issue are bugs, yeah. 
Played It 
was really fun, but i think the grenades should sound like the normal quake grenades

..which kinda sound like bouncing aerosol cans, the new sound is like glass bottles ;)

that's my only complaint, h and maybe the npc's should put up SOME kinda fight, they are quakeguys aren't they? 
> That little lift is just a shortcut to help you back up if you've fallen down.

That's in vanilla e3m1, too.

Grenade bounce sound, yeah, relatively hard to find a good one though, surprisingly. I remember spending quite some time trying to find something better. 
Alternative Download

It's a zip instead of Rar and weighs in ~35MB more - but should be simpler for those on non-windows OS's. 
I just wanted them to die quickly - the idea is for them to get slaughtered just before the player arrives. That's a map thing - the misc_npc entity is extremely open ended.

They can have a load of different attacks, whatever model you like, be good evil or nuetral. move in a variety of ways (land, air, liquid) and so on.

Later on they'll get access to more stuff in the attack library.

And all that is map side set. Even with preset options for the lazy. 
Alt-alt. Download Provided By Baker And QuakeOne: 
Nicer than 4shared - for sure. 
I Only Post Because You Guys Are So Criticism-resistant 
If you call it RemakeQuake then of course you will be compared to Quake. And if you are not "better" than the criticism is justified.

To me this sucks and that has not much to do with an "anti" attitude. Things don't fit together (sounds (terrible, sorry. The frequency does not matter.), Q2 rips, health vials). It feels totally random. There are many quirks but most have been defended as intended already. Bah.
Maybe call it DoomQuake instead or something?

I too found the map very confusing. Lighting is bad, too dark/black (not a lack of minlight, no). Fell into the slime too, bad.

PS: Quaketastic is there for your hosting needs... 
At first I was eager to find out how the stronger shotgun would work. I liked it, it feels powerful (even with the huge spread, off-center aim and sound). Going through a bunch of grunts is fun.

But then I realised that it dumbs down the game a lot. If do you not kill with your first shot, you have to decide a lot more what to hit and when. Now you just "point and kill" which might contradict with your overall design, I am not sure. 
i find it odd that so much of the early criticism is on the map itself when the map is really just the table that they're laying all the food down on.

i think the map looks great except for absolutely terrible lighting (did you not know some areas are completely full dark?).

i'm not sure, but it seemed to me like the monsters have some kind of random roaming, which (if it's there, and not me hallucinating) is pretty cool. (also, nice job setting up walk paths. i find people tend to ignore that a lot these days but i like that it feels like the world is more than just there for you to blow up).
the npcs mostly just annoyed me. a lot of times i just killed them because i didn't care to differentiate between npc and monsters or they just got in my line of fire.

on to the mod itself.

sounds are a mixed bag. weapon sounds i don't mind much, they are ok and do the job. monster sounds though, especially the ones where you got some guy to yell... very cringe-worthy. i think i actually did while playing.

also, shotgun exploding underwater (and weapon misfiring) is, not only nonsensical, it's pointless. underwater combat in quake is already extremely limited, and now you are artificially hobbling it even more which pretty much means it will be non-existent.
same goes for the lightning knockback while firing. why? it's not like the lightning gun was amazing or anything. it's incredible damage rate was tempered by it's incredibly fast consumption of cells. in fact, i've found players are conditioned against using the LG except as a last resort or to use on shamblers. (which is a shame because it has the potential to be an incredible weapon for gameplay due to it's unique limitations).

i didn't get the SNG in the map, so i didn't get to see whether nerfing it's accuracy actually accomplishes anything or not. i hope to get a chance to play through some old iD maps tomorrow (and maybe some custom ones that don't require mods) to see. i'm thinking maybe ceremonial circles would give some more interesting combat. any other suggestions?

monster dodging: this i actually really really liked! finally a monster that dodges, but doesn't result in an automatic miss! i positively despised Unreal's AI because it had psychic-dodge. if the AI decided to dodge your ASMD (hit-scan), you were guaranteed to miss because the monster would dodge as soon as your crosshair moved over it (maybe even before, i think the check was not just the crosshair, but a radius around it.... or it felt that way anyway, which is essentially the same when it comes down to it).
it's handled here well. most of the time, i hit what i aimed for but every so often i'd get a dodge, but i *never* felt cheated out of a kill. i suspect you are using a system similar to unreal's dodge. i guess the reason i don't mind it is because it's just not a very fast dodge. i'll miss if i'm slow or off center, not just because it dodged.

on overall weapon poweruppage, i don't really get what's going on here.
it means they die faster and so do you. but it also means you are reducing engagement time with monsters.
this means they are depending on their AI more because they have less time to shoot at you. something to keep in mind.

voreballs are wierd now. i'm not sure if i like it or not as the old voreball tracking code itself was tricksy in a way. (a good way).
while iD's choice to only update the tracking every 0.3 seconds was probably done to save on calculations per frame, it had the added side effect that ducking behind a wall at the last minute was futile.
the new voreballs seem to behave like drunk missiles and are erratic and confusing. (this may just be something to get used to).

that's it for now. i don't know how to make FQ run at higher audio frequencies so i just leave it at the 11khz.

if you want a rundown, i'd say i've neutral, leaning towards positive. there's some quality stuff in here. there's just also a lot of chaff. 
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